Sunday, July 31, 2011

Garden Of Eden

 I found this in my drafts since November and am taking the lazy way out.

From November through March, our Orchid Trees Bloom like these. Amazing Purples and Pinks. Last week, driving down a neighborhood street I stopped to share  this amazing tree with you.

I advise you NOT to lean on this tree, see those very thick and sharp thornes? like roses, these orchids have thorns.

9 The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 2:9 (New International Version)

Maybe there was one of these in that first Garden..................


  1. very interesting.
    I don't think you've put this on the blog before.
    You've got all kinds of "don't touch umms" be careful that Datura Fastuosa might be creeping up on you. LOL

  2. How cool to see orchid trees!! and whoa nelly - those are some serious thorns!

  3. Those are beautiful! Interesting how this beautiful tree and beautiful rose bushes have thorns and can be painful. I think there is a life lesson to be learned from them!

  4. Your garden of eden is beautiful! What a full tree. Now we have one we call an orchid tree here..the flower of course looks like an orched with a darker pink an light. It doesn't have thorns though. This is gorgeous! Another I'll try an remember to post. I'm on my mobile but will just come back on my reg computer-

  5. Gorgeous blooms but those are some wicked looking thorns. I wish some of our spring flowering trees had blooms that would last that long.

  6. Oh my goodness, what thorns.
    Fascinating to think about the beauty of the flowers and the sharpness of the thorns and your anology.
    Good stuff as usual Sandra.
