Saturday, July 6, 2013

Chasing Raindrops

Orange Trumpet vine

Our 4 year drought broke and somehow the spigot was left open and the rain keeps coming.. Flash! Boom! Bang! and lots of it, for a whole week now... we live in the lightning capital of the USA...

I was up and out of bed at 2:30 AM, the bowling balls were rolling on our roof and the bolts were to close for comfort and our bed is under the window...

Would you sleep through the storm? Would you wake up? If you did wake up would you lay there or get up?

something is chomping on our hollyhocks


  1. At least you are using the raindrops to your advantage for great photos!! My mother used to get us up and make us go downstairs in an "electrical" storm (her words). Now, I just pretty much ignore them unless I hear water sloshing around in the basement.


  2. Is that a hibiscus? We had so much rain and so glad it feels Summer. Happy Saturday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. Hiding UNDER the bed comes to mind, but then you would missed all those great rain shots. We haven't had a good rainstorm in weeks and are overdue now cause it's humid and very warm...send a little here, OK

  4. These look so refreshing with the raindrops on them. We could certainly use some rain here.

  5. Pretty photos. Lots of rain and thunder here too. I usually just stay in bed unless one of the cats or dog is scared.

  6. I'm wishing I had kept that bad boy camera now.

    You talent is amazing!!!!

    Be grateful for rain. The alternative is awfully ugly.

  7. The lightening in Florida is so amazing!(scares the crap out of me)
    Love the pictures. Captured raindrops are a favorite of mine.

  8. If I woke up, I'd not go outside.

    But glad you do. Lovely photos. And great new header. :-)

  9. Spigot was left on here too. Lots of flooding in Alabama. It's still coming down.

  10. Your photos are so vibrant and crisp ... what talent ~ love them. That header is fabulous.
    I might be odd but I love thunderstorms that wake me in the night!

  11. The raindrops add so much beauty to the flowers. Do I get up during a storm?Perhaps only to take a quick look outside.I am not usually one to sit up during a storm.Guess that would depend on how bad the storm is.

  12. I heard about your rain on TV. Since I know you, I pay special attention to the weather in your areas as I know it can be violent as well as beautiful. Still not a drop has fallen here, but after 10 days of more than 100 degrees, we are supposed to get a break now. I feel like a survivor.

  13. love all your rain shots!

    i wake up. sometimes have to get up as the dogs (first thelma, then later louise) get rattled by the storm and pace and shake and rile up bb & baron, too. if we keep power, i might turn on a light to keep the flash shock to a minimum for the dogs.

  14. WOW, those flowers ant the droplets are amazing.
    I would get up and turn on the TV, I cant sleep when there is a storm.

    OR as I was doing till 3:30AM was killing these very tiny light brown ants. I mean tiny! I have had trouble with them and thought Delta dust around the baseboards in the Den where the parrot is but nope. They found the parrots seed balls in the breakfront that was in that room and auts were everywhere. I found them when I went to put the parrot to bed and in the plastic tub where is treats are, it was covered with these very very tiny ants. So that was what I was doing during the storm last night. I hate the country.... did not have this problem in the city.

    Hope you got some sleep!!!

  15. the photos came out wonderfully...crisp and beautiful.
    i feel relaxed just looking at them.

    the droplets add so much beauty to the flowers/leaves.

  16. Oh, I love the raindrop pictures they are fantastic!! So sorry about something munching away on your beautiful hollyhocks. Hugs

  17. It's the little gold bugs with the long elephant trunks!!!!! Yippee!!! They only stay on hollyhocks. Keep an eye out, they are maybe half the size of a ladybug! I never took a picture of mine, so if YOU do, I can identify them!! Your trumpet vine is beautiful! But of course I was just out snapping one. Yours is pink, but the ones here are bright orange, I did not know there were different colors. If I am in bed, I stay there because I can put the covers over my head and it is the safest room except the bathroom. BUT if there might be a tornado, I have to get up and watch the news to see if we need to go to the basement, which I am unable to do anyway.

  18. Yay for rain but why oh why do they loudest storms come in the wee hours of the night!!
    I hope you sleep better tonight
    Hugs madi and MOM

  19. We don't get storms like that here, though I do love the thunder and lightening that we do get. You make the most of your experience! I especially love that last shot of the little green bud.

  20. When lightning comes close I am up - I think I'm taking care of everyone.

    I have to say all we have had is rain for weeks here in GA> They are worried that the Chattahoochee River is going to flood!

    At least my a/c will be lower. That is something positive from this rain!


  21. Beautiful photos of them, the flowers of your garden are more important than storms and sleeplessness. Wonderful work. hug

  22. MOM and I love loud storms. I am not kidding, thunder, lightning. And we get the BEST sleep during them. Call us crazy, but we just love it.

  23. I usually have no trouble sleeping while it's raining, although a loud clap of thunder will wake me up. I'm glad your drought has been broken. We've had rain all day up here.

  24. We're getting the same here. We need that jet stream and low front to move on out of here. We don't need it to create a hurricane corridor. Nope, don't need a hurricane.

  25. Aren't trumpet vines so beautiful? I do have a love/hate relationship with them, though.

    I am afraid I would sleep through a tornado or hurricane.

  26. I can usually roll over and go back to sleep unless one of the pups are upset then I;m usually rubbing a tummy. :)
    Your pics are gorgeous!!!!!!

  27. I love to see raindrops on flowers and these are lovely. But my favorite is your last photo of the new leaf.

    We don't get the severe thunderstorms as often as you do. Most of them I would sleep through. If the thunder got to the house-shaking volume I might get up and check on the cats if they weren't already under our covers.

  28. its nice to have rain after a long time without it but storms can be scary especially with lightning. I wake up in a severe storm but I don't get up just hide under the blankets.

  29. I can't tell you how many times people have asked the question "Did you hear that storm last nigh?" and my answer is almost alway no. I can sleep through just about anything. If it does wake me up though I would most likely stay in bed, especially if it was a work day

  30. The header is stunning. I'm not sure about sleeping through thunderstorms or not, because if I do, there is usually no one to tell me now that I did! If I do wake up and there's a lot of lightning I'd get up and watch. Living as I do in town it does not usually frighten me but I usually pull out the plug to my computer and turn off the router.

  31. beautiful rain drops....great shots...

  32. Glad the drought is over. The water droplets are very nicely captured!

  33. Love your water wonders. I am usually a "sleep-right-through-it" gal.

  34. I love water drops...I sleep through storms most of the time.

  35. I don't sleep too well during storms either, always keeps me awake. I love these macro shots, beautiful flowers, love the drops
