Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Until The Next Time

 Sea Oats, protected by law in Florida
 The reason for the name Beer Can Island
 Crab, no idea what kind

Why did the lobster blush? because the seaweed.
What's the favorite newspaper section amongst lonely seaweed? Kelp Wanted

this is the last of my beach shots, Until The Next Time I go with my NEW Camera! It is In the Mail


  1. Hi Sandra, these are pretty today..I like the beach scene -the crab and seaweed and even the can with the pretty little shells! I'm happy you'll be getting your new camera. I have to put a disk in and view all the features in depth with mine. Soooo, we took a drive yesterday but many of my pictures came out in orange and lime greenish tones on close ups..the distance was blurred when I wanted to shoot a bright yellow bird too! Not all, but frustrating.. yet it's my fault. I know it was something I did or didn't correct. I'll just send you an e-mail about the rest. Well your already in Tuesday and I'm back in Monday!

  2. The Sea Oats are so pretty against the blue sky, nice shot. It looks like Beer Car Island is really living up to it's name.

    So tell us about the new camera.

  3. I love the blue sky in the first photo ~ lovely!
    xo Catherine

  4. Lovely picture of the sea oats! Lovely not quite the word for the beer can - but a good photo all the same. So what camera did you decide on?!

  5. I lovethe sea oats photo. It is also protected by law here in Ga.
    The sea oats is a beautiful attraction at any beach.

  6. Love the Sea Oats blowing in the wind. Seems much is protected there.

    YaY,it comes today, will you meet the delivery guy in the street? I would have been sitting at the end of the driveway like a dog waiting for his master to come home.

    The excitement builds.

  7. A new camera? Sounds exciting.I love the Sea Oats shot.

  8. Very nice way to end the summer with the beach.

    So what kind of camera did you get?

    So happy for you.


  9. okay! glad you decided on one! can't wait to see!

  10. These are wonderful pictures. I'm looking forward to seeing your photos taken with your new camera.

  11. Great pictures, Sandra...When do you get your new camera??? I'm sure you will love it!!!!! It's just like George's.

    Isn't it sad that we --in this country --do such a poor job of littering? George and I are constantly picking up junk on the trails we hike in the mountains... Just makes me mad that we can't take care of our earth!

  12. Swaying sea oats, crabs and seaweed belong on the beach.. here comes the big But! the beer can just has to go.
    Thanks for the chuckles, Sandra.
    Can't wait till next time you go shooting with new camera in hand.

  13. I really like that first photo...

  14. Can't figure out why I like the beer can photo so much. Maybe a slice of reality? All are great and look forward to your "new camera" photo safaris.

  15. I enjoy these scenes of the beach! Lovely

  16. i really like the composition in all of those photos!


  17. Love the shots and as strange as some may think I am, my favorite is the one with the beer can.
