Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday Morning Romp part 1

I was sitting in the swing in our wonderful 70 degree with not humidity day, when out of the side yard came......
I put my new camera on sport mode and snapped and snapped and snapped.
Hey, Jake, where are you.... come on, I am In the Mood..... U better hurry before I fall asleep

and the fun began.....

EEK! will they KILL each other?        to be continued
NOTE: While fighting with manual controls I am using dog photos of which I have now taken 72 new ones of the same old dogs, doing the same old thing.... I will be posting something else SOON


  1. I just love these shots... and want your camera!! Fabulous!Such gorgeous dogs!

  2. Good thing you have sports mode with the way those two are running. I love the second shot with all of Baby's paws in the air.

    They do look pretty fierce in the last shot!

  3. Looks like they have a ton of fun with each other - that's cool!

  4. Your action shots are incredible, Sandra.. you must be thrilled with your new camera.
    We too are cooler with no humid, Hooray!
    Hugs, Pam

  5. How much fun is it trying out the new camera! Great shots and what better subjects than your pups!

  6. WOWHOW! those are fantastic shots and look at the ears on Baby flopping. Oh...the last one shows the power of play.

  7. Oh how I'd love to have that kind of energy!!!!!
    P.S. How is the new camera?

  8. I know they are playing, but they look so serious when they show their teeth.

  9. These are great wonderful pictures taken in the Sports mode. I look forward to seeing more great pictures as you continue to 'play' with your new camera.

  10. You are taking some great shots with your new camera, Sandra! Now if I only had half the energy your dogs have, I'd get something done around here. :D

  11. Great action shots, my friend! I doubt I could keep up with them!

  12. so cool!

    love the dogs! look like they're having great fun!
    the action shots are super awesome. :)

    have a great week ahead!

  13. I love these action shots! The second pic of Baby Girl is my favorite. Jake and Baby Girl are playing just like Roxy and Rocket do. I love your doggies! I know you must be loving the new camera. :)

  14. Kids will be kids! Do they also swim?


  15. Looks like your new camera is awesome.

    The dogs are so cute - love the way they play and get exercise.

    They weren't really fighting were they?


  16. I must say ya got some mighty good action shots with your sports mode.

    What fun!!!

    God bless and have a marvelous day sweetie!!! :o)

  17. Hey! You can't help it if your dogs are so doggone photogenic. :))

  18. You could post nothing but the same photos of Jake and Baby and I wouldn't mind a bit. They were having a great time weren't they? So when they were done did Baby Girl sleep the rest of the day?

  19. Oh those pups look like they are having a terrific time playing in the sunshine!
    xo Catherine

  20. aww they are having so much those two sweeties...

  21. Your dogs must be easy to take care of, as they know how to entertain themselves AND you! You can sit in a chair and get all the action photos you want of ears flapping, mouths open, tails wagging. Very nice post.

    Yes Sandra I too felt overwhelmed when I saw this bear, it was an incredible experience. As I said I had no fear and the bear knew it.

  22. haha i think most of us are up for number 73 anytime!!!

    and yes if they are "playing" the sure look mean!

    big hugs

  23. Is the brindle one and American Staffordshire terrier? If so, on my Pics and Pieces blog, click on the label Otto...he is my daughters. A sort of stray that they took in. He never meets a stranger and he sure has been a good companion to our granddaughter.

  24. I haven't had a dog since I was a child, these photos look very fierce to me.

  25. Having fun watching fun - what could be better?
