Saturday, September 10, 2011

Coquina Beach Bonus Shots

boardwalk to Coqunia Beach
We left Longboat Key Beer Can Island and drove across the bridge to Coquina Beach
Taken from boardwalk, not sure what it is
The bird on the top is an Egret, a very common sight here.
Still not sure what the frame is on the buckled beach wall

Hanging Sea Oats
Yellow Crown Night Heron
 This young  Heron let me walk to within five feet of him, but all I had was point and shoot and no sport mode for better shots, First one I have met so he was a bonus shot


  1. I was going to ask you what the frame/rack is when I read you don't know either.

  2. This looks like you had a nice day- beautiful white sandy beach- love your shots Sandra-

  3. I can't wait to see what's next!
    Love that night heron; it's beautiful!

  4. The sea jetty or wall is no match for the sea. I can not imagin what that wooden frame is. I wonder what holds it in place.
    I love the birds. Great post.

  5. That Heron looked a bit haggard and confused but he sure has a pretty place to rest.

    That seagrass photo is outstanding, good composition.

  6. wow. that night heron is great! usually they're pretty elusive! and i love the snowy egret's yellow feet! :)

    the sea oats shot was my favorite.

  7. Great images! Love the bird shots. The seagrass one is really good. Thanks enjoyed!

  8. Gorgeous beach, etc...I like the egrets (I always think they all are cranes) I need this info....Nice pics!

  9. I just laughed when I saw the pic of the Yellow Crown Night Heron. Oh my gosh! I love that bird. Thanks for sharing:)

  10. So pretty! That Night Heron looks like a funny little bird. It looks like he is walking straight up like a human. Too funny!
    xo Catherine

  11. I love EVERYTHING!!!! I have never seen a baby night heron!! And the sea oats, I take it you CANNOT make oatmeal from them? The egret on the frame thingy, so artistic!!!! I have never seen an egret. I have said it many times:what is old news for you is exotic and special for me, and probably others who have never been to Florida or traveled much.

  12. I like your boardwalk pic and love the Night Heron, what a cute little guy. Looking forward to the next pics!

  13. What a cute little Heron ... he knew he was safe with you!

  14. looka like you had a wonderful day

    the phtos are fantastic! it's really hard to pick a favourite.

    betty xx

  15. That first shot of the heron looks hilarious... And I quite like that don't-know-what-it-is.

  16. What a cool looking bird! I think the pictures turned out great!

  17. What a great gift he gave you for that last picture - I love it.


  18. you are so lucky to live there Sandra...such awesome photos...

  19. That little heron is so cute and sounds like he was friendly too. That frame is a little odd, it does make me wonder.
