Saturday, May 21, 2011

Gulf Fritillary Mating Dance II

They left the fence dance and dropped to the ground in front of the bucket garden. Here they are.
to see all my post on our butterflies go to labels on sidebar. Click on photo to enlarge for details
The caterpillar does all the work but the butterfly gets all the publicity. ~Attributed to George Carlin

Butterflies are self propelled flowers. ~R.H. Heinlein

Oh the joys of digital SLR cameras. Or at least it is for ME....


  1. Good morning and goodnight (lol) incredible series!! It's like you have to just slowly scroll over these beautiful enchanting creatures..I hope things will be moving in my yard over the next few days. I still need to plant that Crown Flower tree so those butterfly's will lay some eggs on it!
    Not sure if I mentioned I enjoy your header too! Anway..the quotes are just perfect Sandra!

  2. They do seem to be dancing to their own music. Beautiful shots.
    I haven't heard the George Carlin quote before, that is cute.

  3. Quite beautiful; dance of the butterflies! Really love them!

  4. they are so pretty....thank you for sharing...

  5. digital cameras are a job and those pictures show why. Totally awesome. What a show you had going on in your yard with those.

  6. The digital world is a blessing.I know that I would have been shooting continuously at a scene like this.Thanks for sharing the moment,I'm loving it.

  7. amen to that sentiment!!! i love being able to snap 50 shots in moments, and then spend 4 hours culling, cropping, processing and then finally composing a post with them! :)

  8. I hope ours will become more numerous this next week... the 80's are here... maybe to stay and perhaps the tiger swallowtails will get company. More and more flowers are blooming and everything is set for them.... so come along pretty butterflies.

  9. Our next door neighbors have a lantana bush and I believe that it is these beauties that are flying all around it these days. They are gorgeous.

  10. I don't know if I am just not looking or we don't have any butterflies, but you sure do get some wonderful shots.

  11. I don't know if I am just not looking or we don't have any butterflies, but you sure do get some wonderful shots.
