Sunday, November 6, 2011

Glass Menagerie

I call the animals that live in my nook, my Glass Menageri. the candle and the lamp light changes the bear completely. the photo below  was made in Photo-shop from the above photo.  Just Playin I'm Sayin

Q: What do you get if you cross a grizzly bear and a harp?
A: A bear faced lyre!

Above 2 bears, and below Bambi the deer, were sitting on the glass table in bright sunlight and when I added a high density lamp, and played with the F-stop, it made them glitter and turn the background black.

The strange subject matter of my camera, as in the Salt shakers yesterday, are all from my Macro Manual practice sessions.  LOOK out, more strange practice shots are on the way.


  1. I like your glass menagerie, those bears are really cute. That candle does add a lot of color and sparkle. The bear next to the candle looks like he is baring his teeth.

    Play away, we love strange!

  2. Great post. I realy like the affect.

  3. I love your glass menagerie and your practice sessions sure do end in winning results.

  4. Those were fun Sandra. I'll be looking forward to more.

  5. I love the glass and sparkle. Cute bear joke. These are all interesting and I have a lot to learn, so bring it on! :)
    Have a wonderful day Sandra!

  6. A bear faced lyre - another on for Andy. Your pictures are so lovely - makes that glass look so expensive $$$. sandie

  7. I can't find any salt shakers! It is Shutterfly, the morning glories, Jake and Baby, and November colored flowers. Those are the last four posts. Did you pre-schedule salt shakers for yesterday and they didn't post? Or did I really miss something? It's probably me! I always love seeing your nook things in the pretty light. Then I know summer really is over!

  8. Pretty sparkles there! And cute bear joke...LOL! Have a nice day!

  9. I Always enjoy your post. Have a great week.

  10. I love the cuteness of your glass menagerie and practice shots, Sandra.
    Thanks for the chuckle :D
    Hugs, Pam

  11. I love your little glass collection. So pretty. I think they make the light dance!
    xo Catherine

  12. Snapping clear glass is a challenge,which you mastered well.

  13. Beautiful....I love the way you see things and capture are very talented, my friend!

  14. By the time you have complete your studies, I want to take lessons from you. You sure are mastering Macro very well.

  15. As long as you are having fun, go for it!

  16. I like both your menagerie and your experiments. Keep up the good work.

  17. I like seeing your practice shots. I should be doing the same thing!

  18. Now if you could just come up and give me lessons : )

  19. I love glass. I remember buying it as a child in Italy (Murano). I don't buy as much now because I'm happy with my collection.
