Monday, July 7, 2014

YES, we got bananas

Above is the view from my kitchen door, July 4th Bob yelled down the hall and said bring your camera.
I stepped out the door and he said 
"We have bananas starting
look just under the yellow frond on the right"

the good news is there are two trees with pods... 

July 4th, day 1

July 5th, the pod opened to reveal teeny tiny bananas

July 5, day 2
July 6, day 3 and the little nanas are formed

While trying to focus on the sweet drip hanging off the pod, I saw movement out of the corner of my eye.. and sitting in the bush staring me in the eye was a _____.

I held my breathe and eased the camera 2 inches to my left , no need to zoom or change the settings and SNAP! Snap! Snap!


  1. You rascal, how could you leave us hanging like that! Lol. I'm so glad you showed the photos of the bananas. I did not know they came from a pod like that. I even lived in the jungle of Bolivia for a year but I guess I missed that. It is fascinating and exciting to have your own banana tree! Beautiful photos.

  2. I have never seen such tiny bananas. How cool!

    But hey! What are you doing leaving us with a cliff hanger?!!

  3. Oh no, the suspense. I can't bear it! Glad the banana bush is bearing up so well, though!

  4. How fun to see the bananas. Can't wait for part II

  5. i'm hoping its an anole! :)

    love the way the bananas are forming! thanks for the play-by-play!

  6. MS you are such a tease!!! Was it a raccoon...setting its sights on your 'nanners? I bet they are going to be loves them on her Cheerios....I love her cheerios but not her nanners.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. these are cool pics! we had banana trees for awhile in Florida. free fruit is always good!

  8. Now I am really wondering! Cannot wait! Those banana would never know there were bananas inside, they look just like huge flower pods!

  9. Hmmm...a crawly creature of some sort....:)JP

  10. So cool! Congrats on the baby bananas!!

  11. Love your cliff hangers!

    I think it is amazing how bananas form.

    Thanks for the great photos.

  12. HI, Hope you had a wonderful weekend. We certainly did! We did have one crazy thing to happen... We have NEVER had to put up our Hummingbird Feeders at nights. BUT--this morning we saw the one in our front yard on the ground! Wooo--wonder what got into that one?????? Our fun with critters never ends! ha

    You stinker... Gonna make us wait to see a HUGE Banana-Eating Creature from Outer Space, huh???? Meany!!!!

    I have never seen Banana Pods before. How interesting. Thanks for sharing.


  13. Sandra!!!!!! Are you really going to make us wait? I can't !

    I love it when you post about your bananas! They must be so interesting to watch grow. Please be sure to post more pics about your bananas. Have a wonderful day, Dear!

  14. aww your leaving us hanging...can't wait to find out what you saw!

  15. what cute little bananas. I'm going to die of curiosity now waiting to find out what you were snap snap snapping at :)

  16. Wow, they really grow fast! How dare you! There was a _______???? And you're making us wait??? You devil, you!

  17. I guess I didn't make myself very clear on my blog.
    I'm not stopping blogging, just the weekly ABC Wednesday posts.
    After 7 years...that's 14 times through the alphabet....I feel it's time for a rest from that weekly commitment. My juices just aren't flowing for the alphabet the way they were.
    I still love to blog and keep up with friends, it just won't be quite as consistent and this way I can blog what pops into my have no fear I'm still going to be around.
    New subject...I love that my kids wanted to act crazy and give me some smile photos. Glad you enjoyed them.

  18. Tiny bananas - wow! And what was 2 inches to your left??

  19. Was it a Purple People Eater?
    Or maybe a pesky squirrel?
    When my dad grew banana plants I sometimes found the most ugly giant spiders. Hope it wasn't one of those.

    Love those tiny bananas!

  20. I wonder what it is? And I love bananas!

  21. While I was interested in your young bananas, I've come to the reluctant conclusion that you're a tease, making us wait for part 2 to get the rest of the story.

  22. Here I was trying so hard to imagine how it must feel to have your own banana trees with bananas growing on them and...boom, you left me hanging. Can't wait to see what you saw. lol Hugs!!!

  23. That's amazing! I had no idea how bananas developed.

  24. That is so cool! That you have bananas growing in your backyard. Curious to know what caught your eyes hehe!

  25. What an educatioal journey . I'm a newbie to the pod and was very keen to learn. Thanks.

  26. That is so cool! Now I'm wondering what you saw.....
