Sunday, December 4, 2011

Second Chances

 Our Christmas Cactus, 5 of the 6 we have, are confused and in full bloom for the last week of November.
This large plant above, belonged to my mother and when she died in 1990, I brought it home. The plant has been near death many times, but each time Bob broke the root system up and made other plants.
The vivid pink on the left in above photo and the second photo down is a white one. Both of these plants were found in  the trash bin at church about 8 years ago, they  appeared to be dead, twisted and in tiny  black containers, tossed away by someone who stopped caring.

  Hubby dug them out and  brought them home and here they are, victims of bad things and being dismissed as trash, now living a life with a second chance. They live on our porch side by side, blooming and creating beauty for a few weeks a year.

 These brilliant magenta flowers were once ugly and almost dead,  Bob gave them a second chance.
There is nothing we have done or could ever do that would turn God away from us, He is a God of  2nd Chances. 

Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven. Matthew 18:21-22 ESV


  1. Wonderful!!! I was thinking of Jesus and second chances before I even read that far!! I, too, have very sorrowful memories of Christmas cactus, doubly sorrowful. And why does it not surprise me that you do too, sis?

  2. My grandmother used to have the most beautiful Christmas cactus. I got a cutting and kept it when I lived in Georgia but gave it away when I moved to Alaska.

    Good for Bob for giving these plants new life. I have sometimes bought pitiful, almost dead plants at stores and revived them. They usually wound up being my favorites and produced more flowers than the so-called healthy plants.

  3. They are beauties and Bob must have green fingers and TLC to bring them beck to life. Ours flower in June (our winter)

  4. º°♥❤ Olá, amiga!
    ❤ Conheço essa planta.
    Aqui a chamamos de flor de seda.
    Tenho um vaso também (na cor da primeira foto) mas nunca ficou tão bonita como as suas.
    Amei as fotos...todas são lindas!
    º°❤ Boa semana!

  5. These are beautiful! The little one in Beth's studio is starting to blossom too!

  6. Love those Christmas Cactus.I used to have one but I think I killed it with kindness. :)Thank goodness,that God doesn't work that way.He has given me so many second chances.

  7. love this post Sandra...second chances are what it is all about....

  8. I have one in bloom in my kitchen window but not very big. One cactus like that I had for over 20 years I think, it grew very big before it gave up, and then I still had secured "children" from it... But the problem in a small flat is that one can't hold on to all half-dead plants. The one I have now was bought later. I'm glad some found a new life at your place :)

  9. wow, that is some Christmas cactus. I had one for several years before I finally killed it. I should have sent it down to you, your husband could have saved it's life :)

  10. your bob has a green thumb, and you have a big heart. :)

  11. Gorgeous Christmas Cactus plants, Sandra. Mine (I just have one) isn't showing any signs of blooming this year. Think I need Mr. Johnny Appleseed up here to give it new live. It probably needs re-potting... Maybe I'll do that next spring.

    I enjoyed seeing all of yours though.


  12. The cacti are absolutely beautiful. Who cares if they only bloom for a few weeks each year? That much beauty would be hard to take year round. Bob truly has a green thumb.

  13. Your husband does amazing things with plants. Those are beautiful. And God does amazing things with us.

  14. There are a few great lessons to all of us in your post today. Wonderful job.

  15. Great Sunday post Sandra.
    Bob is a wonder with plants. Wish I was that inclined to planting.

  16. The plants and the stories with each are very touching and beautiful.
    I'm so grateful for my second chances.

  17. Those cactus are stunning. I have a black thumb. I kill everything. Someone gave me a beautiful live poinsettia for the Gartland's and it will probably be dead before Christmas. You know I love that song!

  18. I've got two of those, one red like your first picture and one pink. They are about 15 years old and I planted in the same pot.
    Every years they give me lots of wonderful flowers: the red one in July and the pink one just these days!
    Love them so much, they are my pet plants!

  19. Your Mom is tickled to see them from up above, I'm sure! Worried about mine surviving the trip in the cap of the truck...such a cold ride...but they are blooming profusely!...:)JP

  20. Mom had a Christmas cactus...she kept it in our dark dreary basement part of the year till it would bloom at Christmas.

    My nephew just sent me that video is a good one!

  21. This is a wonderful post. My cactus is also blooming. I so enjoy them. My Amaryllis is almost ready to open.

  22. Beautiful pictures, and the thought of second chances with God is beautiful as well! I love that song too. Thank you for sharing!

  23. My Christmas cacti don't look anything like these. Yours are gorgeous!

  24. I think it's cool that you can keep your plants out year round! My mother in law has or had one. My niece kept breaking pieces off it when she was little until there wasn't much left of it.

  25. Gosh that is a beautiful cactus plant! I used to have one a long time ago - they are so pretty!
    xo Catherine

  26. I've never tried a Christmas Cactus. I'm not that good, with plants.

    But you two are amazing.

    Gentle hugs,
    "Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff and hearty honesty;
    it was the season of hospitality, merriment, and open-heartedness."

    ~~Charles Dickens

  27. Amen and amen.
    I'm so glad for second chances. PTL!!

  28. Thanks God for second chance and thanks to Bob as well. His effort to bring this lovely flowers back to life is worth to be praised. Great photos Sandra.

  29. Your hubby is wonderful.

    And God is a God of second chances isn't he?

    Loved the song. So true.

