Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Moth, the Hinge and the Hisbiscus

 December  in our Back Yard   and a break from all the holiday stuff
What is a myth?
A female moth!

What insect lives on nothing?
A moth, because it eats holes

 moth with a 3 inch wing span.  no clue what it is, anyone know?
What do you get if you cross a firefly and a moth?
An insect who can find its way around a dark wardrobe!


  1. Ooh, I love the worn, weathered look of that hinge. Things like that always catch my attention.

    That is one big moth but I have no idea what the name might be, maybe someone will know.

  2. Great backyard shots. Love the hinge.

  3. I am liking the summery feel of your blog today Sandra! It's cold here ~ so I could use a little warmth! :)
    xo Catherine

  4. Just when I am getting the winter blues here you come to brighten the day, look at that flower, awesome in all its glory and your funny side notes. Thanks for warming the day.

  5. The Hinge ande the flower, my favorite.
    I never thought about it but Moths do eat holes and they never get too big. Lucky for us,or we might be running around naked. LOL.

  6. Calm, peaceful and a delight for my eyes.. your yard shots are simply lovely, Sandra. I have no what the flying giant is called, but it sure is pretty to look at.

  7. These are great macros. You always find plenty of subjects in your back yard.

  8. i LOVE that first shot. the lighting is perfect!!!

  9. Your Hibiscus is so pretty. I don't have any flowers on mine now. We do have a few moths around and some of them have beautiful colors and patterns.
    The old hinge is great...some things are better aged. :)

  10. Lovely... I am seeing more of Christmas Time in a warm climate, from new Blogging Friends. :-)

    I think I especially love the first pic, with the rusty hinge.

    "Chill December brings the sleet,
    Blazing fire and Christmas treat."

    ~~Mother Goose

  11. Greetings From Southern California

    My education about moths is now complete :-)

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    God Bless You, ~Ron @ *TOGB

  12. Great shots! Thanks for the smile!

  13. I enjoyed the pictures and the smiles. Love that pretty pink Hibiscus.

  14. Absolutely love the hinge on the gate; my favorite kind of thing to photograph.

  15. Love all the detail in the first photo! Funny isn't it how worn and rusty can look so attractive in artistic context.

  16. Your header is beautiful, and your title sounds like the title of a mystery novel! Did you take one picture of the moth at dusk, and one in daylight, or just different camera settings? I always love your hibiscus pictures, it looks like spring today on your blog! Is that your hinge?

  17. ooh my! what breathtaking shots, sandra!!
    can't stop looking at them.

    thanks for the smiles!

  18. Interesting how we change---as we become more and more interested in photography... I see things so differently than I used to... There is always something interesting to photograph in your back yard, isn't there????

    Happy DAY to you!

  19. Oh...dear! Whar magnificent photos....And yes: you changed your main picture again! NICE!

    LOVE your blog!
    have a good night sleep!
    See you tomorrow!

  20. I love the look of the hinge picture.
    I have no idea what kind of moth that is but that's a pretty big one

  21. What an intriguing hinge. And the hibiscus is a lovely sight at this time of year.

  22. THat old hinge is GREAT, Sandra as is the hibiscus...:)JP

  23. Hey your winter is so beautiful there. Whew. sandie

  24. I love that hinge...would definately take that photo....

  25. I love that shot of the hinge!!! Don't know the moths...

  26. Wonderful images, the moths are cool. Great captures.

  27. I think a lot more is going on in your back yard right now than in mine!
