Tuesday, May 21, 2013

La Bella my grand dog

My son's sweet Bella 

My heart is aching and breaking for the devestation that is running on my TV screen. God bless those survivors in Oklahoma...

As I type one of the three schools that took a direct hit by the 2 mile wide 20 miles long tornado that hit yesterday  is showing many Search and Rescue dogs, looking for children in the ruble of the school. twice i have seen the reporter choke up so he can't talk.

God bless those first responders and the dog teams. and now the Cold is hitting them, the temps are dropping and they have nothing. the parents are looking for their children, and their pets.

She dances and also twirls round and round, and has several tricks


  1. she is so sleek and beautiful. those eyes...

  2. A beautiful and kind dog. Thanks for doing this for this so often misunderstood breed. The ones I've known have all been the sweetest of dogs. That tornado was horrific, I feel so bad, so sad for those people.

  3. Beautiful dog you have.

    Oh yes the Tornado loss of people

    and those school children are

    awful and so sad..

    I cannot watch anymore.

    People helping people before the

    crew came and the dogs in was a

    miracle of compassion for each

    other. I mean you would have too

    if you cared for people. Even if

    they were strangers. That is

    what it is all about or should


    Those poor parents that have loss their dear children.

    My prayers for them. It is so

    heart breaking.What those children must of gone through

    some drowning from the pipes in

    the schools that broke.

  4. Yes Mad SNapper our hearts are breaking too. I cannot imagine the horror and pain. This has truly been a tragic 5.5 months in the USA.

    Bella has the shiniest fur I've ever seen....is she a Breck girl? LOL
    Only those of our generation will get the Breck reference.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. É de lamentar o que se passou Oklahoma, a natureza não tem limites no seu avanço.
    Os seus animais são lindos e inteligentes, claro... Amigos também.


  6. I cannot imagine what those people are going through. We go about our day-to-day life as they dig through rubble and search for loved ones and belongings. My heart goes out to them.

    Such a sweet granddog.


  7. That is so so sad. I'm praying for them too.

    And I agree that pup was cute. My sister has one!


  8. I think we too often forget the valuable work dogs do for us in difficult situations. Your photos of Bella are precious.

  9. She is very pretty and has the shiniest fur I have ever seen! She has a sad look on her face. But I know she is their pride and joy, they remind me totally of you and Jake and Baby, like mom like son. Yikes, a skull on the end table!

  10. Darling photos of Bella. What a sweetheart.

    Joining with you in prayer for all affected by the storm.

  11. Bella is a pretty dog and has such a kind looking face. She looks especially sweet in the first and second photos.
    My heart and prayers go out to those in OK, it's just so sad.

  12. My heart aches too. There is so much devastation. I find it hard to even comprehend.
    It's rather odd that this past Saturday and Sunday at Church we would be recognizing and thanking the First Responders especially in our area.
    I truly am grateful for all of the men and women that put themselves in harms way.

  13. Bella is a sweetie pie :)

    I've been glued to my TV which seems to happen more often these day. My heart is aching for them. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone.

  14. what a sweet baby...I love that look on her face...you can tell she is loved...it is so sad about Oklahoma...we are under tornado warnings today...

  15. Beautiful dog and those eyes

  16. Beautiful dog... I love black dogs since my Duchess was a black cocker spaniel...

    God Bless the people in Oklahoma.

  17. Your grand doggie is smart and handsome...also he looks contented. I can not imagine the anguish the people that were in this storms path are going through. The storms are getting more frequent and powerful...very scary.

  18. Bella is a gorgeous pup. She looks so sweet

  19. Giggling over Ginny remark about the skull. Bella is a beauty and what a shiny coat she has.

    It has been sad seeing the news today. The destruction is just horrible. There are many still missing which breaks my heart. Did you see the video of the lady who found her dog alive in the rubble while she was being interviewed?

  20. Bella is a beauty. MOM and I just can't help but tear up when we see the dogs searching.

  21. Your son has a beautiful dog- she looks very friendly and happy. I haven't stopped praying for the ones hit by the tornadoes. I don't like this part of spring at all.

  22. -sigh- The devastation is almost unbelievable. It's over whelming. -sigh-

    Fun pics though, to lighten a hard post.

  23. She is beautiful! I love her eyes! You have more grand babies!! :)

  24. Beautiful sleek dog. Yes, too many sad things - one after another.

  25. What a sweet, sweet face!! I LOVE her eyes...

  26. So cute! I have a granddog named Bella too

  27. wow! bella is a beauty!

    such a beautiful, elegant, sleek dog!

    your photos are beyond beautiful, too.

  28. Oh, I swear, that with Oklahoma sure was/is heartbreaking.
