Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sunshine On My Shoulders

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high
If I had a tail tale that I could tell you
I'd tell a tail tale sure to make you smile

If I had a wish that I could wish for you
I'd make a wish for sunshine all the while
Hugs and Smiles to you from Jake my sweet pup and by way of lyrics from John Denver. Click Here to hear him sing it.


  1. He/she has found a snug place to be and looks very happy about it. Apt lyrics.

  2. Jake looks so comfortable in that sunny spot. His smile in the last photo is just priceless. That is one of my favorite John Denver songs, it was always a staple around the campfire when camping.

  3. Hey pup ~ send some of that sunshine down to Banjo and I please!!

    xo Catherine

  4. Awwwl, Jake sure looks happy in those photos! Those fur babies love to lay in the sun!

  5. An awesome set of photos, soaking up that sun. Love his big smile at the end.

  6. If he had a tail umm tale...such happy looks of sunshine

  7. i see i'm not the only one forcing songs into people's heads today...

  8. Nothing better than seeing a happy dog! Love the song too!

  9. Sweet and sunny, Jake.. I love that John Denver tune now playing in my head.

  10. Jake looks happy and relaxed! That is one of my favorite John Denver songs. I love his music!

  11. Makes me wish our sun was a little warmer today. Lucky Jake.

    OBTW, my blog is finally back, restored and in full swing. Thanks for your support!

  12. Thanks for the big SMILE, Jake, you must be having a very good day!! Perfect lyrics for this post, poor John Denver. I LOVE the FIRST picture in your post from yesterday!!

  13. what a beauty!
    i just want to smooch taht pretty face!

    missed you!

  14. That last pic of Jake is the BEST! I want to grab that boy and give a huge hug and kiss! He's so darn cute there soaking up the sun rays! That song by John Denver is beautiful. I've always liked it. So nice to hear it again.
    Happy Tuesday Sandra!

  15. Jake makes me smile. What a cool dude he is. (Sunshine makes me happy too.)

  16. Haha Smiles back at you Jake. :-D

  17. Oh My Goodness, That is one truly happy and content doggie.... Love that last photo.

  18. I've always liked that song but I think I like Jake's version of it even better. That was so darn cute it did make me smile

  19. Jake certainly found a sunny place for a nice rest. The photos certainly go very well with this song.

  20. What a happy face in the sunlight.

  21. hehehehehe...he's smilling, and singing...hahahahah.... so funny!!!

  22. My english...is my disgrace...
    The dog is smiling...OK!(funny)
    J.D is singing!!!
    I like that song...


  23. Okay BRILLIANT idea here to put him to music. I am so dumb - I thought when you said - if you want to hear HIM sing you meant your pouch! LOL


  24. Oh, my goodness...this is one of my favorite songs....and loved what you did with it.
