Thursday, September 22, 2011

Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time a dog named Jake was chewing a really big pine LOG into tiny pieces, while his Sister watched. the log was 2 feet long and 4 inches around.This is what Jake left

The next morning, Baby Girl, who sleeps 20 our of 24 hours, chose to lay in the sun ON TOP of the left overs. I kid you not, she was laying on her side almost asleep CHEWING on the left over log. Look closely and even though she is asleep, she has log hanging from her lips, she chewed the rest of it without raising her head. Is this the worlds laziest dog? YES
She is sound asleep with left overs still in her mouth.


  1. Lazy? Maybe she is just conserving energy for more important things! Jake didn't leave a lot in the way of leftovers!

  2. Dogs are funny. Crazy things they come up with. Maybe she needs therapy. I know I do at times. :)

  3. They are the cutest guys, that is the life... veg out in the sun.

    Jake sure has to have the cleanest teeth if he chews on limbs... no tarter can withstand that.

  4. Almost like a baby with a soother in it's mouth. Cute.

  5. oh my goodness, this made me laugh!!! what a cutie!!!

  6. love it...reminds me of some people I know on

  7. Well she may be lazy but she is not fat at all - that is the metabolism I want.

    And why do fur coats want to lie in the sun?


  8. Well she's no dummy. She let Jake do all the hard work and she enjoys the easy little pieces.
