Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Family STUFF

 son Daniel, 46 

Daniel and Wife Michelle, she is 5'2" he is 6'5" go figure

 Doesn't this dog look innocent?

At bedtime,  Bob yells last call for outside... both dogs scramble for  the back door, pushing and shoving to see who gets our first, do their job and  right back in, race down the hall side by side, and each climbs into their personal sleeping chair  bought because I felt guilty no allowing them on the bed. Sometimes they allow me to read in one of the chairs...

I am in bed first, and Tuesday night, I said to Bob, where is Baby? did you leave her out?

She is not in her condo walk in closet, not by the bed, not in living/kitchen.

Bob  found her crouching down behind the sofa eating the empty raisin  box Daddy left on the end table.

SHE KNEW to hide...anything paper that is left where she can get it WILL be devoured.  Some of you may remember she ate my drivers license a few months ago...


  1. Sandra, please, you are much to young to have a son 45 years old! I love the shots of your dogs sleeping - they always look like angels when they're asleep don't they?

    xo, Bonnie

  2. No! I do not remember... She are your driver's license! Yikes!!!

    Did motor vehicle believe you when you said, my dog ate it???????

    Handsome son and pretty wife.

    Hope boys came out tall like dad and girls came out shorter. 'Cause we knew a couple (tall guy and short gal), where it was just the opposite. Boy was short, and girls were biggggggggg. ,-)

  3. Well MS you are a most eager snapper today two post!!

    I love the last call for the potty...kind of reminds me when I was a child and we traveled there were not very many rest stops....Daddy would holler last call for the potty too. I learned way back then never to pass up a potty stop
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. lol...Nolan steals the toilet paper and eats it...he used to he will just lay right out in the middle of the floor and do it...he also steals baby wipes he will pull them one by one I have to make sure they are put away....

  5. oh my Father in law was 6 ft Mother in law was 4 ft 11....

  6. That dog looks guilty-trying-to-look-innocent...

  7. I just never thought about you as being old enough to be my mother! You must have been 5 years old when you had him! lol You are so young looking girl! Good looking son you have and his wife is beautiful. I can't believe Baby ate your driver's license. I must have missed that one. I can see her hiding to eat the raisin's though.

  8. I love it that your babies run out, do their business, then run back inside. What characters they must be!

  9. Caught in the act...the recycler!

  10. Baby's eyes are gorgeous!!!
    You can't blame Baby for grabbing that box, blame her daddy! lol!

    The two of them sound just like our three, racing out the door to see who can get outside first.:)

  11. Baby's eyes made me forget to say Wow...that's a Big difference in size! lol Love has no size limits. LOL!

  12. oh, those spoiled children! and i'm talking canine kind. :)

  13. Isn't that funny? But I do not remember the dog eating your driver's license. But is kind of funny.

    Like the pics of the kiddos...I mean your son and his wife.

  14. Did you spoil that good-looking son like you have the pups? Haha.

  15. She's pretty smart to do her mischief in

  16. Thanks for sharing your son and his wife. Their difference in height reminds me of my nephew/wife with the new baby.
    Love the sleeping babies. Harriet pulled a kleenex out of my pocketbook today!

  17. Your human kid and his wife are a really cute couple.

    Papers and boxes are fair game at our house if we forget and leave them lying around. Only difference is our cats don't hide when they start shredding. MOL!

  18. You have a very handsome son and pretty DIL.

    So she ate his box- that sounds like Disco!

    And those bed - nice mom!


  19. Nice picture of your son and his wife. I guess I missed the driver's license story...but the thought of it made me laugh...sorry! :-)

  20. And I felt old with my daughter turning 42 this Saturday :) So funny baby hid to eat the dog.Your son and daughter-n law are like frank and I . I am five foot and he is 6'2 :)

  21. That is hilarious! No, I did not remember her eating your driver's license! What did they say when you went to get new ones...did you tell them your dog ate your original?
