Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bray Park Cuties...

He popped right out of the buffet  trash can and of course I missed that shot.

What a difference the sunshine makes, above in shade, below in sunshine, both taken in same area same time.

Can you find the FAST ONE below?

. at one place, we had 18 of these little guys begging (note: our pockets were full of peanuts)

Think The Squirrels as in the Alfred Hitchcock movie The Birds..woo wooo wooo wooo

NOT a squirrel but just as cute.... the legs and hand belong to my friend Diane. her parents were here from Ohio and we went to breakfast and a park walk


  1. My favourite! Your wildlife shots!!

  2. Super wildlife shots. The dog has real character, I like his eyebrows.

  3. We have lots of squirrels here, too. That's the sweetest little dog. Hope you have a good day.

  4. Phun Photos! I think squirrels are so cute; Kevin calls them rats with a furry tail. Grrrrr. Enjoyed the pics.

  5. What a difference the sunshine makes. a big difference. I love that cute little pooch. what a little sweetheart. Somehow I skipped over to Desoto Beach....I love the beach shots. Beautiful!

  6. Cute pics! I've asked myself if I'd think the squirrels would be so cute if they didn't have the fluffy tails. Probably not, but they do! Have fluffy tails, that is. :)

  7. Squirrels are so amusing but those little varmints eat all the bird seed and scare the birds away :(

  8. Oh, they are so cute...both critters.

  9. Love the squirrel's we have a few along with the chipmunks and I never tire of them. Simple joys.:)

  10. You have such a good eye behind that camera! Louis Dean doesn't like the squirrels here at home - we have so MANY! and they are so DESTRUCTIVE!! And so few natural predators! I tell them to SHOO when 'Mr. McGregor' comes outside!!

  11. I bet you had a really nice day! The first picture, the little guy looks like he is contemplating a suicidal jump!! Not off a bridge but into a trash can! The sun and shade shots ARE so different, I hate to take any snaps outside anymore unless the sun is OUT!

  12. You know I Love this squirrel! The sunshine does make a world of difference. That puppy dog is a cutie too! Sounds like you had a nice time. :)
    I can't believe so many people don't like squirrels. I guess I've always tried to understand each little creature, kind of like understanding and accepting people. :)

  13. What a fun and friendly park...
    that was a rather cute tree rodent..well at least he was entertaining.

    Mom says I need to say thank you for your kind compliment....thank you Mad Snapper.
    hugs madi

  14. I misread the title at first glance: Bray Park Duties... Was wondering if they had a squirrel 'on duty' there ;)

  15. Really cute shots! Of course it does help to have peanuts in your pocket.

  16. All very cute and it looks like a great outing you guys had.

  17. Yes squirrels are cute when they behave and aren't tearing up patio swings! I love ours though even when they are rascals!

  18. Aw, so cute, both the squirrels and the little dog. I see the fast one. I've got lots of shots like that too.

    I see Andrea is header your way, I hope she stays a light tropical storm or better yet just fizzles out.

  19. SQUIRREL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Squirrels are so cute - but dang they have caused me sooooooo much grief! sandie

  21. Actually, I think the dog is cuter than the squirrel, but then we don't have dogs getting into the bird feeders.

  22. Glad you could meet some friends for a meal and then take a nice walk in the park...

    I laughed at George's comment because it was exactly what I was thinking.... ha ha

    Cute DOG.....

  23. Those squirrels sure are crafty critters, aren't they?

  24. Great shots, including speedy. I never seem to catch wildlife on the move, which is why I enjoy flowers so much.

  25. Love the shots of both critters. I think on the squirrel shots I like the look of the one with the sun better. It feels warmer :)

  26. excellent macros!
    love those rascals. .they are so cute! and the dog.

  27. Mwaaaa! I love it when squirrels come to visit! But just for a visit. I don't want them to stay too long. ;)
    xo Catherine
