Sunday, January 19, 2014

Happiness is........

I visited A Quiet Corner early AM today and her post title was Happiness comment on the post was... I am drawing a blank.....soooo being WHO I AM, I went to Sir Google and asked to Define Happiness...

I found my answer not in the NOUN Happiness, but in the synonyms listed with it.

Pleasure, Contentment, Satisfaction, Cheerfulness, Merriment, Gaiety, Joy, only a few.. but you see where I am going with this. Once I defined it, the answer came and came again.

When a blog friend mentioned Vanilla Chai tea and I bought a package, I found pleasure of a cup of tea.

Now I was happy to have Chai and happy with Red Raspberry. Then I felt  joy when I snapped these photos

and along came a box of Raspberry Zinger... and I am full of happiness  I felt pleasure when I saw the reflection in the table. I felt joy when I took the Chai and tea bags to Pi-zap. I am Happy it is caffeine free. Happy that is Zings with flavor.
Long Story Short and I can't seem to do that. I am HAPPY that I now know what makes up happiness for me and that I am so easy to please.
And most of all the post I read gave me something to write to go with these photos that have been lingering in my folder for 2 weeks.

Happiness IS.... asked and answered...


  1. Beautiful, happy pictures! Have not tried the Vanilla Chai yet.

  2. As always, happiness is how you define it, Sandra. Mine comes in many ways as well. And tea is a favorite of mine, especially flavored ones.

  3. You are a nut!...Now I'm going you know where...LOL!! I'll have to try red raspberry...:) P.S. Spiced Chai is good too and both work well with honey and Caramel Macchiato creamer!....:)JP

  4. Happiness can be many things can't it. Yes it can. Like the reflection on the table.

  5. I thought you were a coffee person? I love tea tough, and I'd be very happy to try a cup of that vanilla chai!

  6. It's those little things isn't it?

  7. I have never tried the flavored teas...thinking maybe I should. Specially if they help define happiness for you!

  8. Happiness is so many things to me:
    -seeing SNOW (which we haven't had much of--sigh!)
    -drinking that first cup of coffee
    -putting on my heavy bathrobe over my sweats to stay warm on these COLD days
    -working on my Genealogy
    -and of course, drinking our special hot teas (similar to yours)


  9. I don't drink much coffee or tea but Constant Comment by Bigelow has always been my favorite. I am running to the store today to pick up a birthday cake, will check out the Vanilla Chai.

  10. Happiness is visiting MS just to see what her creative mind has come up with each morning.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  11. Check your raspberry zinger ingredients. If first ingredient is hibiscus, you will be fighting high blood pressure as you slurp up some tea happiness. Dark chocolate helps too.

    I got this info from the Internet so it's got to be true!

  12. Lovely post! My favorite is Caffeine free Peppermint Tea.

  13. Happiness is indeed something different for each of us.A good cup of tea or coffee while chatting with a friend.Now that comes pretty close to happiness for me,of course add in some Southern Gospel music and we have found the perfect mix. :)

  14. And now I must make myself a cup of happiness. Hmm, I wonder what flavour I'll chose. :))

  15. I also believe that happines lies in the little things.

  16. Raspberry sounds good. We haven't tried that yet.

  17. I was a bit concerned about you when I read your comment over at A Quiet Corner. I thought maybe you were feeling down. I'm so glad to see you have defined your happiness and filled your life with joy and contentment :)
    I LOVE vanilla chai tea

  18. Simple pleasures are usually the best!

  19. Tea always brings me happiness. Except Earl Grey. One of the most popular teas. Hate it. *shrug*
    xo Catherine

  20. Happiness is a warm puppy. Sorry I couldn't resist, that's the first thing that popped into my head when I saw your post title. Of course in my case it would be warm kitten.

    I'm mainly a coffee drinker but once in awhile a good hot spiced Chai makes me very happy. So does reading your blog.

  21. Have you tried Raspberry Zinger on ice - yummy. And I wish for peace and contentment too!

  22. I love that chai tea, I need to get more.

  23. A good cup of tea can bring me happiness as well.

  24. I am going to get some of that tea and drink it when I have to stop drinking my coffee(12 noon) because the coffee keeps me up all night. I wish I had a cup of your tea right now. It sounds really good. How come you know all this stuff?

  25. You and I both like the same teas. Both in flavors AND brands.

  26. PS...I'm another one that doesn't carry a purse!! And for the same reason you mentioned in your post below. Muggers! It happened in Tucson AZ for me. And since then, I too carry only in my pocket. Well, now it's my cellphone case, but nearly the same thing. I need no makeup and note pad and pencils...etc. etc. that most women carry. It's cumbersome and makes you a target!! Right?!! Right.

  27. Happiness can be defined so many different ways....kind of like is in the eye of the beholder...happiness was watching Hotrod chew gum for the first time...catching Hubbies eye from across the room or crowd and him giving me a silly wink and smile...having a dear friend send me a text saying Have a good day beautiful...hearing my Mom tell stories about my 3 year old niece...seeing my daughter and her boyfriend together....I could go on....

  28. Happiness is many things to me...the sweet, simple things...but mostly seeing my loved ones faces and hearing their laughter. That is what makes me happiest.

  29. I have so much happiness in my life! I loved being pregnant. :)

    I'm a coffee and tea drinker. I need to try that vanilla chai tea. yum!

  30. Your so witty and I love the fact you research . I suppose that is what makes you a smart witty and talented blogger.

  31. Chai tea latte is one of my favorites.
    I really don't enjoy tea first thing in the morning...need my cuppa Joe...afternoon tea and a snack that I shouldn't be eating are the best.
    So I guess it really is the simple things of life that fill me with contentment and joy that brings me happiness.

  32. I don't particularly like flavoured teas! Am I boring? I do drink a lot of usual tea though! I find my happiness through love!

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

  33. You are easily made happy, which is good. 'Be happy, don't worry" is a song that comes to mind.

  34. Tea is always part of my happy too.

  35. For me happiness can be found all around and the great thing about is...most of it is free. I have never tried the tea, I am not a big tea drinker although I do enjoy a cup of hot tea now and then. Enjoyed the post sweet Sandra. Hugs.
