Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Itty Bitty Cata Pilly

 This little guy is only 1/8 of an inch long, very difficult to see on his little green curly cue. I am watching them hatch from eggs and this one doubled in size in a five our period. they gobble all day long and in a couple of days are at their largest.
 Above is one so tiny, about 1/8 of an inch, he could fit on a pencil lead and have room to romp, up in right top corner are the eggs about to morph into a caterpillar so small the human eye can not see him. below is one that is 2 days old and about 1 and 1/2 inch. You can see the bite marks on the leaves. they devour the leaves and grow as they swallow. I spend much time watching these little guys chomping away.

There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly.  ~Richard Buckminster Fuller

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly â Anonymous
Below is what this caterpillar will be when he grows up. Gulf Fritterary

on the lighter side.......
What does a caterpillar do on New Years Day?
Turns over a new leaf!


  1. We're dusting with sevin dust and you're admiring these veggie chomping, wingged trip to the poor house LOL

  2. I have six monarchs in chrysalides... three look a bit off and I fear the tachnid fly has claimed more victims. It seems they are getting a late start and I am concerned about the black swallowtail too... last year they were always around and hundreds of eggs on the fennel. I had a crop of them early and now... nothing. My fennel that struggled to keep up last year is almost seven feet tall. I don't think I can cut enough off so... if any lone black swallowtails out there.. free fennel, fine and fancy....

  3. Oh my gosh!!! All Hail The Madsnapper, she rules!!! That baby on the curly cue, did you put it there? It is in just the right place, the curlyness of the curly cue, and the straightness of the caterpillar, amazing! A study in linear and curves! The other pictures are great too, you show us the WHOLE story!!!! And that last quote!!!! It exactly parallels our death as Christians!!! I may have to steal that one for my blog sometime? I am for sure recording it on the prayer line! What a great kick off to my blog commenting today!!

  4. I've never heard of those quotes and I love them!! Sandra, your macro's are so enchanting- just exquisite!! Well the top one is just my the blurry effect and the curly vine!! Woe..look at those eggs..the others are just sharp!!
    I like your cheery green palm header too~

  5. I cannot believe what a good shot you got of this tiny caterpillar! Talented again :)

  6. You did get very good shots here. Happy you are better.

  7. OH WOW!
    you got me hooked again with the first picture!

    how do you do that!!! haha

    And thank you for the great comment on my post! haha i had to laugh so hard about the butts and boobies!


  8. I adore the little fellow on the curly cue, that is so sweet. How fun it must be to watch them grow knowing they will be beautiful butterflies soon.

  9. You certainly have the eye for catching interesting things.

    love these.

  10. This is a great post. Love the tiny caterpillar shots. So glad you are feeling good again.

  11. I planted a passion flower vine... well, really two. One is just sitting there right now but the other is growing. I found a caterpillar on it, but it doesn't look like a gulf fritillary. It is lighter yellow and with finer hairs instead of spines. I must figure out what it is before feeding it to the birds.
