Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Choose Your Chair/Bench

Overlooks Manatee River

Which one of these seats would you choose to sit, rest and chat with me....

NOTE: all photos taken by MadSnapper but NOT my yard... taken from Bench folder in archives

Oak Forrest in park with squirrels

Bench on canal

Bayside Dock, you can sit the chair the normal way

Coquina Beach view
 Above is my preference.

Front yard view
 What do you do when your chair breaks?   Call a chairman, silly

Back yard view

Coquina Beach view


  1. Oh, one of the comfy beach chairs, please. I have one of those myself, for the balcony in the summer or to bring outdoors.

  2. Well since all the benches seem to be in sunny spots, it wouldn't matter which one I was sitting in right now. It would be wonderful!
    xo Catherine

  3. Love them all.. Would pick the swing!!!

  4. Benches get my attention too. Love.your.bunnies.

  5. That's a hard one...there are so many nice spots to pick from, but I guess the last one because I love to walk on the beach and chat! Enjoy your day!

  6. Beach views or top of the hill...

    What a great Header!!! :-) It makes me smile. And it doesn't get much better than that.


  7. MOM says she would take the camping chairs. As for me, I can relax and chat anywhere.

  8. I will take the oak forest for sure!

  9. I like all the shots, but you'll find me sitting on that bench in the second photo. I'll have cookies and coffee waiting.

  10. I have a three way tie! lol I love the park because of the trees and squirrels. And I would love the river and beach view. :) I do wonder where we will meet for the first time. :) Do you live near Lithia?? Kyle has a good friend that lives there.
    You are getting super creative!
    Happy Tuesday to you!

  11. I choose no. 2. Shall I bring a thermos of coffee?


  12. Either the front yard with 2 chairs or the swing. That way we could sit together looking at the water!!
    Great photos and again very creative! do you wake up with all these great ideas?
    hugs Madi and Mom

  13. These are pretty shots of the chairs...so peaceful looking

  14. On the beach or top of the hill...just give me some sun right now. This morning, again, it is cloudy, dark and VERY COLD!!!!

    Sandra, every picture is fascinating and I do love that new header!!


  15. I would be happy in any of them...wish I could have the arrangement that you like in the Oak Forrest setting...

  16. Hi Sandra, Love your header... Neat... Also loved your bench/chair photos. My fav would be the camping chair ones --but I'd love the first one gazing at the river...


  17. The collapsible ones are my favorite!...:)JP

  18. Sitting in Oak Forest Park would be my favorite spot to sit and relax!

  19. If sitting in one of those places meant a visit with you,I wouldn't care which one it was. I am sure we could find something to photograph in each place.

  20. The kind of chair doesn't matter, the view is important to me. It would be a tossup between the first and second! I love the sky, but I also would love watching the birds and squirrels in the trees!

  21. Yikes, you've got it ALL covered. Well, as for just plain seating comfort, Oak Forrest and front yard. As to the view...Bayside dock or the Beach. Wow, you have so many cool places to snap. I would actually just be happy bringing a big bag of peanuts to feed those squirrels, with YOU beside me!

  22. I would pick the oak forest - but in springtime.

  23. Hard to choose...I love the beach, but the bench under the canopy of trees is lovely and I love to swing! I think I would just enjoy chatting with you ANYWHERE!! :-)

  24. I love no. 3 - that looks very quiet and peaceful, wouldn't mind sitting there.

  25. Any of them would suit me just fine but I think my favorite might be the Coquina beach view (the first one)

  26. I love to sit out - under a tree - by the water - and have a class of wine. I think I like the first one.


  27. All of the above because you are such a delightful person Sandra.

  28. That's a really tough decision. The chair isn't really all that important as I would be all over taking photos. Sunshine is important however. I'll take the last one near the sand and ocean please. I love to walk on the beach and feel the sand between my toes.

  29. The Oak Forest bench will be where you can find me...too hot sitting in a beach chair for me.

  30. Well I do like to swing but I love the setting in the trees!

  31. I'd be happy to sit on any of these benches or chairs. I'm glad you found these pictures in your archives.

  32. I'd sit with you just about anywhere, Sandra. I think you'd be great fun to chat with.

  33. I would be happy sitting in any one of these warm sunny spots!
