Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fish Tail Palm Tale

4 stages of the pod in this pic
our 30 foot Fish Tail Palm is covered in the pods in all of the 6 stages from tiny ball to brown and on the ground.

Early AM we were headed for the back yard, just out of bed, staggering like the old people we are.

Jake ran circles while Bob and I and Baby stumped along, stiff as boards from lying still all night.

Bob said:  Jake you are the only one of us that can run when we get out of bed....
We had our first laugh of the day at 4 AM

(Jake is only 56, Bob is 76, MadSnapper is 68 and Baby is the senior at 84.)

When Bob and I got out of the pool, Jake was no where to be found, I said Jake come get your cookie.. nothing... Bob bellowed Jakey Jake in his alpha male voice, and Jake came running.

I said:  Evidently a cookie in the kitchen is not as good as a rat in the bush... (2nd laugh of the day)

3 hours later I followed Baby to the side yard and there lay the answer to why Jake did not come for the word Cookie.... a dead possum.... 
this means a cookie in the kitchen is not as good as hunting possum 
3rd laugh of the day.


  1. I fully understand the stiffness thing. I still keep thinking that I shall return to my former nimble self. Do you think it's wishful thinking? lol

  2. Very interesting to see the different stages all on one plant and the flowers.
    Amazing to see this palm growing in your yard and to hear about the possum.

  3. That is a most unusual plant. Sounds like you had an enjoyable morning.

  4. Beautiful plant, that was a funny story, I bet that you laugh a lot together.

  5. Pretty early am pictures. I love how goofy you two can get, it reminds me of us. Our pups and kitty entertain us constantly! Laughing is the best feeling!

  6. You all sound like us in the a.m. Hobbling along! At least we can still laugh!

  7. Rick and I talk all the time about being stiff! What can you do but laugh! Laughter makes things better. So he got a possum. Well, better then it getting into your house...

  8. MS
    What lovely and unusual plants/trees/flowers you have in Florida...I had no idea...but then you are the first person I've known to take photos of all the lovely things too.

    MOL MOL Jake is the 'Baby', and Baby is the Senior.

    Madi was SUPPOSED to be two words but Mom insisted I appear to have manners. But we all know I want things before I ask for them
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  9. they're very cool. i'd not want to get up that early.

  10. I can't get over you being up at that hour. All of you. You really are mad aren't you?

  11. I LOVE your writing on this. In one picture, it looks like strands of green beads, in another it looks like a clump of peas, or a balled up green bead necklace. And the blooming shot, it looks eggs have cracked open and are full of little leaves! Thanks for showing me hings I have never seen before!

  12. You're good at catching the details - in the shapes of those seedpods as well as everyday conversation :)

  13. Laughing is good. Laughing at 4 am, is great!

  14. Thanks for sharing your photos. My husband always use to cut them off because they would make a mess of our pool.

  15. I assume the dead possum has been dealt with so Jake will come next time he hears "cookie!"

  16. I'm already waking up stiff in the morning and I don't like it.
    You got an early start on the laughs today :)
    At least Jake didn't try and take the possum in the house

  17. Are you sure it was dead or just playing possum :) morning stiffness is a joy...if there was a fire in the morning I would be toast.

  18. And I just had three good chuckles...

  19. Wonderful that you spent your day laughing together!

  20. Lots of laughs in each day... That's why life is so wonderful, isn't it?????

    Thanks for sharing the Fish Tail Palm in various stages of the pods...

  21. sounds like our house the the photos...

  22. I guess Jake isn't as attracted to cookies as I am.

  23. Yuk! Dead possum. Good thing it did not get to the smelling stage...or did it!

    The different stages of your gorgeous plant is very interesting. Enjoyed it very much.

  24. So Jake is the baby of the family. Pretty good possum hunter for a kid. LOL. A possum just made his nightly walk across our patio and the cats totally ignored him.

    The Fish Tail Palm pods are so pretty. They look like strands of beads.

  25. And what would we do if we couldn't laugh at those things in life! You guys sound like Kevin and me. :-)

  26. very interesting to see the process of that lovely plant...all on one plant.

    i just know you get up about 4am.
    and laughing at 4am sounds great!
