Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thanks YOU Geeksters every where........

MadSnapper Trivia:  I love to play with photos and graphics in software programs.

This collage was created using  Microsoft Word clip- art, the top square is the clip-art I started with...I used the Snip It tool to grab it and save it in JPEG and then changed it 3 different ways in Photo Shop.

The cute little golden computer people were also found in Word Clip-Art and changed a little in Photo Shop.

Before Computers.......

1.  Memory was something that you lost with Age......

2.  An application was for employment....

3.  A program was a TV show.......

4.  A cursor used profanity...........

A mouse pad was where a mouse lived and a hard drive was a long trip on the road.

A keyboard was a piano and a web was a spiders home.

A virus was the flu and a CD was a bank account.

Author Unknown, I found these quotes on Face Book

Thank You! Thank You! Thank you! to all the techies out there that took us from a computer the size of a house to a tiny one we can hold in our hand..

the photo below is from my Friend Snapper II, since I have no smart phone and wanted to know what my blog looks like on one, he sent me a photo.... AMAZING!


  1. Love how words change meanings over time!

  2. oh my, i am amazed at how creative you are, sandra. love all of them!

    thanks for another delightful post!

  3. I love your new header photo, and your photo edits, amazing how much you can do. These tools are great :)
    Have a great day.

  4. One of the nicest things about many of the tools you use is that they are low or no cost, except for programs like photoshop. I have an older version bought when taking a college course and even then it was a couple hundred dollars. I still works, but I confess to not knowing all about how to use it to its fullest capacity.

  5. I love the quotes you found -- they make it obvious how much things have changed in a relatively short time. I also like your computer people and edits.

  6. Technology has come a long way and I often wonder where it's headed! Just when you think they can't come up with anything else that is new, they do. Love the quotes and your creations!

  7. You are a real techie in your "old age" Sandra. I wonder if I'll ever get to that point since I was so involved with the techie side during my banking career...:)JP

  8. you have completely embraced technology. :)

  9. MS you are so clever!! I love the gold computer people!!
    Thank you for you b-day wishes to Mom.
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  10. Don't forget,it lets people all over the globe into our personal lives.


  12. and you are talented to make these clip art changes, etc. That is funny how things have changed. I dont have a smart phone either

  13. On your great doing what you do for a old gal.


  14. Yes, times they have a-changed... AND --all of the new words, and/or words with NEW meanings.. Crazy, isn't it????? BUT--don't we all love it?


  15. You are a wonder of tech skills and tech art. Love those golden people!

  16. How fun, your city just lit up on my Recent Visitor Earth Globe. I'm pretty sure it must have been you, reading my blog. I love it when that happens. The other reader right now is from Lisbon, which is cool too.

  17. Funny list...there is one missing tho, if I recall correctly, about the 3 1/2 floppy? Oh never mind. Not that important. The idea here is to laugh and laugh I did.

    Great skills using your software!!!

  18. Love your art creations and the funnies! Have a nice afternoon.

  19. TALENT that's what you have....also a cute smile and wonderful humor.

  20. Forgot to add...Frank and I have a cheap Wallmart tracphone...just for emergencies.

  21. I love those little quotes - I wish that my memory was contained in a computer - then I could go there and try to remember. sandie

  22. My life would be boring if I didn't have computers to 'work' on. I guess I would actually have to clean the house.

  23. Things have certainly changed since the first PCs. My first one I inherited from my brother, it was huge and had 5" discs and a word program that he had programmed himself which was not compatible with anything else!

  24. You are just too, too much Sandra. Love your clip art and how interesting that the meaning of words have changed.
    Great post as always.
    Have a wonderful day.

  25. You sure know how to have fun! I love the 'old' definition of the words. My my! Times have certainly changed!

  26. You are amazing!!! But I know you are having fun. I could do none of it. Glad you show us what you get in the end...that I really like.

    The fun list is great. Each one is fun and interesting.

    Susannah ( did not forget ya.)

  27. I join in your thanks. For example I am viewing your blog on my iPad right now, which is really good for online reading and viewing photos. Like a digital newspaper.

  28. your clip art play is great. I occasionally bring my blog up on my phone, first time I did it I thought it was the coolest thing.
    Amazing how far we have come with technology

  29. Remarkable isn't it ~ I wonder what the techno future has in store for our kids when they are our age .

  30. I would like to "un" embrace the cell phones...how nice it would be to actually have a real conversation with my kids again instead of all this confounded texting!

  31. you are the Queen Sandra...just love when you play....brings us so much enjoyment seeing your creations...

  32. I love those little computer people.

    That is a great quote and I have one more to add, remember when RAM was a critter in the pasture.

    One of my all time favorite quotes comes from Bill Gates: "No one will need more than 637 kb of memory for a personal computer." - said in the early 1970s.
    Yeah, right Bill.

  33. I would be lost without a computer...and my kindle now. But would probably accomplish more if I didn't have them.

  34. Hooray for techno gadgets!!! :)
    xo Catherine

  35. Very cute! I do enjoy computers,, really amazing what we can do.
