Thursday, June 20, 2013


Did you know Cardinals can cause nervous break downs? This one sings non stop from 4 AM until well past dark... he sang one day for 12 hours with only a 10 minute break. He is sitting 50 feet up on the top of our neighbors bamboo.
CLICK HERE to here his whistle, it sounds like he is calling a dog

on the way to the trash can, I found this begonia that starts to die every time bob moves it out of the plant hospital... it has been there for 3 years. this is the only spot it will grow and I rarely see it.

Kings Mantle taken with Canon Rebel.

Same flower also known as Clock Flower taken with Nikon point and shoot... looks like different colors, but the true color is royal purple not blue.


  1. Those begonia's like shady spots. I always love photos of flowers!!

  2. I know Cardinals are about the last birds, to quit, in the evening. I remember that, from way back, when we had a bird feeder.

    Didn't know they also get up early.

    Ahemmmmm, doesn't he know that he is called a NORTHERN bird?!? Perhaps he is complaining about the heat? Give him driving/flying instructions... Up my way. -grin-

    Wishing you a lovely Midsummer's Eve!!!

  3. I love Cardinals....they do like to talk....pretty flowers....last day of spring today....even though we haven't has spring for a long time here....

  4. That's a very showy bird with a very loud call!

  5. We don't have cardinals in California or any red birds for that matter...But I do so enjoy our springtime bird concerts in the early morning. It stops in the summer :-(

  6. That king mantel the one on the right looks like a heart. And I know about the bird chirping thing - I guess they do not get tired! sandie

  7. The color purple does not show up right on pictures and on T.V. On QVC most of the purple clothes look blue. The bird must be singing for a mate, still! LOVE this picture, you got him with his beak wide open and his crest all fluffed up, an amazing bird picture!!!

  8. I remember the cardinals from when I lived in NJ, we don't have them here. But the squeaky warning sounds of the ground squirrels can drive you mad! I love, love, love those blue flowers in the blue bottles in yesterday's post. Wow!

  9. i find it interesting how a bird's song can vary by region. ours make some of those sounds, but never like whistling for a dog.

  10. Our cardinal does not sound like that...never calling for a dog. It has a pretty tune but they can drive you nuts. They like to sing a lot.

    I love all of your flower pictures. these are beautiful!

  11. Randomosity...MS you are just too cool for school and way too clever!
    Great photos!!! Some times it seems Madi sings (meows) all non stop too.
    All when something is not going her way. He dad calls it something else.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. I had no idea cardinals could cause mental illness. Maybe with the right medication, your neighbors can live a healthy, normal life! (haha) He is beautiful!

  13. PS and this often makes one want to transplant her....but then we realize life would be so dull

  14. Cardinals are so colorful but they are a rare sight here.

  15. I don't think I would mind hearing a Cardinal,since we only see them occasionally around here. It is interesting how two cameras capture a flower so differently. I have found blue is a hard colour to get just right in camera.

  16. Our and female cardinals sing in the early am and evening. I love to hear them sing!
    Such pretty flowers!

  17. We had a Cardinal one year who would try for hours to "fight" himself in the window's reflection. Drove us nuts!
    Love your beautiful blooms.

  18. Beautiful flowers. Yes I can see how 12 hours of that could cause a nervous breakdown!

  19. Gorgeous pictures, I love the cardinal. You definitely live in a oas of beauty. Hope you're having a good day

  20. I wonder if your climate is too warm for that begonia... Here it's the kind of flower we plant where nothing else will grow! Often used in plantations in graveyards for example, planted now around midsummer and keeps well into the autumn.

  21. I think that cardinal would have to go. That singing would get old fast.
    Pretty begonia, too bad it has to stay in the plant hospital

  22. I love your word - randomosity!!!

  23. I can relate to the cardinal..we have a few..and the cranes... egad's!

  24. thanks for the link to all the bird whistles! i think im annoying my neighbors now!

  25. Can you borrow someone's cat???

  26. We don't have Cardinals here (and I miss them) but if we did they would have to yell to be louder than our robins. I have never had any luck growing begonias. I just can't seem to make them happy. Love the Clock vine.

  27. Does the bird ever get a sore throat? hehehe Must have a lot to sing about.

  28. 12 hours non stop, that would get a bit annoying but it is a much prettier sound than the cockatoo our neighbours have in a cage which has a boring whistle and an annoying screech.

  29. I love to hear the birds singing, but this would even drive me mad. lol

  30. Yep, the cardinals sing and eat earlier and later than the other birds around my place. I love to hear them. Your flowers are gorgeous! Hugs

  31. love your randomocity post!
    love the cardinal and your flowers are fantastic!

    thanks for sharing the link. i always enjoy hearing them sing.

  32. Some cardinals really do like the sound of their own voice!

  33. Go HERE and listen to the cardinal....notice the very first call...the real strong one.

    Seems like if that is the only call they are making, we will have rain.
