Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Only A Southerner KNOWS

find cousin Leon the lizard in above photo
 Bless your heart, I am going to share a few things only us Southern Belles KNOW.

To those of you who are still a little embarrassed by your Southerness: Take two tent revivals and a dose of sausage gravy and call me in the morning, bless your heart!

No true Southerner would ever assume that the car with the flashing turn signal is actually going to make a turn.

A Southerner knows that "fixin" can be used as a noun, a verb, or an adverb.

Only a Southerner can show or point out to you the general direction of "yonder."

Only a Southerner knows exactly how long "directly" is, as in:
"Going to town, be back directly."

On the lighter side...
The Real Story of the Earthquake...
Seismologists have determined that the earthquake in Washington D. C. was not caused by a fault line, but by our Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves!


  1. Hi the statue below!! Quote is cute and I see the lizard on the rock by the pretty flower-

  2. Well I do declare Mizz Sandra, you do know your Southerness.

    I don't even live in the South and I still don't trust those turn signals.

    I see the little lizard, he's a cutie. I really like the weather worn stature of Pan.

  3. I had to look hard but I did find Leonard. Love the little statue too. That last statement you make is the honest to goodness truth!!!Now you have a good day, sugah....I am going to be busier that a bee in a tar bucket getting ready for the beach....See you directly...I have to go over youder and pick up a few items from the grocery and of course go to Curves.....Bless you heart, Sandra. Love you, Madeline

  4. Thanks for starting my day with chuckles.

  5. I enjoyed this.Southerners and people living in my town must have a lot in common. Oh,wait a minute I do live in 'Southern' Manitoba,so we are southerners.too. LOL

  6. fixin' to is one phrase i've tried very hard not to pick up. :)

  7. Being a Canadian, I don't have an accent or any funny phrases... eh? ;)

    Now if you will excuse me, I am going to put on my bunny hug, grab a Timmy's and take a little drive to Regina.

    xo Catherine

  8. I spotted Leon right away! I have a lot a lizards around my house too!
    The turn signals is so true! My son is learning that now.
    Sandra you had me cracking up!
    Great post!

  9. Just loved this Sandra! And that little lizard is sure doing his best to hide. Thanks for the dose of southern sweetness this morning!

  10. Had to laugh, Sandra. My mother was "born and bred" in the South. When we were in Italy (Dad was USAF), my little girlfriend used to make fun of my Momma's drawl. In correspondence with her after we moved back to the US, she would write, "Brush your teef and go to schoooo." Ha ha. My Mom still says, "Get a wash cloth and wrench it out" or "Get a me hamma so I can nail it in." :)

  11. Ok, not being from the South all I can say is Ya betcha....or Uffda.... I am still laughing about the earthquake....good one!

  12. I'm all caught up with you now! I LOVE that you have shown the tiny lizard in perspective, this is the first time I have been able to really see how tiny they are, so CUTE!!! And I looked at the first picture and did NOT scroll down till I found him, it was fun!! It took awhile, though. The tree not only has a hairdo, but it has an ear!!!

  13. I'm with the uffda one ... had to laugh at that last earthquake story.

  14. Missourians have a lot in common with southerners because we resemble a lot of those statements. I see your lizard! And love your header photo. Good joke, too, and probably true...LOL!

  15. I am familiar with all the southern sayings...though I have lived in Indiana for 33-34 years compared to being raised in TN for 19 years, and going back there for a year and a half with my husband...I still consider myself southern. And a country girl though I have not lived in the country for over 32 years...if you are born that way, you stay that way!

  16. I want you to know that I found Cousin Leon without any problems. As a resident of the great state of Tennessee I must say you've done a great job of characterizing 'southernness'. I also like your explanation for the earthquake.

  17. I'm not a southerner but i did and enjoy those photos and the part about the earthquake cracked me up

  18. Its funny how you have different accents and words in different parts of the Us and so do the English have different accents but here in the land of Oz as big as it is we all talk the same. Maybe a few words are different between states and us Queenslanders speak a bit more slowly than the southerners, who are always in a rush.

  19. have to agree...they are rolling over and over in their graves...

  20. I'm not a Southern Belle but I can sure Pitch a Hissie Fit directly.
    I agree that that is how the earthquake in Wash. DC occured.
