Sunday, September 25, 2011

What's Up with White Out

I have a Canon Rebel XT that I purchased in April of 2006. It was my first and only DSLR and I have loved it to pieces. Two weeks ago it started whiting out photos at the beach. Blowing them out to solid white.

I removed the battery, which rebooted the camera, and it worked OK for a few shots, then back to white out.

Now it takes beautiful photos in shade or low light, indoors and outdoors, but anything that has sunlight on it, it blows to white. I reset  the camera to defaults, still does it.

 the cost to send to Canon is 210 the cost to a camera repair to LOOK at it is 170 and the camera is five years old and has taken somewhere close to 100,000 photos... soooo

I have change ISO, White Balance, Aperture, Exposure, all of these and in the sun it will not take a photo.
anyone have an ideas?  


  1. Well, some of these pictures actually look very artistic! What a strange problem! Could you call Canon customer service and just ask a camera tech? It might cost for the call, though.

  2. Call me, Sent you an email. I think i can help but way too much to type for me.

  3. Yes, call Tammy. She's good. I do like the photos though.


  4. hi sweet lady,

    I have no idea! i think the pics are kind of "special"...

    But maybe Lisa (the lady who comments on my blog and has this tulip logo, might know...)?

    Hope you get it fixed!

  5. Buy the new one. Easy for me to say it's not my money. Good luck . . . really.

  6. I really don't know either. Let us know what you find out. Very interesting.

  7. I'm clueless but it sounds like Tammy's got you covered. Hope it's something easily fixed.

  8. Hope Tammy has you covered - it is Greek to me.

    I did check out Ann's post and I love it.


  9. Well I can't help you there (sad but kinda funny) I see what you mean..really whited out! Well, you do have one on the way at least. I'm sure my youngest son had one and it took good photos and he purchased it on line too. Anyway, hope you had a peaceful evening.

  10. I've never had this happen except for a couple of times that I did it on purpose so I have no idea. It sounds like Tammy has the answer but if not I would find a forum for Canon users and pose the question.

    I actually like the first two shots, I might be tempted to fade them a bit more.

  11. PS, I meant to tell you I like the changes on your page.

  12. hi Sandra!

    actually i have no idea. but the pictures are nice in my opinion.

    have a great day!

    betty xx

  13. HHHhhhhmmm. I love trying to figure stuff like this out. My first thoughts were ones which you had addressed (ISO, WB, etc.). I also wondered if the light metering was being inadvertently changed. I am very interested to know what you found out about this. Will you e mail me or something? did you get a new rig? I had that camera too, and loved it.

  14. Tammy to the rescue sounds the best to me. A camera with its own mind.. now that's a novel idea but not a bit fun for you.
    Good luck, Sandra. I'll keep my fingers and toes crossed.

  15. Well, this is a couple days late...but wondering did you get it fixed?
