Sunday, September 1, 2013

Gulls, Gulls and More Gulls

As I watched these gulls and clicked away to the tune of over 100 pictures, I thought they are just like people, no love or caring for each other, Me, Me, Mine, Mine they screeched.
If you Click on the next 3 photos and carefully look at each bird, you will see attitudes that are strangely similar to we humans.

Screaming at each other, pecking and biting and flapping and fighting. They all wanted the food source, a floating dead jelly fish. No sharing, no love, no caring. Just it's mine, it's mine. look at their faces.

Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law Romans 13:10

We cannot really love anybody with whom we never laugh.
- Agnes Repplier
Only 8 inches tall  this baby gull, had attitude. He stared me down as I clicked away, I was laughing out loud as he appeared to stand with his hands on his hip, indignant that I was interrupting his search for food.


Love the earth and sun and animals, Despise riches, give alms to everyone that asks, Stand up for the stupid and crazy, Devote your income and labor to others . . . And your very flesh shall be a great poem.
- Walt Whitman

A self-centered man admitted:: "Sure, I know that the Bible says to love our neighbors as ourselves. But frankly, I don't believe that my neighbors can stand all that affection."
- Anonymous


  1. Great photos and quotes. That baby gull made me smile.

  2. Again great bird shots. You captured their aggressiveness great in the first one!

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. Great photos! I think I spied Alfred Hitchcock in one of them.


  4. That baby gull is cute as can be! I love that last quote! Wishing you a nice day.

  5. I love seagulls! A lot of people don't but you know me. I find good in every animal on earth. (Except rats.)

    Your quote on loving neighbors is one I need today. I tried to be a friend to the lady next door for ten years and I don't know whether she's is just got a problem health wise or what. She is forever turning in into the HOA for some little leaf in her side of the yard or something. She called once and told them that my wood chips ground cover had asbestos in it and I wouldn't take them out when she told me to. Which she certainly did. She will not listen to reason and I finally told her she needed to leave my yard. It's really getting bad. I hate when something like this happen. So yea..I needed that quote/verse today. She's in her late 80s and nobody will be a friend to her because of things like this. There must be something going on in her mind.

  6. I would not like to be in the middle of all that. They look mean! I was just telling Andy this yesterday - no matter how long dogs or ducks live their animal instincts eventually will take over - humans - we learn to tame that wild instinct and learn to love and control ourselves! sandie

  7. cute post. i laughed at that last quote. :)

  8. I think you are right about the attitudes.
    We are such a Me and Mine bunch of people.
    The baby gull seems to be saying Hurumph to you...great photos.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.

  9. I love watching gulls. Florida has the best!!! When our kids were little we took the family vacation to Disney, then to Daytona Beach for some R&R. When the Mr & I wanted quiet time, we'd buy the kids a loaf of cheap bread and let them feed the gulls. Kept them entertained for hours.

  10. you are so right's getting worse...people thinking they are owed something...great photos of the that baby gull...such sweet photos...

  11. No kidding! It seems to be the way of the world. I guess it always was. But there are people out there who care and do what they can for others. Those are the ones who give me hope.

  12. So many people are like this. What a shame! But....these pics are fantastic!

  13. I guess gull watching is almost as good and thought provoking as people watching. These photos were so evocative, and the Walt Whitman quote gave me much to ponder, too.

  14. Adorable baby gull! These photos are so pretty! That last quote is funny!

  15. MS
    what a coincidence...Oh my word in each Sunday paper we have a Tarheel of the week. Today's was an avid local birder. She said her least favorite bird was the gull and your pictures are an excellent example of why...greedy.

    Her favorite was our native Downy Woodpecker.
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. sandra wow!terrific photos!
    it's really hard to pick a favourite.
    the portrait of the seagull is just a masterpiece! great focus! great sharpness! gorgeous lighting!
    i could go on...

    have a great rest of your weekend, dear~

  17. these are great and you're right, they do resemble a lot of humans out there. I love the baby gull and he does have attitude.

  18. LOL, you crack me up. He deserved that for not getting the umbrella for you.

  19. I love the look on that baby gull's face. Not one bit impressed with you,is the look I see.

  20. I'm still laughing over that last quote. I have noticed that gulls, even when not fighting over food, tend to argue and fight with each other. And I have seen people behave the same way.

    The baby gull is so cute, even if he does have an attitude. I guess they are born that way.

  21. Wow, I can imagine the noise from these birds. I do like watching them sometimes though. Have a great Monday!

  22. You captured nature. All species have that instinct for survival but humans seem to want to see itnin s different perspective.
    Nice shots and thoughts.

  23. Gulls are not known for how kind they are to each other. ;))

  24. These photos are excellent and that little guy is so darn cute. You captured him perfectly!

  25. Great captures! So sharp and clear!
