Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tree, Up Close And Personal

not so pretty from 5 feet away, but check it out, up close and personal... just like people, what you see is not always what you get. Hubby was on the other side of the tree and said come around her and look at it. See below

This puny guys applies for a job as a lumberjack. "Sorry, says the head lumberjack, eyeing the man up and down, "You're just too small."

"Give me a chance to show you what I can do," the guy pleads. "You won't regret it."

"Okay," says the boss. "See that giant oak over there? Let's see if you can chop it down." Half an hour later, the mighty oak is felled, amazing the boss. "Where'd you learn to cut trees like that?" he asks.

"The Sahara Forest."

"You mean the Sahara Desert ?"

"Sure, if that's what they call it now."
Trees are your best antiques.  ~Alexander Smit

Click on photos to see the details.


  1. Tree trunks have an art of their own.

  2. I really like to get up close to trees like this to see all the marks left by time. Each of those imperfections tells a story of the tree's life. Love the Sahara Forest story1

  3. The second large photo looks likean ear.
    Very interesting.

  4. There you go, cracking me up so early in the morning. Such detail to your trees and if they could speak. God put them here for so many reasons.

  5. Wonderful tree shots! Never met a tree I didn't like!!!!

  6. I'm laughing out loud...I had to read the Sahara Desert/Sahara forrest twice....great shots...I love that you look at the world like I do...

  7. I'm laughing out loud...I had to read the Sahara Desert/Sahara forrest twice....great shots...I love that you look at the world like I do...

  8. such character - may we all age as gracefully...

  9. That is a very interesting tree ~ very cool!
    xo Catherine

  10. I can't wait to tell pap this one : )

  11. There is a lot of detail in that one tree.It amazes me what we can all see if only we stop to really look.

  12. I love to see the trees up close and personal - they seem to all have personalities of their own???


  13. Cool looking tree, I'm a bit of a tree lover

  14. You got some wonderful pictures of this great tree trunk. I also like the story of the Sahara Forest.

  15. Thanks for the laugh - oh how I've missed the jokes!

  16. Love the sprigs of life in that tree. The burl sort of looks like claws. Great pictures.

  17. I love really old trees. They are now protected from the ax in some communities.
