Friday, September 23, 2011

FMTSO- My Town Sepia

Downtown Bradenton  UPDATE from on Bradentons History.
Located on the Manatee River, Bradenton is the seat of Manatee County in Florida. The area is believed to have been discovered by the Spanish conquistador Hernando de Soto, who landed at Shaw's Point in 1539 to begin his 4,000 mile search for El Dorado. However, the city takes its name from Dr. Joseph Braden, the sugarcane magnate who settled in the area in 1853. According to local legends, Braden's fort-like home and sugar mill served as a refuge for early settlers against frequent attacks from Native Americans.
This week Friday My Town Shoot Out, was choice of Sepia or Black and White. This is some of our local architecture that I admire.
 Downtown Bradenton
 Neighborhood home
 Out in the country
 Out at Anna Maria Island Beach

To see more Sepia today or to join in go to Friday My Town Shoot Out and link up with  us.


  1. Great sepia photo's I like the one of the pub.

  2. Sepia makes your building images look so historic. And I guess they are historic--your history!

  3. Love to see old town and old houses. They have more character than the new ones. Happy weekend!


  4. Wow, Sandra great job with these photos! I love them all! Have a great weekend!

  5. These pictures are AWESOME! I love them! You do a great job!

  6. The sepia affect make these buildings look older than some of them - not all, probably - are. It lends a real historic feeling to them. I like it.

  7. Hi Sandra, enjoyed this look around your town. We have friends who also live in Bradentown so who knows maybe one day when we visit (never been to their home) we can tour the town together - with camera, of course!

  8. Sandra, that was so much fun to see Bradenton and Anna Maria! That Lost Kangaroo Pub looks interesting.

  9. I like the sepia effect.
    I enjoyed the history lesson.
    And I do think it was settled with a little Spanish motif.
    Sugar cane - very interesting.
    Love your pics.

  10. Your header is so cute!
    Thanks for the history on Bradenton, very interesting! Love the sepia effect!

  11. Architecture is a great choice for B&W.

  12. I love that beach house!!!!! I have never seen terraces designed like that. The house with those tree trunks around it is so strange, I think that would freak me out a bit. LOVE your header, the squirrels are eating up all the flowers!

  13. I love the warm sepia you have used to highlight your town. The buildings look so inviting. This is a place I would love to visit.

  14. These are fun and cast a warm glow on the buildings.

  15. The Sepia is so perfect for these pictures. I think I look more at the details when the colour is taken away.

  16. Beautiful sepia pictures. I have not been looking at the blog much while at the beach. I looked back today to the last one I had seen. All good, especially the ones of your babies.

    Love, Madeline

  17. Very cool photos Sandra!

    Happy Weekend!
    xo Catherine

  18. Great shots! The old county home looks to be in need of repair. I hope it makes it through another winter.

    Have a nice day Sandra and thanks for your recent comment on my Bounty Hunters post.


  19. I had a cousin who used to live in Bradenton
    Very cool shots, I've always liked the look of sepia

  20. I like your town photos! Black and white is pretty....what a history

  21. Loved your post. Great narrative and perfect photos. It all goes together so well.

  22. You chose shots suit sepia so well! I had a smile thinking about just how lost that kangaroo was, it deserved a pub to be named after it.

  23. Wow, that kangaroo was really lost!

    Cool shots! That's quite a variety of architecture. I like the out in the country place, it would make a great weekend getaway spot. LOL!

  24. Thought I'd have to come back in the morning..this series is great and I like the nice warm tones in sepia I enjoy the country houses with big porches! Your dogs are cute below as well and I especially like the one with the cardinal!!

  25. Love these in sepia...I have not done any sepia shots in ages.

  26. Well that kangaroo must have got seriously lost to end up in Florida! LOL Great photos!

  27. I love the first one, it look great in serpia!

  28. nice look around where you live in sepia. I must say the first shot is my fav though. love the name!
