Thursday, November 17, 2011

Village Of The Arts-Charisma

This House was behind this fence with the sign on it, but I don't think the house is the cafe. I believe this is just an artists home and the sign is pointing down the street. Next time I go I will research it.

 Two very elderly ladies were enjoying the sunshine on a park bench in Miami. They had been meeting in that park every sunny day, for over 12 years...chatting, and enjoying each others friendship.
 One day, the younger of the two ladies, turns to the other and says,... "Please don't be angry with me dear, but I am embarrassed, after all these years...What is your name? I am trying to remember, but I just can't."
The older friend stares at her, looking very distressed, says nothing for 2 full minutes, and finally with tearful eyes, says...
"How soon do you have to know?"


  1. The painting on the house is a bit unusual. The expression of the lady in the red skirt seems to suggest she is not happy to be there. This is a cute little house with it's laughing sun. Love the joke.

  2. Ha, ha. I'd sign my name, but I can't remember who I am at the moment.

  3. Great post. A great place to take photos. Have you been inside any of these houses.
    Great joke but at my age it scares me. LOL

  4. awwww...poor thing...very interesting house...they eyes on the people are kinda spooky to me...

  5. These houses are gorgeous if you want art on your house...Nice to see them. Cute joke but I am becoming that way!

  6. I am enjoying these quaint cottages. I don't know if I would want to live in a house like that,but they sure are pretty to look at,kind of like eye candy.

  7. That is definitely an artist area in your town, isn't it??? So interesting...

    The 'memory loss' story is kinda sad... We can tell a huge difference in Dad Adams' memory... Of course, what do we expect at age 99....??? BUT--he was always so SHARP.. Now he's not anymore... Sigh!!!!

  8. The artist house was the biggest canvas around so why not paint it with some style.
    We learn to chuckle as we age.. thanks for my daily dose, Sandra.

  9. looks like a portrait of the artist, Frida. an interesting house, for sure.

    and the joke make me laugh. bless their hearts!

  10. Love the house -what a fun neighborhood. Like the joke but it is getting close to hitting home!


  11. Beth here -- ha ha! I have days just like that!

  12. Very interesting house! Funny joke, but sometimes I have a senior moment and can't remember things and it's kinda scary.

  13. I'm not sure what I think of that house... Interesting, but I don't think I'd be overjoyed to see that painting EVERY day...

    The story... more sad than funny...

  14. Oh I love the photos. The story line is reflective of moments I'm experiencing now and then.

  15. Fun and colorful neighborhood! The joke was really cute!

  16. That is a very interesting home. The mural is certainly unique -- it would be neat to learn the story behind it.
    I don't understand it, but each year I find jokes about seniors and their memory less funny than they were the year before. I wonder what could be causing that?

  17. I do so love the painting on the building. It's wonderful. Thanks for sharin' sweetie!

    Loved the two old gal's made my afternoon....thanks!

    God bless and enjoy this wonderful day!!! :o)

  18. That is some interesting mural painted on the front of that house. It seems a big contrast in comparison to the side though

  19. your header and all these photos.

    New Follower.


  20. You will have to see if that is a coffee shop in that house or if it is down the road. Very interesting looking houses.

    Funny joke! lol


  21. Every time I see that joke, I laugh till I cry! It is so me!

  22. too funny joke! made me laugh.

    it is the portrait of the artist, frida. that's for sure.

    ...and that is an awesome and interesting home. thanks for sharing.
