Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Araucaria heterophylla - Macro

In yesterday post, I had greenery behind by subject and asked if anyone knew what it was.

Congratulations to my sweet faced Remington, who guessed what the limb was from.

This is the tip off a Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) you know those itty bitty adorable Live Christmas trees we see inside homes and in the office.
 I walked around the yard looking for something to "practice focus" on, and chose this.
If you plant one of these in our part of Florida, it will very soon be 2 to 3 stories tall. In it's native state it can grow up to 200 feet tall with 15 pound cones.  From houseplant to 200 feet, and it will not take long.
Riddle: How can you tell if a tree is a dogwood?
Answer: By its bark

I must say here, I am sick to death of practice so am now officially STOPPING ALL PRACTICE SESSIONS.    I played for 3 days, got up Sunday AM and could not remember which button does what. I have the Fstop/ISO/ShutterSpeed down, but each button does 2 or 3 things. ARRRRHHH. But I do love the camera


  1. I liked the riddle. You know I was at the post office several months ago and (I get these mixed up with the Cook pines) but there were two growing in that spot for years and they were just so tall! I thought to take pictures but didn't and when I came back later they'd been chopped down! Well, I'd mentioned I sent myself the link on the old main computer to my laptop for my now I can lie down and fiddle with my camera in my lap! (ah ha ha). We have a few too and I think they look so pretty with rain drops on them too. Well, I will be nagging you in the morning (lol)

  2. Okay, now this is just too funny. I knew the branch looked familiar but I had the wrong tree. If I had just turned around and looked in the corner of my office I would have known. I have a Norfolk Island Pine that I bought about five years ago at Christmas. It is almost three feet tall now. A 200' one would be beautiful.

    You're studying too hard, go out and have fun with it.

  3. I do have a passion of planting plants and flowers and I must say the green of this plant has made me eager enough to get one for myself too ..! Yeah the riddle was too funny!!lol!
    Go Green!
    Find your grade in the green meter!

  4. Norfolk pine.I recognize it now that you clued us in. A monster tree masquerading as a houseplant!

  5. I used to have one that was about 3 feet tall. Looks like you are getting the hang of your camera well.

  6. Your pine looks very green. I didn't realize they grew so fast! Enjoy your new camera and take a break from reading the manual and just snap..snap..snap!

  7. These are such pretty pines. I usually get one at Christmas time for my house.

    It looks like you have done a lot of practicing with your camera Sandra ~ good for you. There is indeed a lot of buttons to remember isn't there?

    Now go forth and click click click away! ;)

    xo Catherine

  8. Well I was close - so now the real pictures are coming - I think you are doing awesomely. Like your riddle too.

  9. beautiful norfolk. i guess you have to be careful where you plant them in Florida! :)

  10. It is so pretty I looks artifical.

  11. Learning that new camera would send me over the edge. My brain just can't take all those F stops and gizmos. Love what you have learned and accomplished with the macro. That tree is perfect for interesting close-ups.

  12. Such a pretty plant.... I have loved your practice photos too!

  13. Well, this is all news to me, I thought these pines only grew in colder climates! You have overloaded your brain to the point where you woke up and it had blown a fuse. Are you taking notes?? Ones that you can understand, in a little notebook? I do that with most of my gadgets. Rem just knows everything!!

  14. I would have guessed a star pine. By its bark!!!

  15. we have lots of Norfolk pines here. I like you header, You don't have to worry about buying a new pumpkin every year.

  16. I sure know the feeling...and then when I want to do something that you don't do often...I have to go look it up.

  17. I knew it was some kind of pine but not which one. I had no idea they could get that big and wow, 15 lb pine cones. I would hate to have one of those fall on my head :)

  18. I can hardly wait to see what your next photos will be now that you are done practicing! :)

  19. I've seen these trees and their beautiful! I didn't know they grow that tall!
    Go play, quite practicing!

  20. beautiful close-up shots loved them all, especially the second one.
    so beautiful trees!

  21. Your macros are wonderful, but it sounds as if you need a break. Since 'practice makes perfect', I'm sure you'll soon have everything under control. After all, you are the Mad Snapper.
