Friday, October 14, 2011


Way back in in 1960 at age 16, a wasp dropped down inside the back of my Sunday go to meeting dress on the back stoop of our church. I screamed and mother dragged me into a Sunday school room and whipped my dress over my head and beat the wasp off my back. that hateful wasp got me 4 times before mother smashed him. I would get up and leave church when one came in our open windows with no screens and started to swoop around over our heads.
just in case you are fretting over my modesty, in the OLDEN days, we wore a full slip,
. since then the sighting of ANY WASP sends me running.

While scoping out the back yard for photo ops, I peered up at the pine cone a few feet over my head and realized I was admiring a pine cone that was sprouting a wasp nest.

I ran for my Knight in Shining Armour and galloped  walked slowly while shaking his head, to my rescue, reached up, pulled off the cone, and stomped the nest.
MY HERO and I really don’t CARE if they prey on other pest, if they cross my path they are GONE or I AM


  1. Your pine cones are pretty with the blue background..but I would not want to find a nest though!! Well that is quite a story and seems you many of mentioned that before..I saw a couple wasps in hubby's office late this afternoon. Can't recall what the difference is between them and yellow jackets either, but don't they go after you or alert the gang? (lol)
    Well glad you were rescued and hope you have a wonderful weekend-

  2. I love that story when you were young...and your photos too. :)

  3. Oh...I came back to thank YOU...for your comment.
    Pine tree...Lovely, really.



  4. WOW, such detail in that pinecone! Its amwazing what you find in your own backyard, its a whole nother world.

    Scream on the wasp, I know that had to hurt and carry with it some bad memories.

    Bravo to your Knight for coming to your rescue. I cant rely on mine as he is allergic so I grab the spray can and stand back.

    Looking forward to more of your shoots.

  5. Getting stung by wasps is NOT fun! I've been stung 3 times. It hurts! I can't imagine 4 times at once on your back. Poor girl! No wonder you go 'high tailing' it for the Knight to come and knock it down!!

    xo Catherine

  6. sadly, your fear is not unfounded. i'd probably feel the same way after your incident!

  7. I hate wasp or bee stings! Those angry red hornets are the ones that scare me the most. Those are good shots of the pine cone with the next on it!

  8. My sentiments too, your a gal after my own heart Sandra.
    I love your humor and beautiful shots, there both awesome ;D


  9. We have wasp and yellow jackets around here. They seem to love my Gardenia bush. This is the only thing around that hubby somewhat fears. Kind of funny, he runs for the spray that shoots 25 ft and I run and get a broom and start swinging, make contact and run! Now if it's a snake, I scream and he gets the shovel...unless it's a blackracer then he leaves it alone.

  10. Sorry you got bit four times! Ouch. I agree - any insect in my house - dead - outside - alive. Good for your hubby taking care of you!

  11. You are fortunate to have a knight in shining armour....this way he won't get bit....ha ha!

  12. Great photos. Those things are aggressive. They might sting me once, but the rest of them will have to sting the bottom of my sneakers. Because I'll be running like the devil.

  13. That story is really, really scary. It must have been a rabid wasp. And how about that time you were attacked by a bird? I can't remember details, but that would make a fine post!!! We are having what I call night flying hornets, don't know what they are, do you? They are HUGE and fat and have a big yellow stripe, they only come out at dark around our light. We never see them fly in the day! We killed one and are going to post it and see who knows. It's half smashed, but so what?

  14. You definitely have a hero there. That kind of thing would scare me too.
    I do love your macro of the pine cone. Glad you got the nest before it got bigger.

  15. I've never seen a wasp nest attached to pine cone before. It seems very odd!

    I'm not fond of wasps either. I sat on one once when I was a kid playing hide-and-seek. I wasn't hard to find. :))

  16. I don't go out of my way to kill them, but if they are in my way, I don't mind.

    There was a wasp, NOT a hornet as some have thought, that used to build nests in the apple trees. Well, there were two that I ran into...and I swear one of them stung me on the back of my swelled up and it hurt down to the bone all the way up my arm. and it hurt for was a light colored wasp, but I did not get back close enough to really look at the details...

    Those I would have killed if I could have easily...they were in the top of a gala apple tree...needless to say, I avoided that area of the tree.

  17. No worries, I am scared to death of bee's and bee's. I had a nasty experience when I was younger like you I never liked them ever sense.

  18. I take the broom to them... or the fly swatter! Works everytime. Hubby just starts swinging and will never hit one cause he is all over the place. Really funny!


  19. you would hate my yard because I find tons of those nests all over the place. Glad your knight in shining armor came to your rescue

  20. No shame Sandra, wasps can be dreadful too. I could not stomp on them however. Brave gal you are.

    I don't have any gasping ugly photos yet, bandages still on. Besides that some people can't view that as well as me and possibly you. You cracked me up with that statement.

  21. I sure am glad that you had a knight in shining armor nearby.

  22. Funny story! You know I love the little honey bees we have here but the yellow jackets are another story. If I find a new nest I make a mental note and one of us will take the spay to it later in the evening after it cools down. They are all home then so it wipes out the whole batch. Yay!

  23. Sometimes wisdom is running away from an adversary and getting help!

  24. i'd probably feel the same way with you if that would happened to me, too.

    i love your photos and your great sense of humour. ;0)

  25. Ick!!! Although I'm a nature lover, there are a few things I will kill ASAP with no qualms. Wasps are top of the bug world followed by slugs, aphids and those horrible huge worms on tomatoes.
