Thursday, June 2, 2011

Million Bells are a bloomin

Our Million bells has a lot of blooms right now, NOT a million, maybe just  a half-million?
 I wondered why the Frisbee was getting bigger, and then it hit me.
 I was born to be a pessimist. My blood type is B Negative. (thanks to Jeff Dudley)
 The best contraceptive for old people is nudity.
 There are two rules for success: 1.) Don't tell all you know.

Need I say this?????? HELP! I am snapping and I can't STOP!!!!! also hunting humor and can't stop


  1. The Million Bells are beautiful, I had forgotten all about this plant. I use to have one outside my duplex in GA. Love that last joke, I've got to remember that one.

  2. Great Post. However the thingabout senior contraception is cruel.
    Shame on you Madsnapper, LOL

  3. The flowers are beautiful! They look so much like morning glories! I thought that's what your header was yesterday. Wonder if they are related? Is it a tree or a vine?

  4. Your Blue Bells are gorgeous! I agree with Ginny. They make me think of Morning Glories. My Nana had a side entrance to her house with a small porch. She had Morning Glories there every year. When they would come into season she would run string from ceiling to hand rail and the Morn. Glories would cover that little porch. So beautiful. I have not seen any in years. Maybe since the last time I saw them at Nana's? Is that an Aloe peeping in from the left side?

  5. Thanks for the smile and the pics! LOVE IT!

  6. chuckle. chuckle.
    Pretty flowers.

  7. You make me laugh with your jokes and riddles and smile with the beauty of your world.

  8. You are doing great with humor and pictures!!!

  9. Love the blue blooms! Why on earth would senior citizens need contraception!!!! LOL!

  10. I've never seen "Million bells" so big and beautiful. I guess it's just a matter of where they are blooming.

  11. simply gorgeous!!

    love those blue blooms,
    i need help, too, i'm afraid. i can't stop either!! lol!

    betty xx

  12. Lovely bells. In last 2 pix they looked a little more purply. Is this a photoshop challenge to get them to their true color?
    Loved success joke, and yes, it took me awhile to get it!!!

  13. I have two suggestions. One is keep on snapping.

  14. HaaHaa!!! Love the contraceptive humor....only trouble is, its the truth.

  15. Going out for a 60th anniversary dinner... not mine. My folks. I totally forgot to get something together about their day... will have to do this evening.

  16. Pretty flowers.
    So what kind of help do you need exactly. Maybe you want me to hold a flashlight so you can snap in the dark? I'll be glad to help if I can :)

  17. The flowers are lovely the humor,well.lte's just say,I don't laugh out loud very often,but I did this time.Thanks.

  18. Those look like morning glories which I love - these are beautiful and I would LOVE some of them! lol

