Saturday, August 6, 2011

Passion Plant -Macro

While attending a Marriage Seminar dealing with communication, Tom and his wife Grace listened to the instructor, "It is essential that husbands and wives know the things that are important to each other."

He addressed the man, "Can you describe your wife's favorite flower?"
Tom leaned over, touched his wife's arm gently and whispered, "It's self-rising, isn't it?"
The rest of the story gets rather ugly, so I'll stop right here.

I took these photos and a few days later, every single bud and flower disappeared. only the leaves and stems are left and we have no idea what happened. That was on Wed of last week, and on Thursday every single one of the buds on the Double Purple Trumpet are gone.  Shades of Twilight Zone....


  1. Perhaps they are shy about being photographed. They are such a cute flower.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love these photos. It's such an unusual bloom. Maybe you'll have to play detective now to figure out the mystery of the missing flowers! LOL!

  4. I believe this could be one of my favorite flowers. Funny that he said self rising :)

  5. Oh goodness that was cute, thanks for the chuckle this AM. Awesome photos, you capture it beauty before they vanished into the zone... Do you have deer?

    When I was young, grew these flowers on a steep creek embankment way in the back yard. Mom and I with the cat were walking along the rim looking down at the creek when I spotted this flower growing about 2 feet down and started to climb down to have a closer look ( I was fearless). MOM quickly grabbed my hand and the cat and we rushed back into the house. She thought that was some poisonous or man eating flower. I guess if you look at it like that, it does look a bit intimidating.

    I guess what ever ate your flower must have felt the opposite.

  6. Beautiful pictures! It is a beautiful flower. A work of art, done by The Master. Only He could create such a thing of beauty. So intricate.
    Love, Madeline

  7. My husband would have answered with bread flour! lol

    What an interesting looking flower! Never in my life have I seen such a flower! It's so different from any flowers I've ever seen! Thanks for sharing!

    Have a Wonderful Day!

  8. Thank goodness,you got these pictures when you did.I guess that shows how important it is to carry a camera at all time and use it. :)

  9. Self rising - got to love it.

    And your pictures. Fascinating. Love their color.

  10. Self rising - got to love it.

    And your pictures. Fascinating. Love their color.

  11. Wonderful macros, I see there are tiny spots on the stamens. I can never see enough of these. Maybe the dogs ate them, or some other animal, can they get through your fence? A raccoon would have been able to pull them off and leave everything else...

  12. That was brother sent me something hilarious (that's when the fight began) they were really funny and probably some get kind of far out there! Hey, I just love passion and this is so pretty!! That is strange that this and your trumpet vine got nailed! Didn't you say the Squirrels ate flowers before..boy. I have to pick up some more slug bait because we get those big African snails and of course reg slugs? I noticed they've been after my squash! Hope you can solve the problem! Hey, forgot to say last how pretty your header is!!

  13. Yep, that was probably a good place to end the story before the outbreak of violence.

    That is a beautiful flower, sorry all the blooms are gone. Very odd.

  14. those are gorgeous. Too bad they are all gone.
    I'm way behind on my reading here. I'm off to catch the rest of your posts :)

  15. Gorgeous macros, Sandra, of a gorgeous little flower. If that had happened here, we'd blame it on the deer... Don't think you have that problem in your backyard... ha

  16. You have the most intriguing flowers and plants ... and disappearances!

  17. Precious!!
    Isn't this a passion flower?
    Lovely as ever, and I love the color combination. Super looking macro.

  18. Simply beautifully captured shots...lovely!

  19. Self rising...what a hoot!
    Love the macros of the Passion flower but don't know why they are all gone.
    Hubby went out to gather some grapes yesterday and every last one was gone. All that was left was the stem. Do squirrels eat grapes?

  20. You have posted so many wonderful pictures of plants in your yard. I'm wondering when you're going to open it to the public and charge admission!
