Monday, June 13, 2011

Adventure Part Two

See yesterday  Post if the one today makes no sense, if you read yesterdays and it still makes no sense
OH Well.....
First I inspected the smoke stack

Then made sure the little round yellow thingy was strong enough to hold that big crane

I decided the crane was big enough to pick up the Air Conditioner below and do the job

there she goes, or is that HE goes.... whatever

Hey, don't give me that stuff about the pioneers making it without air conditiioning! All those pioneers -- they're dead, you know.
That's what people did back before air conditioning -- they just died.
I may have had the air conditioning a little low last night. This morning the gerbils were wearing ski masks.

If you are wondering where the Adventure Part of this post is.... Well, I was a tad afraid the Thing might drop on the men that were on the roof

Or the crane operator would swing it to wide and it woud drop off on the photograpers Camera head
(note: I took these with my Nikon Coopix, wish I had the Rebel.
It made it safely and AC was had by all that night.
Tommorrow Part 3, all about Seeing Eye Dogs


  1. (Ha ha)..I was like, wha..? I loved this!! Well the other day I got in my car and was thinking how much I loved my AC!! Well it's been missing lately (as in chugging) Hubby is fixing a van up for me but in the mean time..there may be a relation to the AC and the missing? Enjoyed Pioneer crack-

  2. impressive!

    glad it all went well, and it made it safely as well.

    betty xx

  3. Great post lots a haevy man stuff.
    Turn on the AC Madsnapper . I'm glad to see Rich is still doing fine. He's a real hero.

  4. Well i am not in much need of some AC here today. Only in the 60's They say it isn't going to get into 70's until next week. I need some heat! Great post!

  5. The big question is did you try to operate that crane? In a similar vein, some months ago we watched the crane/helicopter that lowered the spire onto the Trump Tower in Chicago. That was REALLY scary! They made two attempts before the wind died down enough for success.


  6. Whew, glad I finally found out what the adventure was all about.
    I was holding my breath.
    Super photos by the way, too.

  7. Sandra, just read your comment on Retirement Days and wanted to know how you are doing. Just a tad concerned.....

  8. With your kind of heat,you NEED AC.I even need it in Manitoba,at least usually.This year has been cool so far,I guess the up side is that I'm saving on the electrical bill.

  9. You didn't need your big camera, I don't know how these pictures could be better. I never in a million years would have guessed it was there to install an air conditioner! You came there at the perfect time!! Can't wait for tomorrow's post.

  10. I loved both posts on the crane-and your adventure : ) Great shots of the fire truck.

  11. I agree that is what happened to the pioneers, no a/c and they died! True:)

  12. oh those poor little gerbils. good thing they hadn't packed away the ski masks for the summer. Believe it or not I actually hate air conditioning. My husband gets really annoyed with me because I won't even use it in the car

  13. oh oh quite the adventure you got yourself into yes!

    Hope it works as good as it looks!

    And did you find your calvin and hobbes book???


  14. Well, my air conditioning fiasco was a false alarm... but I really do think something strange is going on... fire alarms and air conditioning not cooling and then nothing and everything working. I changed all the batteries in those pesky smoke detectors anyway. Nothing on Friday night, Saturday or Sunday. Then this morning the one in Nyssa's room did the loud beeping... but just twice and the others did not follow suit. Sometimes it seems you cannot catch a break. I am sitting here expecting it to go any minute... but it will probably wait until I am sound asleep... can you say heart attack?

  15. I hope the gerbils had some mittens too.

    Love your shots of the crane, I have always liked to see heavy equipment. As a kid I like trucks and trains better than dolls.

    The arms the yellow thingy is attached to are to help level the truck and make sure it doesn't turn over if the operator over reaches the load.

  16. Sandra, outdoor work has gotten me a bit behind and I read this post first and then the previous one. COuldn't stand the suspense!

  17. smoke stack: You taught me something knew. I like to look at big trucks, and didn't know that it is called a smoke stack

  18. "All those pioneers -- they're dead, you know."

    BWAAAAAHahahahahaha! That was awesome. Thank you for the morning chuckle.

    These shots are great Sandra, so much fun! Thank you for sharing the adventure!

  19. I would never have guessed what it was. Glad they got their a/c fixed - it is sure death w/o it.

    Okay my bill was $361 - got it yesterday. I don't feel I keep it that cold - but dog was shivering this am. But that is basically what I spend my money on!
