Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Man from Mars

 Ride all the way to Timbuktu to pick up box, open box,
 remove 500.00 pool filter
 Gather two good helpers NOTE THE PANTING IN THE SUN
 enter the Man From Mars. (you all know men are from Mars and women are from Venus)

Mars: I am not waiting until tomorrow, I am doing nothing right now, I'll be out back installing the filter

Venus: It is 2 pm, the hottest part of the day and it is 100 degrees IN THE SHADE

Mars: I do the hard stuff today, and save the impossible for tommorrow

Venus: Do NOT call me if you have heat stroke

The glass of ice water Venus took to Mars, to insure he did not have to call when he had heat stroke

Mars survived, the 500.00 filter is running, and it is Another Day in the Life Of Venus and Mars


  1. Sounds like Mars and Venus have a very happy life....

  2. Us Venus' try to look out for our Mars', but most of the time they do not cooperate. I guess it is in the "genes???" Glad Mars got it done without the heat stroke! Looks like Jake and Baby may have wanted a glass of iced water too! :-) I am sure they had one close at hand.

  3. Too funny! Sometimes we just have to accept the fact that we're from two different planets - and go with it!

    Love the glass that the ice water is in, btw! Checkered flags: YAY!

  4. Men are from Mars! My Martian husband is in the basement wading in watering saying he won't get electrocuted!!!!!

    With temps like that, you'll have to put some ice cubes in the pool for those pups!


  5. Oh my GOSH!!! When Phil wants to do things like that, I just put my foot down!!! Today is to be about 100 here, too. And there was tennis scheduled for today. I was proud of him, he actually called on his own and told them he couldn't play. I'm glad Bob is alright, he must be really used to the heat and built up a tolerance for it. Did he spend the rest of the day in the pool?

  6. i agree with remington's comment.

    very funny!

    betty xx

  7. (Ah ha ha) Oh I loved this and those quotes Sandra!! My true huh?!!

  8. I recognize the 100 degree temps. Nice that Venus and Mars work together :)

  9. the planets seem to be in alignment ...

  10. I was reading along and after it said Open it up...there was a photo of a dog and I thought you were going to say the dog was inside. HAHAHA Anyway, it was a funny thought.

  11. A good friend of mine, follows the stars,
    Venus and mars
    Are alright tonight.
    - Paul McCartney

    That sounds a lot like my Martian. At least Bob had some good helpers out there.

  12. You know what Sandra this would be a great meme topic! LOVED IT! sandie

  13. Crackin' up - too funny.

    So true - Men ARE from Mars...women - from um, Venus????

    hee hee

  14. Well the first time I clicked to add a comment it said my "cookie function was disabled"... so I just closed the pop up and clicked on comment again and it works fine. It must be a Gremlin in the works... or a man wrote the program... and it is definitely from Mars.

  15. they are so stubborn aren't they? glad to hear he survived.
