Saturday, November 19, 2011

Jake In the Grass

I want to give you all a heads up to something I learned that you might or might not know. I read on this blog All About Az or Not that all of our images on our blogs are available to the public in Google/Images.

I went to and in top left corner clicked on Images, which I have been doing for YEARS and typed in Steam Engine Trains and up came thousands of images, so I added Madsnapper and there were all my photos of trains and other things.

Google Images feed off ALL photos and images that are posted on blogs/websites. When we go there, we go there to get an image for our blog, we are using someones photo from their blog. Also this means even professional photographers that post family photos on a web for clients to order, the photos are in images.
Then to my surprise after learning this, I got this comment on my last January post.
On this post, I had googled Rooster Cartoon in Images and posted two that belong to Dan Reynolds. I removed his work from my post, and wondered how he found it there from a year ago. I went to images and searched by Dan Reynolds Cartoons and a gazillion came up, I found the one I had Stolen and touched it with my mouse and it showed my blog name and took me to the post.
This is all news to me and I remembered that someone said they saw one of their photos on someone else s blog and that they had stolen if off their blog.
I think they found the image in Images and like me, thought they were there to be borrowed.
This means all our images are out there to be  borrowed and we should not be borrowing others from there unless we check with the person it belongs to.

Jake was chasing one of our Gazillion Lizards, just like this one. this little guy is 1 inch long and he was sitting high up on the broom, away from The Hunter



  1. yep, I knew all that. I try not to borrow pictures off the internet but I have on rare occasions.
    Have fun at the canine Christmas festival.

  2. If I borrow a photo from a blog I "know", I always ask permission. If its from somewhere else (which I rarely do) I cite where it's from.

    Now, I need photos of a complete Thanksgiving dinner since I've done nothing yet!!


  3. OH well. I guess I'll never be famous. LOL
    DUMB me. All of this is news to me.

  4. A pox to anyone who would copy. red bugs bed bugs and ticks to be unto them also. Ahhh Wooo Wooo.

  5. Yes I knew this also. In the past I found where a few of mine went. Your Header is Beautiful! Have a great weekend.

  6. Because I did know that images could be stolen,I post mine in a very low resolution,so that they cannot be enlarged for print. I think I should also add a copyright on them.

  7. I also knew about the images on Google. You can go to the web site the image belongs to and check if it can be uses.

    Have a fun time at the canine Christmas Festival, Sandra.

  8. yup, i get quite a bit of traffic off of images back to my blog - looking for brahma bulls, nonagons, certain wildflowers, etc. who knows where some of our photos end up?

  9. OMG! I sure didn't know my photos were out there like that! I usually watermark my photos with a copyright. Thanks Sandra!

  10. That is why you see a copyright symbol and my name on every photo I post. Not that it stops everyone, but if they post the whole photo at least I get credit. Nice of you to give a heads up to everyone and I like your photos today . . . Are they really yours??? ;^)

  11. Mmmm. This is all news to me. Actually I think I'd be honored if someone stole any of my pics. At least somebody thought they were worthwhile... :)

  12. Yep, I knew that. I knew a few photographers find their pics on Etsy for sale. You pay a price posting your pics. I do low resolutions and watermark but that does not stop folks. With the photo editing software now, they can remove the visable watermark. But if they try and print it, it will not look good.

    Hope you have fun today, look forward to seeing your photos.

  13. I wasn't aware of this. Thanks for the great info Sandra!
    I know you're having fun today. Can't wait to see the pics you take!

  14. Your day sounds like fun, I hope it will be!!! Well, when you posted the cartoon, did you give his name? Maybe you didn't see it in Google. I only rarely post web pictures, because there's all kinds of trouble I would get into. But when you Google pictures of things in Google search engine, would that be O.K. to post? Guess it would depend where the picture came from. What a headache!!!! And now they want to pass that new rule law or whatever it is, argh!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE your little lizard on the broom!!!

  15. Hmmm, I always thought my photos were mine.
    Not happy about finding them to be public domain.
    I guess I will have to learn how to watermark or copywrite them.
    Great photos especially the lizard.

    Have fun at your critter event.

  16. Hi Sandra,
    I wanted to come back by today to thank you for all your lovely comments on my photoblog yesterday. I have two blogs and when I post to memes if the comment box of blogs I visit doesn't include a place for me to add my URL my Carletta's Captures is usually what is chosen from my profile page. :)
    I love that you found it and your comments are much appreciated.
    I have read your post today and did a search myself. OH MY! I have find some sites using my photos as a 'grab' that has nothing to do with say the barn pic. It's a foreign site. Not sure if I can contact them to remove my pics. I guess if they are public domain I can't keep google from sharing, but I do want credit given for my work. Thanks for sharing the info.
    Great pics of Jake and I hope you have a great time at the festival.

  17. That's why I always put my blog address on my photos. It won't stop anyone from taking them but that's the chances a person takes on posting their photos on the Internet.

    Hope you are having fun!
    xo Catherine

  18. I collect them only to put on my screen saver. Copyright laws have a wide net. now you can share on facebook as it has the originator on it so thats pretty cool-the copyright remains with it. So people who post should use watermarks.
    I am thoroughly enjoying your blog and going through older posts
    Bridget #2 Friday Fences

  19. Yes, I knew that and that is why I post fairly low-rez photos that cannot be enlarged. I'm afraid we cannot top others from stealing our photos.

  20. I kind of knew that ... that's why I started putting a watermark on my pics! But good to share with us.

  21. Sandra, thanks for the heads up. I also add a watermark to most of my images, but as Tammy noted folks can find ways to get around this is they want to "borrow" something. Like you I had a similar experience in using some text from another source.

  22. I knew some of this and suspected most of it, but have never checked to see what was going on with my images. I'll have to do that. I would like to think that my pictures are mine, but if I post them there is no way to keep so done from 'borrowing' them if they wanted to.
    I do he you will post pictures from your day today.

  23. Hello, This is very useful and interesting information. Actually, for myself I am here to share so am not worried if anyone wants to use my photos. Most are taken by myself, my hubby or one of my family. However, I do at times Google Free Pictures and photos to use. The surprise I have found with this is that often after saying FREE, they then put a price on them. Oh well, as Jsus says you receive free so give free..I believe in that. xx

  24. I had no idea about this. Thanks for relating this information.

  25. Hey, when I try to use one in storage it takes forever to load!! I have used photos before but make sure to use links..I realize it can be a problem. Anywho..hope your doing well. I don't know when I can get a post up..maybe before Thanksgiving. Wishing you an enjoyable weekend. The Canine Christmas festival sounds fun and the image here is adorable! Jake and the lizard are cute!

  26. I meant to say how pretty your header lavender and yellow. Also meant that when I try to retrieve my own photos its long!

  27. Yes.. I knew that images posted on line were crawled an uploaded by Google and other search engines... that's why I watermark all of mine...

  28. And you didn't invite me to go - that looked like so much fun!

    Once I had a black lizard in the house with a blue stripe . . .


    Yours looks bigger than in inch.


  29. Sandra - on some on my Christian cartoons - I paid the artist $10 to be able to post them.

    Now some I borrow. If there name is on there - why do they mind - if people want to borrow more they go to their websites and look for more - it would make them more popular.

    I gotta tell you that I try to give credit to where I get them from. However anyone can have my stuff I don't have that many good things.

    I just believe - not you - but this man and maybe others - worry too much. I really don't get it.
    Do you?


  30. I'm going to check it out...I never use others photos...I just stick with my own...kinda scarey...

  31. wow, gotta love jake!

    thanks for sharing that info.
    i had no idea.

  32. I had no idea Sandra! I really don't want other people posting pictures of my kids! That is scary!

    Thanks for sharing!

  33. When it seems public like on the net...I try to say net pic. I do not know who does them to give them credit...See I am confused by this copyright stuff
    Cute Jake

  34. I knew about the google image thing-but you explained it very well : ) I don't mind if someone uses my pics-IF they say its mine : )

  35. I was not quite aware that my pictures were tagged like that in Google's image search, by username as well as search label. Well I guess I shall have to be glad as long as I'm not sued for stealing my blogger signature (Dawn Treader)! LOL If I borrow pictures for my blog I usually try to check the source, or at least make it clear that they are not my own. As for my own photos I often put a © signature on them.

  36. I have heard several say their photos were used without permission...for a while I tried to put the © symbol on all of it is hit or miss.

  37. oh, by doing this, I found a photo I cannot remember where it was taken at...imagine me forgetting something!
