Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mystery Story

Once upon a time, a giant Staghorn Plant lived in the backyard of Bobby Appleseed and his sweet Wife, MadSnapper. Along came a fierce wind and blew a frond off onto the ground.
LOOK said MadSnapper, a baby Staghorn. Bobby Appleseed as is his want to do, wired the single pad and frond to a limb that had fallen off their oak tree. Soon the single pad became 2 and made a second frond.
One fine day in November, as MadSnapper stalked a lizard chasing dog, she noticed sawdust on the ground. LOOK Bobby Appleseed, what is that? in amazement we stood and stared at a hole in the
oak limb on which the baby Staghorn lives.
WHAT? a woodpecker hole? how did that happen? I have not seen one in ages, and have not heard the pecking either? 4 days Later there is a second hole..... we have yet to see what made the hole.
How could a BIG woodpecker get so close to the ground and in plain sight of my kitchen window with being seen or heard?    Do you think this is a woodpecker hole?


  1. I have never seen a woodpecker hole up close so I have no idea. One would think you'd have heard the noise though? Maybe it's a giant woodworm... ;) Anyway I like your story-telling skills!

  2. That would have to be a really big woodpecker to make a hole that size. You would have seen or heard something. Maybe some sort of rodent?

  3. Looks squirrel-size?

  4. I think you have a big mystery here. Why not set up a time-capturing camera (is there such a thing?) and see what's afoot in the yard of the fair Madsnapper and Johnny A.? I'll be staying tuned.


  5. Looks like a woodpecker hole. It is the beauty of that Staghorn that catches my eye.I once tried to grow one indoors,without much luck.

  6. is the wood so soft that you wouldn't have heard the tapping?

  7. I can't wait for the conclusion of this mystery.

  8. What a mystery! It looks like a Woodpecker has visited. A squirrel wouldn't make a home there unless it's high off the ground. Can't wait to see what else you have found. :)

  9. I have ABSOLUTELY no idea... our woodpeckers are usually higher up... But i do hope you find out what it is because you made me very curious!

    Big hugs and a thank you for you sweet words...

  10. I don't think that is a woodpecker hole, but I have no idea what made it.

  11. Their usually pretty noisy but maybe this one was sneaky and napped softly as not to be seen or heard.

    I have a staghorn plant but did not know I could start a new one that way, thanks for the tip, Sandra

  12. Could be -- maybe a pileated woodpecker....

  13. Interesting!!! Can not wait to find out the conclusion!

  14. I love a good mystery! No, I don't think it's a woodpecker hole. They drill holes that size to live in, and a woodpecker would not live in this, they want up high in growing trees. This deepens the mystery. The hole is very even and smooth, perhaps the wood had a rotten knothole and it fell out. Have you searched the area? Well, even so, a wild beaver could have stolen it away! Was the fern growing near this hole? Perhaps this is where it grew? I need to KNOW, comb the area and send the wood to a lab for testing!!! And watch out for beavers!

  15. This is such a mystery! Can't wait to find out!

  16. Well I certainly will be no help. The holes are so perfectly round and quite big.
    So close to the ground doesn't seem safe for an animal.
    Will love hearing the rest of the story.
    You definitely are a fantastic story teller Sandra.

  17. I think it is a woodpecker. But I have been surprised to find squirrels in woodpecker nests. The suspense is killing me.

    I say WOODPECKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. What a neat hole! What a BIG hole!!! Maybe your new neighbors came over with their humongus drill and drilled your staghorn. (Now that would be grounds for a real fight!!!) :-) I did not know a squirrel could make such a hole?? I have no idea what happened I just wanted to jump into the fray... :-)
    Love ya, Madeline (Mrs. Snapper II)

  19. I've never actually seen a woodpecker hole but I would think that you would have heard something, especially since there are two of them. I hope you figure out what's making that though, I'm curious

  20. Sure hope you find who the culprit is! The mystery continues.

  21. I have no idea...kind of anxious for you to find out what it is.

  22. Hmmm... I'm not sure what kind of a whole that is. You may have to set up a spy camera to see who is doing this! ;)

    xo Catherine

  23. I hope we find out when we return tomorrow!

  24. i have no idea but am keen to find out.

  25. that's a mystery indeed.
    i have no idea what made that hole.

  26. I did not think woodpeckers make that big of a hole...but I have no clue

  27. Well I know this - when they tap on your house they are Loud - but i don't know if you can hear them on a tree outside. sandie

  28. pileated woodpecker's we have Sandra for that size of hole.
