Monday, March 10, 2014

I'M Back and I MISSED YOU....

I am back... I learned a lot on my mini break away from posting/commenting.

I took a long hard look at my blogging habits. I feel like the blog is a job.

If I take 100 photos, I feel I MUST edit them ALL ASAP
I work on them until something hurts and I know I could just edit as I go.

St Patrick Post has been scheduled for a week now. I wake up and Know the List on Feedly is waiting for me to madly comment as though I have a deadline.

Time, where does all my time go? Blogging, that's where.

The Problem with Me is ME
When an idea pops in my head, I write it down on a tablet.
The problem is......I KNOW IT IS THERE and I am NOT happy
until I create the post, some times I have 10 post sitting in drafts.

I suffer from PDSS (personality disorder stress syndrome)

I MISSED ALL of YOU and  four days away from blogging was all I could take.

 I now have a PLAN and a much cleaner house.

I took a personality test and OH MY.
wait until you here the results.
I am so relieved, I have been ODD my whole life and now I know WHY..

soooo I am BACCCCK!
My plan includes a few changes, but since I have 7 post in drafts , I will post them before I start the NEW plan.

The fact I had 7 post, LONG post in drafts is part of my personality disorder and the reason for blog burnout.


  1. Hello ME we are so glad you are back and can hardly wait for the PLAN!!! MOL. We like your pictures too!!

    Sincerely Sprinkle McCharmless
    and O'Looney McCharmless (Madi)
    They are our leprechaun names we found them on Molly the Wally's blog

  2. Looking forward to your posts and happy to see you back.

  3. Whatever! I'm glad you are back. Slow down and take your time--except for that post of why you are like you are. I wan't to read that one ASAP.


  4. I'm so glad you are back, Sandra. I am looking forward to finding out about your personality disorder. (Call me nosy!) :)

  5. Very happy to see you back.

  6. How lovely, welcome back Sandra! Loved the self portraits :). So happy you are posting again :)

  7. So glad you're back, and I'm looking forward to more posts as well. I get blog burn-out every now and then. What really frustrates me is that most of the time I can't get my "Reading List" to show up. SO if I'm not commenting, you'll know why. It happened yesterday, but this morning, it was magically back again.

  8. I'm so glad you're back too!! I've also got several posts in draft. I don't know why blogging becomes an obsession, but I like jotting down titles for 'new post' so that I can scroll down when I've run out of ideas. Then again, if I carry the camera around, I rarely run out of ideas. And BTW, I've enjoyed your personality 'disorder.' Must match mine. LOL

  9. when it feels like a job, it is time to step back, for sure. but i understand that feeling of 'must complete reading list!' and when you hit refresh, and the list becomes infinitely longer, i sometimes wonder what i'm doing... :)

  10. You are too funny, I wish I had a slice of your energy!

  11. I have to take a break sometimes too. It starts to take over your world, and I don't like that.

  12. Glad to see you back. I was going to take a blog break myself, but it's hard to stay away, especially from reading.

  13. Well a creative mind is hard to channel. It is not just that you blog. You constantly experiment and challenge yourself. I get the impression that what you create is an extension of your being and you love it.
    Just set a few time rules that might be hard to maintain and restrict drafts to less.
    My restriction remains my vision and inability to manage time with Buddy around.

  14. Welcome back. Looking forward to hearing about your 'plan'. As long as it involves ate least some blogging,it must be good.

  15. So glad you are back and I am looking forward to your changes! Well, it is that time of year for spring cleaning! Purging, etc. Have fun doing your blog makeover!

  16. Gosh, at least your problem does not seem to be lack of inspiration ;) I have nothing waiting in draft at the moment - wish I had!

  17. It's always good to reset and start fresh. Looking forward to your new plan! :)

  18. Yes blogging can be a job and I am sure your editing of photos takes a long time too. I have streamlined my reading of posts on Feedly but that doesn't mean I don't still have a lot to read, I do but it is workable now. Actually I've been board but on the other hand I don't have the drive to clean my house which is what I really need to do. Can't wait to see what you have come up with!

  19. Seeing you back is the best thing that's happened all day. I'm very glad you're back. I'm a little obsessive compulsive with the blog too and I know I need to devote time to other things

  20. Glad you're back and haven't changed, Sandra!!!! You are hooked!...:)JP

  21. Love to see you back Sandra.
    It is all I can do to post several times a week. Sometimes it totally consumes me and my time.
    I have been thinking of quitting ABC Wednesday. I like getting comments so I know it it being looked at. Not many do anymore. Too much work.
    I think perhaps I will just post for my pleasure.
    Okay, enough about me.
    Love your "selfies" and the fun you seem to have posting them.
    Keep it up. I miss you when you are gone.

  22. I missed you so much and I'm so glad you couldn't stand being away from us for more than four days. I would love to find out what you learned.

  23. So glad your break was a short one! Not sure what we would do without you!! :-)

  24. Hello, my sweet friend and welcome back. Looking forward to your changes I know they will be are great with blogs. Love all the pictures in this post. Hugs

  25. I am still on break but had to come see if you were or not! LOL

  26. I'm so happy you are back Sandra!!! you are one of my favorite blog always make me smile...always make me are a class act!!!!
    I would miss you terribly if you weren't here

  27. I am glad you are back! I am glad you found an answer. What id ODD? And I can't wait to see what you have in store for us,

  28. Welcome back!
    I'm pretty sure we all have some sort of personality disorder that keeps us blogging. Can't wait to hear more about yours.

  29. As you can 👀 and read, Sandra, you have been missed in the blogworld. And, it can become all consuming, and like yourself, I always have too many thoughts running through my mind as to a possible post. Then, there is finding time to compose one and reading other folks posts as well. This is WHY i do not subscribe to any blog feeds, as it's not that I am not interested in what others are posting, but time does become short.
    And, I also have closets and a few housekeeping a few good books to start.
    As with most things, it seems that blog time in moderation is the best for me.

  30. We all need to keep blogging fun! Breaks are good, being back is fun! I am the same way with pictures as you are! (I just read your comment on piano lessons...looks like there are a lot of us that wish we could play! Glad we have our cameras)

  31. I am glad you came back and were so honest about your thoughts. I used to obsess about blogging every day and commenting on all blogs every single day. I have weaned myself away from that pressure and I hope you will find a happy place with blogging.

  32. Wohoo you're Back!!! I don't know how you guys do it though, I have a very hard time catching up and always seems to fall behind these days. You've been playing with your pictures again, how cool.
    Having St Patrick's weekend coming up and am off on Monday wohoo

  33. I can totally relate....everyone needs a break....I am just glad you came back...some do not. :(

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