Sunday, July 17, 2011

Luke 6:31

While standing in line waiting to check out my library books, I noticed a tiny ancient lady struggle up the steps with a tiny ancient dachshund held under her arm like a small furry purse.

          Photo from enchanted Garden at Ringling museum

A librarian appeared and said “I’m sorry, but dogs are not allowed in the library”

Tiny Lady replied, I know, I just have a quick question and I can’t leave the dog in the car” (in Florida that is a death sentence for dogs and also against the law)

The librarian did not say… You should have left it home, or Why did you bring it with you or any of the many things she could have said.

She said “what is your question?”

Tiny lady said “I am returning these two books for a friend and I would like to check them out for myself”

Librarian said “follow me” and took her to the back, took her card from her hand, scanned it and handed her the books.

I was checked out by the other librarian but as I left, I said to the kind one, “You did good with the dog thing” she smiled really big and said “thank you, I have dogs to” and it all made my day because the librarian chose to follow the commandments below.....

Luke 6:31
Do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Matthew 7:12    
So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.


  1. Great post.
    Sandra you realy come up with some good lessons on Sunday. Thanks for sharing.

  2. It warms my heart and renews my faith to know that there is still kindness to be found in the world. It seems like you see so little of it these days.

  3. I feel like I have had my sermon for the day and it was a good one.I do plan on going to church,but I will remember tis sermon for a long time.Thanks.

  4. How nice of the librarian! Good lesson here...

  5. What a compassionate librarian. Love the light and shadows in your photos.

  6. I love your header. I also love your library story. As a library board trustee, I'm always happy to hear when an employee has been good to a patron even if it meant a slight bend in the rules. Our library actually invites dogs in for children to read to. Very nice!

    As to Walmart and no fruits and veggies, I wonder why? As for myself, I haven't stepped inside a Walmart in a decade--maybe longer.

    Keep cool!


  7. You definitely saw those scriptures put into practice in real life. That librarian deserves a golden crown.
    I liked your photos.

  8. Great story and fun shadows too. Thanks.

  9. Amen... IF all of us would follow those scriptures, life would be so much better for all.... Thanks be to God for people like that librarian.


  10. What a wonderful story!!! So many people feel pressured to follow every single word of the rules, but each case is different. Plus there is no respect for age any more! This is one thing where China has us beat. I was just commenting to a blogger that teenagers sit down and take up all the seats and make really old people stand and wait! Teenagers do not need to sit, they are perfectly young and healthy! This makes me mad, probably no one taught them better, but next time I see this, I will speak up!! I'm so glad you're back!!! I almost jumped for joy when I saw your new post!! The header and the logo are both gorgeous, a brand new look!! What are those flowers?

  11. So refreshing to read an act of kindness. Love the beautiful picture you have captured.

  12. PERFECT post - So glad the librarian helped her... with her dog. I can definitely relate!

  13. It is heartening to hear that there are still compassionate people around. Usually public servants are a stickler for rules, however silly they are.

  14. Great one, Sandra. Have you eead the book about Dewey, the library cat? A wonderful book.

  15. What a sweet story with some great verses to always keep in mind (smile) your shadowy pictures today!! Your blue flowers on the header..they look darker that the vervain (not sure I spelled that right) but are they tiny or is it something different? Hope you had a nice break-

  16. Now that is a heartwarming story, the kind we don't hear often enough. How sweet of the librarian to overlook the little dog and help the lady.

    I love the shadows on the bench.

  17. That is exactly what I'm talkin' about pal. She made a choice - and a great one. Now if the lady wasn't there and someone else was - she might have said no. Then what?

    Plus in the long run - who in the world did or would have that hurt?

    Love this.

  18. what a great lesson and reminder!

    another story/act of compassion which reassures that there is still kindness nowadays, and i'm so happy to hear that.
    love the photo you paired with this great post!

    betty xx
