Friday, April 5, 2013

Scale of 1 to 10

Can you guess what this is before the bottom of the post?

On the Muleheaded Stubborn scale of 1 to 10, Hubby and I are both an  11...

My personal opinion is he is a 12, but since he doesn't agree, we will go with both at 11.

I am the prodder of the proddee for his  Doctor appointments for Master Muleheaded. I make the appointments and drag him there at gunpoint nag-point.

That said, he needs a new hearing aid, and will not go, prodded or not... Hearing loss from his job, has been in our lives for years. (remember this info)

Wait, Wait for IT... I AM going somewhere with this....

We were in the back yard and I spied a brown spot behind his left ear and said.

" you need to see Doctor Neff about this spot, it is definitely a skin cancer.'

HE made a nasty scoffing face and shrugged his shoulders which in Spouse Speak is Not on your life.
Diet Cherry Seven Up in my kitchen window, do  NOT ask WHY

I said,
"you know, these things can go deep, they can get in your blood stream.and even KILL you.. besides it could cause loss of hearing.
He said,
Loss of hearing? that's not a threat! and

We both went into silly laughing mode and could not stop. The more we laughed the more we laughed.

do you do silly laughing with your spouse? over nothing or everything?


  1. LOL! Yes! We saw John's audiologist this week and he told John that loss of hearing can cause imbalance. We both laughed because every ailment John has PLUS most meds he takes cause side effects of imbalance!

  2. Being able to laugh together is all gift.

  3. Hi Sandra
    thought I was reading my own post there. Mr.T is going deaf and always replies to anything I say with 'What did you say' actually I'm sure he hears but wants a bit of time to digest it but he insists he can't hear, refuses to get a hearing aid though.
    We've also been there with the nasty looking spot, been up the Hospital and had it checked, its okay thankfully.
    No we have the eyes, cataract in eaach eye, (only small at the moment) and recently an ingrowing eyelash.
    After all the years of ill health one way and another I thought we'd done with Hospitals but no such luck. It's a good job I'm a people watcher, I actually like sitting watching them all in the waiting rooms. (does that make me a
    By the way I thought it was lemonade from the first picture, so nearly there.

  4. At least your shared mule-headedness had a sense of humor! But, he should get the spot checked. Tell him all your online advisors said so. :)

  5. I guessed right!

    Fits of laughter with the hubby is a wonderful thing don't you think? Stanley and I do it quite often.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend Sandra!

    xo Catherine

  6. Woof! Woof! I'm curious, WHY? Happy Friday. Lots of Golden woofs, Sugar

  7. Yes and we do some pretty goofy things to make the grands laugh, Just this week, I thought if anyone looked in our window while we were marching around the room to music with Little E. they would surely say..."look at those two old fools!" Take it from someone who works for a dermatologist...he does need to have that spot checked. It might not be anything, but since he spends a lot of time in the sun, it might be a skin cancer. Much better to have it treated early!

  8. I love your sense of humor (but hope he gets that checked!)

    I also want to say that I LOVE your new header. The juxtaposition of the retro lamp with laptop is striking. :)

  9. Oh, yes, we do laugh together...sometimes at each other....a lot of times all we have to do is say something Lo has said or done and then we really crack up. Roger can add to what she says or gives the reasons/thoughts behind it and makes it even funnier.

  10. Well in Bloglovin' they only show one picture so I didn't come over until I guesses. I knew there were bubble and ice thinking some kind of soda. I do love silly laughing. Doesn't happen as often as I would like it too! Hope he goes and has that looked at.

  11. I almost got your mystery photo correct... I guessed ice in a glass --but didn't know the drink.

    Oh YES---Hubby and I so lots of silly laughing!!!!! That's what keeps life so exciting, isn't it?

  12. I also guessed it was something in a glass, but I didn't know exactly what.

    A lot of laughing is done at our house.

  13. Oh yes, we just look at each other sometimes after seeing the same think and burst out into laughter. Silly laughter is good!!

  14. Oh yes indeed we are wild and crazy here too. BUTT my B can hear!!

    Oh mom said to tell you today's pic is picasa...we have one coming up done in picmonkey.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  15. i hope you can get him to go in...

  16. He better go, cause it is NO JOKE!

  17. When is his Dr. appointment. Dieing or "the end" is not a problem. Getting there is a problem.

  18. My husband is really hearing impaired and wears two hearing aids. It is not good for him or me. But we manage! He has very good hearing aids now.
    And we do laugh like laughing hyenias sometimes.We just can't stop!!!!! .....And then later we may laugh about the same thing all over again! It's fun!

  19. 1st pic... drink with ice in it. pink drink, and bubbles!!!

  20. After 54 years together, if we didn't laugh, we'd have *killed* each other, long ago.

    Get that dark spot checked. He spends a lot of time, in the sun.

  21. I thought it was pink lemonade at first! What was bob's job? Tell him this from Ginny. Years ago, Phil had a spot almost in the same place. It did NOT look real bad, and did not bother him. BUT there was something different looking about it than any spot I had seen. I DRAGGED him to the dermatologist. The doctor cut it out and sent it off. A few weeks later, one night the phone rang. It was the doctor. You DO know it is never good when a doctor calls you at night!! They found the spot to be cancer, the kind that can spread all through your organs. We stopped it just before it spread. Tell Bob he does NOT want a call from Phil.

  22. Love being Goofy with my Hubby.
    Sometimes we get to laughing and don't really know why.
    It's pure therapy for the soul.

    I'll join everyone else and say get the spot checked out....

    Getting Hubby to the Doc is hard but better safe than sorry.

  23. That's what good spouses are for. Laughing with and finding spots behind your ear.

  24. not much silly laughing around here. It's more like I laugh he rolls his

    I knew it was an ice cube in a glass of something but I didn't know what the something was.
    I love diet cherry 7 up

  25. OK Mr. Madsnapper...Bob...please get that spot checked...I have Uncles that have had to have skin cancers's really important to get them checked as soon as you to the Madsnapper...great always you keep us guessing...

  26. That is such fun to read about people laughing themselves silly. It is the best medicine. I hope he does go to the doctors. keep nagging. The ice shot is cool!!! pun intended. We too have a good laugh now and then.

  27. Yep, lots of uncontrollable silly laughing here, that's what keeps a marriage strong.

    Tell Bob all your blog buddies said to get that spot checked!

  28. We laugh all the time at our house. It's such a blessing. Plus, I was laughing because the ice in that first picture looks just like a butt. ;^)

  29. I knew it was ice in a glass. lol

    We laugh all the time! I am very silly and he loves it and he has the best one liners! :) Laughter is the best!
    Drag him in to the dermatologist! I have to go in a few weeks myself.

    Thank you for my birthday wishes. :) It was a fabulous day!

  30. Silly, hysterical laughing fits with a spouse are among the joys . . . and healing aspects of married life. Glad you and Bob have that!

  31. That looks very refreshing :-) cool colours

  32. Yes I too have hearing aids (the effects of a shotgun and a chain saw) and only wear them when there is background noise or as my spouse says when he is afraid he'll lose them. Mr. Cheapo she calls me laughing...:(

  33. If you think he has skin cancer make the appointment for him! My husband and I are extremely stubborn!!! And I thought that was an ice drink!

  34. Yes, make an appointment, then take Bob to the doctor!

    It's good to be able to laugh with your spouse, isn't it?

  35. I'm smiling reading this. Love this post.

    Have a great new (more fun) week ahead.

  36. being able to laugh (silly laughing) adds an important dimension to any marriage/relationship.
    a good sense of humour is essential for a successful marriage, in my opinion.
    glad you and bob have that!!

  37. I think any healthy relationship should be able to say yes to this frank and i also cry together....fortunately we laugh more. :) I guessed an ice lemonade...close?
