Saturday, September 24, 2011

LOOK~What I got!

This came in the mail yesterday from Tammy at Simply Southern Happiness 

These are glass ornaments she made and they are just the right size for my 2 foot Christmas Tree and Jake and Baby have their own ornament. This is a first for them. Thank You Tammy


  1. How thoughtful! I love the bone oranment. You could even paint them if you wanted. So many bloggers are so crafty.

  2. These are really beautiful, I love the pinecone one!!! So we both have posts today about packages from our blog friends!!! I LOVE Tammy's blog!!! I have to say it, you now need to get a special little tree just for Jake and Baby, and find a few other things and maybe some lights. Then POST it!! With Jake and Baby under it. I realize you may have to wait till Baby is asleep then drag her over there, but Bob can help!!!

  3. these are really cool....I'll have to stop by Simply Southern Happiness too!!

  4. Sweet! What a wonderful surprise!
    xo Catherine

  5. What a nice surprise. Those are really nice. I have a friend who would love the one with the pinecone. Does your friend sell these?

  6. They are too cute! Your Christmas tree will be super special this year!

  7. Those are all so cute, Tammy is definitely talented. I love the bones for Jake and Baby. You'll have to show us the tree when you put these on.

  8. Oh how nice..these are simply adorable!! love stuff like that-

  9. Those are so nice - what a sweet blogger friend you have. sandie
