Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Fence Plus

I stepped into the plant hospital, also known as Bob's Junk Hole, and spied the Passion plant growing with a passion on the pole saw....

the saw leans on the ladder, the ladder leans on the fence, the raw wood is leaning on the ladder that leans on the fence and is to repair holes in said fence. 

enlarge photos if you care enough to figure out what does what.

One thing led to another and I ended up with a ton of fence photos... enough for today and tomorrow's Friday fence.

I decided to share my daily dose of OMG Criminals that our local news patch does. Yes, these are local and TRUE stories that happened last week.

A man robbed the bank on March 5th, arrested on the same day, out on bond on March 19th, robbed the same bank, same teller and she recognized him.. arrested and in jail without bond.

A man goes to the ATM, his card says negative balance, he walks across the lot to the bank, enters and hands the teller a note to hand over 1000.00. Police found the whole episode on the 3 video cameras, plus his name and address from the ATM card transaction....

A man staying in a hotel was drinking in the downstairs lounge. He spoke with three young women in shorts and invited them to his room. When they knocked on the door, he opened it and the 3 attacked him, shoving him down on the bed, removing his pants and running out the door with pants and wallet and phone.


  1. There appears to be a lot of stupid criminals out there. LOL! Have a happy Friday Sandra!
    xo Catherine

  2. I love the last one! That is just too funny...

  3. Thanks for my morning laughs!

  4. Gosh who needs jokes when you have criminals. LOL

  5. okay, first, i'm never working in a bank in your area. second, the last motel guy made me laugh. third, i love the old fence w/ vines growing and the ferns, too. NICE!

  6. Funny criminal stories!! Some times desperate people do the dumbest stuff!!
    With all the cameras around these days, one would think their crimes should be more planned out. But then thinking would be involved.

  7. These stories all fall under the "truth is stranger (and/or) funnier than fiction!! Love them.

  8. Stupid is as stupid does...
    Makes one just shake their head.
    Love your fence photos...When I read the description of the saw leans on the ladder, the ladder leans on the fence, the raw wood is leaning on the ladder that leans on the fence and is to repair holes in said fence...I finished it by saying and the Green Grass grow all around, all around. The Green grass grew all around.

  9. Great fence shots and amusing stories.

  10. LOL! hilarious criminal stories!
    the old fence with the ferns is beautiful.
    love it. and the photos. simply great!

  11. Good gracious- people do the silliest things. Have a great weekend!

  12. Sounds like some fun date nights in your town! Again, I say to do this once a week, it is really cool and we would get our dumb crook fix. Your fence is nice and in really good repair.

  13. That passion plant has is passionate about the ladder and fence.

    That last stupid crook story cracked me up.
    Running late been at my parents sorting and purging.
    Hugs C

  14. You've got the fences covered this week! Funny stories...but pretty pathetic, too. Hope the man in the last story isn't married.

  15. Who would have thought that a few fence pictures could be so lovely.
    You're educating me Sandra into the wonders of photography.

  16. These are funny! Glad no one was hurt. :)
    Love the purple flowers! Pretty vines!

  17. Makes one wonder about people, doesn't it?!

    Enjoyed your fence photos.

  18. The fence is a work of art.

    The people are amazing and crazy.

  19. the criminal mind is not a very inteligent one but it sure can make you laugh

  20. Just like the stupid signs I post about, there are even more stupid things in human life.

  21. It sounds as if the female criminals are smarter than the male criminals down in your part of the country.

  22. Have you ever seen that show on TV about 'Dumb Criminals'???? Gads---talk about STOOOOOPPPPIDDDDDD.... ha

    The Passion Plant is really growing.... amazing how they cling to anything they can!!!!!


  23. Beautiful plants growing there :)
    Sometimes when you hear about stupid people like this it makes you thinking...that the light is on but no one is home...hehe Enjoy your weekend

  24. I like the fence observations..I like that your eyes see so much and that your finger is always on the camera and ready to click. I get the Detroit news and oh my gosh...Stupid should be the daily headline.

  25. Crazy photos

  26. I enjoyed all your fence pictures. Your plants are so pretty and I really like the passion plant. I would love to have one of those. Those criminals should have stayed in bed and they for sure need to go another route to support themselves. They were all way over the top stupid. Hugs

  27. Oh my....those are some stories are something else. What were they thinking? I guess they weren't!
