Thursday, August 1, 2013

Views Vs. Comments....

The mind of MadSnapper kicked in gear and decided to find my post with the most views ever....

Top Three posts with a pic from each, to see the post, click on the name of it

Amazing Trees with 1361 views 17 comments

Gumbo Limbo Tree with 1345 views 16 comments

Rock, Stone, Pebble with 899 views and 13 comments and while I was researching this went to 902

Swirl On MadSnapper was sheer foolishness and had 36 views 35 comments..

I found with all my research that flowers, trees, rocks and nature received the most views. All of these views were from the past. I found that now, I have less views but a higher percentage of comments

Last year,  Hidden Niches... 55 views and 40 comments.....

The things I learned
1. Nature draws more views but not more comments.
2. Personal stories get more comments. the shorter the better.
3. Humor gets a lot more comments
4. Title of your post MATTERS MOST
out of the 20 with the most views, ALL of them had the subject of the post as a title....if the Title of the post is like Swirl on MadSnapper, the post gets your blogger friends, not strangers....
At first I though labels mattered, but all of the most popular had no labels at all, just the title.


  1. #2 is true but what wrong post thing #3. Interesting. Happy Thursday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  2. You know I have never ever thought of the title of a post. Sandie

  3. Those are really interesting tips. Glad to know them. Thanks.

  4. yup, titles will definitely get hits - you have to be careful not to get too clever or you'll attract the wrong kind of hits. ;)

  5. I dont have any post that has over 30-40 views.. Guess I am lacking interest in my photos. Got to see if I can change that.

    WOW on that tree! Amazing creation from GOD.

  6. I never really thought to look to see the # of views on my blog.
    I guess I have just been happy to have some comments.
    You always have such fascinating stories and wit on your posts.

  7. Those are very interesting numbers and a large amount of views on some of those posts too!

  8. are into statistics today. I must say they are amazing! Very interesting.

  9. This is SO interesting!!!! I guess I can find all this on stats...I took pictures of that tree on a PBS special and am going to post it!!! But I think it had another name, but the limbs come up and look exactly like this one. O.K. I just looked it up, it is a Ceiba Tree, i will send you a picture, the similarity is amazing! so in order to get more comments, I need a REALLY cool title?

  10. Interesting. I guess I had better come up with more create titles.

  11. I have often thought the title does have an impact. And I hvae noticed I have very few strangers come by my posts. To increase my readership I have to initiate reading new blogs and commenting. That will usually bring a response back.
    I love the swils pic !!
    And i learned the name of a tree I was wondering about.

  12. This is all very interesting. Some day when I have nothing else to do I'm going to do some research on my posts. I seriously doubt if I can match your numbers.

  13. I'm glad you went ahead and did this because I've still done nothing with mine. Amazing how some of the older posts just keep getting views and it blew my mind how many views some had considering what they were.

  14. When I look at views and comments, I get depressed...a lot more views than comments. However, I have Anonymous turned off which sucks because a lot of my friends/family are NOT bloggers nor do they use gmail so they don't comment. I used to get weird spam mostly about vigara of all things!...:)JP

  15. Sandra, thanks for the research and I think you are right in most of your conclusions. However, it seems to me that bloggers comment most when other bloggers visit their blogs and leave comments...just saying that's another consideration.

  16. Interesting...I will have to check mine out.

  17. Your Amazing Trees was one of my favorites since I love all those cool roots.

    The title makes a huge difference. I did one long ago about the Barrow Alaska Webcam, it's over 4500 views but only had about 5 comments. The next highest was Ladybug Wings. The most comments I've ever had (can you tell I check the stats ever so often?) was over 700 but that was a big giveaway. I love stats of all kinds.

  18. This is very interesting..I would have thought labels mattered. Now need to take to heart the title and start making the subject part of the title. Thank you for doing the research!

  19. Those tree roots are so fascinating. Enjoyed reading your findings, too.

  20. You got me curious --so I checked my stats. Titles do matter. My highest views was a post I did on HONESTY, almost 19,000 views... Crazy, huh??? Another one was titled Happy Thanksgiving --and it had over 13,000 views... It was just a simple blog post telling everyone to have a Happy Thanksgiving...ha ha....

    People must like trees since 2 of my highest were 'tree' posts too. One was on a big Treehouse and one was on the Osage Orange Tree.

    Other interesting topics that people seem to like: Truth about Hugs, Forgiveness, What is Freedom to You?, and one entitled "What Did you Mean?"

    When I did those Topics entitled "Let's Talk Fridays"---I got tons of views on those --but my regular blog friends didn't like them so well... SO--I would generally get fewer comments... Interesting, huh??? I love stats ---but sometimes they don't make alot of sense....

    Thanks for this topic. Quite interesting.

  21. I think titles probably matter most when you are searching for something on the internet. I've not looked at my statistics for ages.

  22. terrific/post/article, sandra!

    i think that first photo with the tree roots is amazing. it did deserve the 1360 page views in my opinion. overall, these are great numbers...really interesting post.
    i guess the title makes a huge difference, too.


  23. Very interesting ^_^ I love the tree pictures, magnificent roots there.
