Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Stuff you MIGHT want to KNOW

Nagging cough keeping you awake at night? Just rub Vicks Vapor Rub on your throat, I cover mine with a cowboy kerchief, but you don't have to... no more coughing... Proven by MadSnapper since early childhood.

If your ears itch or you get water in them swimming, instead of Swim Ear make your own.
White vinegar, 90 % Rubbing Alcohol, Peroxide in equal thirds.
(NOTE:I said Rubbing alcohol, Wine or Beer will not work. Trust Me)

I Got this recipe from our Ear Nose Throat Doc (can't spell what he really is, can you?)

If you have a cut or scrape that just will not heal, just break off a piece of Aloe, split it open and rub all that slimy stuff on it... Voila! it will heal

Last but not least.... Pork Skins Do Not Burn..... blame this on Chatty Crone I read on her blog that if you are trying to build a fire and have no kindling, use Doritos for kindling.

Alas! Alack! I had no Doritos. if you send them to me I will let you know if they will burn. PS.. I had them on the list, but the only bag they had was FOUR DOLLARS.... I already had the pork skins... I am disappointed. I thought I could burn my pine cones with the pork skin.... PHOOEY

if you don't follow my other blog and want to se Baby cleaning Bob's beard click here


  1. I've heard about rubbing it (vicks) on your feet to stop a cough..which never worked for me. My granddaughter is on round three of antibiotics for a chronic cough..I'll tell her mom about this.

  2. I know this sounds odd but I rub vicks on the soles of my feet to stop coughing, it works.

  3. I haven't used Vicks for years. Not since my son was little. But I use Aloe all the time! One of Nature's best healers to be sure!
    xo Catherine

  4. Thank you Dr. Sandra! I feel like I owe you for a consultation fee. Send your bill to my insurance company.

    Of course, Dr. Mom always rubbed Vick's on our chests for colds and I've heard about the rubbing of it on the soles of feet for cough.


  5. I'd like to send you some Doritos but I ate them. hehehhe

  6. I did know about Vicks and I put a little under my nose when I have a sinus headache. I love Aloe and have a garden of it outside my front door. :)
    I can't believe you're trying to burn pork skins! What am I saying?! Yes I can believe it! LOL!! Doritos do cost too much to buy just for burning. You're so silly!!!

  7. In the last few days, a blogger suggested that a dab of Vicks will keep mosquitoes away, also!
    Too funny about the pork skins.

  8. Thanks for all your tips! Now pork rinds and Doritos are two different things girl! But that pork rind is kind of scary, it won't burn - will it digest? sandie

  9. Dear favorite pyromaniac: How many other things did you try to light on fire during that experiment? LOL

    I think that kindling is probably the absolutely best use for Doritos. And I like your Vicks tip. I used to actually put a glop of it at the back of my throat and let it melt slowly. I think I was in 8th grade and a friend swore by it. But I never ate paste. lol

    Still LOVE the smell of Vicks.

  10. i use vicks to clear my sinuses during allergy season.

    you are a scary pyro!

  11. You gave me a great chuckle this morning... I didn't know that pork rinds won't burn, I shall try anyway!

  12. I love Vick's and my dog loves pork skins. :)

  13. i used that Vicks big time when Kids had cold. My Mom taught me to put it on chest of kids with a wool scarf.

    In morning the kids cold was gone.

    She also taught me to put powered mustard in water hot inot an old bowl but not to burn the feet. Then after do not dry the childrens feet just pat feet put socks on them and into bed. They sweat cold out. In morning you have a new child or children.

    So those old reminies did work.

  14. I use Vicks under my nose to open up allergy stuffiness.

  15. Well MS you know what they say about old wives tales?! We are evidently two old wives 'cause I have used the Vick's and the combo for ears too!!
    Heading to 4 paws!!
    Hugs C and the Diva

  16. Thanks for the healthy hints, Sandra. Not sure what I would do with pork skins, though. :))

  17. I've used Vicks and it's good stuff. Glad to get the info for ear relief, thanks!

    I'll check out the other site later. I'm eating my lunch as I read right now! Ha!

  18. I will have to try that ear treatment as I often have itchy ears.Good advice.

  19. Vick's has always been a favorite of many of us Seniors. And Hydrogen Peroxide has many, many good uses...

    GADS on Pork Skins...I never did understand how anyone would ever want to eat them.... We never buy any of that junk--including Doritos... I do like Doritos --but don't need them.


  20. Thanks for the tip about the vapo rub I tried it a week ago and it worked :-) no coughing or tickling in my throat...was brilliant.

  21. For some reason, Vick's just doesn't do it for me. But a couple drops of peppermint oil on a rag nearby by nose works wonders! :) I'm not all crazy on essential oils, but peppermint is one oil I always keep handy for relaxing sinuses!

  22. Vicks is an old favourite and a great thing to have in the bathroom cabinet when you cannot breath in the night due to a blocked nose and throat as happened to me earlier in the year. That or a few drops of Olbas Oil dropped into hot water and sniffed with a towel over the head does wonders. My sister-in-law told me about the fact that a piece of aloe vera rubbed on a wound is a good healing substance.

  23. I always have Vicks in my bathroom cupboard. I've never had swimmers ear though.
    Too bad about the pork skin

  24. Aloe is a great way to relieve the pain for burns too and if applied immediately often prevents any blister from forming.

  25. Vicks on the feet overnight does work, too, but good to know about the throat thing. Vicks has been around a long time for a reason.

  26. I have tried all of these except for the swimming ear concoction. thanks for the tips:)

  27. Grew up with Vicks. My mom rubbed it on our chest and then placed a towel she had warmed in the oven. I can almost smell the relief we felt when she did that!

  28. I knew about Vicks and aloe, but the others are new. Thanks for the education.

  29. I love Vicks always keep it around...put it on my feet to help with cough...also helps with sore muscles...when we went to New York we did a ton of walking would put it on my feet at night with socks...took away the tired...also put it on my neck and shoulders when I have sore muscles...

  30. One of my first memories of at home medical treatment was Vicks on my chest. It was one of my Mom's favorite remedies. I've never heard of putting it on the feet however.
    The ear concoction is something I might try. My doctor always had me use just peroxide.

    That's interesting about the pork skins. I wonder what other junk food items won't, or will, burn.

  31. I think good old Vicks is coming back. I have heard of so many people using it lately. When we were sick, as kids, Mom always rubbed it on our chest. Even my baby sister is using it now for a bad cold...under her nose and around her neck....she says it works. I think I should get some.


  32. Thanks for the helpful hints. LOL at your pork skins!

  33. I want to remember to try that with Vicks to stop coughing.

    Always if we had a splinter we couldn't get out, we would rub vicks on it and leave it, I think all night, can't remember for sure...but they sure come out easier then.

  34. I've used Vics on my chest but not on my throat... I'll try to remember this. (Hoping I won't need it though!)
