Saturday, February 22, 2014

Random Ramlings of a MadSnapper

 3 USB Cords and that is not all I have....there are MORE... so will someone please tell the makers of all things techie we need a standard size USB that fits everything?

Thanksgiving 5 years ago, the turkey juice made a trail across the counter.

I used one of these Handi Wipes to clean up the major portion. Laid it on the corner of the sink, instead of placing in the trash can,

and JAKE ATE IT... the whole thing,the wipe, not the turkey. I called the vet and he said just watch him.

we watched Jake for a month. HEH HEH nothing happened!

 and he is still alive...

Bob stepped out of the jungle into my photo.
can you find his faithful companion, Jake?
click to enlarge, look at bottom left.

they were on the hunt for a Missing Shoe....I wonder who could/would have taken it back there? your clue is name starts with J.A.K.E.
YES... they found the shoe and the Big BONE that has been MIA for weeks.


  1. Oliver doesn't eat rags--just butter! He has been nosing around where the basket of biscuits are this morning but there's no butter.

    The sun is shining and I'm off to "make hay".


  2. Sandra, agree on your wish for standard USB cables, cause the so-called proprietary ones make me crazy too and so many electronics use them. Glad Bob found his show and is that Jake in the lower left of the photo?

  3. Dogs! Aren't they fun and crazy! I have to remember to get every scrap of paper up off the floor or Misty will start to eat it. WHY???? No idea. And when Bridger was still with us (wah, miss my GSD), he would take Nylabone or Kong into the backyard and BURY them. That happened once to each kind of bone before I caught on. Of course, after that, it's not like they have any scent to tell the dog where they are, so we chalked that up to stupidity on our part. Love the photo of your jungle man!!! :-)

  4. Jake sounds like quite the character! He keeps things interesting, huh? :-)

  5. goofy jake! and i agree w/ you on the USB connections.

  6. I was just thinking almost the same thing about the USB cords...just so many to keep up with.

    I have a story about a shoe and a dog...well, not a shoe. Remember the rubber overshoes you used to could get? My dad had a pair, came home and left them on the front porch.

    One ended up missing. We hunted and hunted the yard, and surrounding area. Had given up basically. Then I was on the front porch playing with our dog Rusty...I told him two or three times to go get dad's overshoe. He took off, jumped the gate, went up the hill above the road and came bringing it back! I was young, then, and Rusty was my best friend. And he did not normally do things like chew on stuff...etc. We could have set a steak on a coffee table right in front of him and he would not have bothered it if we had left him alone. If he went through the garden he did not step on plants...just a wonderful dog.

  7. It would be nice if "they" would standardize cords...but dream on, because it is a $$ maker for them! I think JAKE is saving for a rainy day...that's all...:)JP

  8. Too funny about Jake and the shoe! Our old neighbor's golden ate a glove and passed it!
    I hope you have a good day.

  9. I agree with you on those plugs. That is very strange about Jake and the Handi Wipe!!! Have a nice weekend.

  10. I second you on those plugs - just another way to make money.

    And it sure is a jungle out there - and Bob is so cute out looking around!


  11. I loved this post (and other similar ones) since my ramblings are usually the same as yours. We have a terrible time with all of our cords... Nothing is universal... Drives us crazy... We are gradually trying to go to wireless---but even with that, we still have a bajillion cords.... ha


  12. Don't get me going on leads etc or anything to do with computers at the moment, My old keyboard will not work with this new tower and the new one is clackety clack and really annoying me. My camera is not compatible with windows 8 and the only way to get the photos on is to take the picture card out and use it that way. This morning I had to ring the KNOWHOW man to even get me online as it was just not loading, something about configuring and reverting changes but it went on for 1 hour, as you can tell I'm bursting a boiler here. lol

  13. Love this post. There are more plug in fittings than you can count.I wonder if there is a competition in the techie industry to see who can come up with the craziest fitting plug.

  14. We have too many cords! Hubby and son have to keep up with them.
    Jake is so funny! Roxy will eat things off the floor if it's not picked up in time. She has eaten one of Kyle's socks and passed it. Rambo ate a disposable razor and I fed him a lot of bread!
    Love the pic of Jake and his daddy. :)

  15. It would be nice to have usb cords that were universal,but that would make life much to simple. LOL

  16. Jake sounds like he keeps you hopping, and yes, the USB cables/ports, should just all be one size fits all.

  17. I'm with you, a standard cord would be great.

  18. a Universal USB cord would be brilliant!! However, it makes sense therefore it shall never happen. :(
    Wonder what happened to the rag??
    This a.m. I found one of Schatzie's bones that has been MIA for a couple weeks. Her nose was brown, so I'm guessing she decided it had had enough curing time!!. Silly pups

  19. Mystery solved for the big bone. It would be nice if the USB cords were at least more clearly marked.

  20. I hear ya on the cords. And I had to laugh at the jungle remark! Glad Bob and Jake found the missing shoe!

  21. I think we need to start labeling the cords so we will know what they go to! I don't see the companies doing a universal type of cord at all. Too much money to be made.

    I wonder of that towel thing just dissolved inside of him? I have had a dog chew up a paper towel that had bacon grease on it before. I make sure those go in the trash never to be found again. My poor Chihuahua used to have strands of my long hair in her poo! lol Love the jungle picture with jungle Bob! :)

  22. I have a box just for chargers and usb cords that I have no idea what they are. One of these days I will need them, I just know it.

    Your "jungle" is beautiful.

  23. No matter how many USB cords we have in the house, it is never the one we need. But now some devices are going to Lightning instead of USB, so we an start an entire new collection.

  24. I hear you, there are so many USB cables around our house and it seems everything has one that only fits it. I was amazed when I discovered that both of our phones use the same cable.

    I'm glad Jake had no ill effects from the Handy wipe. Love the jungle shot of Bob.

  25. I agree! Someone needs to start using the same cords and plugs for all this stuff that we are getting in this century!!! I just said today - "these cords are driving me crazy"! One for the Boze, the Kindle and the phone. That does not even include the computer, the printer and the other phones and etc. What a mess!

    Tomorrow is Sunday, again! Jim is painting on the downstairs bathroom. Me? Probably cooking some things for dinner. It gets to be very old after a while.

    Talk to you soon.

  26. Jake sounds like a mischief maker. Love the jungle in your yard. I wonder what else lurks in their besides lost shoes and bones.

  27. I so agree on the cords....we have problems with Nolan stealing napkins or baby wipes...they usually pass right through...sometimes we have to give a little help...not a fun thing to do...Rooster and Ginger have been known to eat things...and they tend to show up eventually....

  28. Jake certainly knoes how to keep you and Bob entertained. ;))

  29. Now that would be great if the USB sticks were the same to all devices, so many cables lying around. It was hard to see Jake on the picture at first, but spotted him hehe
