Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MadSnapper-Lizard Paparazzi II

I want you to meet Leonard and Lizzie. This loving couple lives on our fence.
Lizzie on the left and Leonard peeking over the fence

Mr. Leonard (don't you wish you were this limber? )

Ms  Lizzie (check out her pretty markings)

Hey there, little lady! you are lookin good!

and the results of the courtship is????
Ba Ba Ba Boom BABIES


  1. Lots of action in your back yard :D

  2. Goodness gracious you better find something to attract flies. there's going to be a lot of "leonards" to feed.

  3. Those babies are cute,even though I am not a great Lizard friend.I guess that is because the ones we have here are just plain ugly.

  4. Cute picture story and cute lizards.

  5. Lizards and pretty - I never thought I'd see those two words in the same sentence - but there it is!

    And you do have a lot of action going on in your backyard!

    When do you see them am or pm?

  6. Good Morning Friend, More great lizard pictures from the Mad-Snapper!!!!! They are great. Glad you named your little friends..

    Our Rhododendron blooms are all brown and ugly now. I looked at them this morning ---and realized that IF I were the MadSnapper, I would find some beauty in those brown flower petals now!!!!! ha

  7. Thanks for introducing us to Leonard and Lizzie. I like your collage of the babies.

  8. You make me chuckle every morning - that's such a gift. Thank you!

    Love your shots... great job.

  9. Very cool lizard pictures. They are quite amazing looking.
    I'm sure that if the proud parents need a night out away from the kids that they could probably get Jake to babysit for them :)

  10. I Love lizards! I photograph them all the time. I am now your newest follower. I'll be back!

  11. Looks like Lizzie and Leonard produced some really cute little ones. Quite a show happening on that fence.
