Sunday, August 21, 2011

Yes, Virgina, She is a MadSnapper

 Found on fence, so I snapped it. OF Course I did! 
 I always thought this was just like a snake skin, that the Locust/Cicada just dumped it when done with it.
Cicadas can live 13 to 17 years, they are very very NOISY and Cicadas produce their calls with timbals1, which are paired drum-like structures and there ears are in their tummy's.

Here is a fact for ALL you men out there.....Only males have timbals (except for one Australian genus). Female cicadas are mostly mute.

 they live underground and when ready to molt they climb a tree or in this photo my fence, then they wriggle free and spread their wings and fly away.  found this site that will tell you everything you ever desired to know about this shell       Click on University of Florida  there is a wealth of info there for inquiring minds.

Little is known about the length of their stay underground, except that the minimum seems to be four years under natural conditions -
Who Knew???? did YOU??? I did not but now I DO!


  1. Well, I knew they lived underground most of their lives, but I have never seen a skin. On the first picture I thought it was a real bug!!! This must be pre-scheduled because it's midnight! You have been finding the most amazing things! I have to hunt for them, but they come to you! This is more and more creepy as I'm looking at it...

  2. That is very cool, I haven't seen one of those in years. I did know they lived underground for years at a time but I didn't know the females were mostly mute.

  3. wow, your new blogheader is so cool ツ

  4. Those nasty little creatures were one of the first things I saw when I moved here in 1975. I thought we'd been invaded from Mars. I still hate them and wish they would stay in the ground.

  5. As I've said before,blogging is not only fun,but,also educational.Thanks for the info.

  6. All I know is the little buggers make a lot of noise! Don't think I have ever actually seen one. You should have been a teacher. You are always giving us interesting information. Good pictures.
    Love ya, Madeline

  7. I had NO idea they lived that long! I like these shots a lot, Sandra!

  8. Great pic's.
    Do these critters have zippers so they can get out of these tight skins???? LOL
    I see alot of these shells but never knew how they shed their skins.

  9. I tell you, I learn so much from you and Ginny. Interesting and strange all at the same time. Can I say its pretty? NO...but your photos are outstanding!

  10. These are wonderful macros of the cicada on your fence. Thanks, too, for the information. I find the fact that the female is mute to be utterly amazing.

  11. We were up in Cincinnati one year and they were loaded with Cicadas - they were flying everywhere and the noise was deafening.

  12. No i had no idea! pretty good info cause the first time it was spring here we didn't know what was going on! all that noise!!!

    Thanks for the info!

  13. OH! almost forgot to tell you that no i do not have superman panties, but if you find some, let me know!


  14. so the females are mute huh? Now that doesn't seem quit fair. I didn't know any of that about the cicadas

  15. Interesting info, Sandra... Blogging certainly does give me an education. Thanks so much... We luckily didn't have the cicadas here this year... I 'heard' them when we were in the Smokies one day... Other places in TN had them... Glad they missed us.

  16. We have them here and they are ver noisy in our nearby forest in summer. I used to teach kids at school about them so I did know some of the facts. Ours usually stay underground for about 7 years.

  17. Interesting info-but it's kind of a homely looking creature isn't it!

  18. Well, these are great specimens Sandra! (Lol), interesting about the males an the stomach..but the female's are mute huh, hmm?! Wow they live a long time!! We don't have them here, but I should find out about the life span of a tree frog! Wouldn't want those vocalists to get together!

  19. see I take photos of those too...we are alike...

  20. Now that's educatioal. Who knew is right. I never saw one ,only heard lots. This year they seem to be in less mode 'cause I hardly hear them. Wonder what they are uo to?
