Thursday, March 13, 2014

MadSnapper ...Type A ....INFJ....PDSS...

Previously on MADSnapper I declared my blog closed for cogitating.... 

I LOVE BLOGGING and my addiction causes me to spend many hours a day on the computer.  

After much Introspection and Self-Analysis 
 I realized the blog is not the problem, the problem is Me... 
MadSnapper Madly SNAPS AND MADLY edits/PLAYS software programs, Madly writes posts, Madly Comments.... as though I am racing against time, got to Get Er Done.. ASAP!

I searched my memories from the past and my 8 ball memory bank finally popped up the memory of  my manager telling me I was Type A Personality.

Me..this is ME.......

ALL of the above translates into...

If packing a is packed a week before we leave
I am always 20 minutes early
I live by the clock, everything HAS to be done in a TIMELY manner.. as in NOW
I race the clock with every thing I do and constantly take on more than I can handle.
If I get and idea... I can't rest until it is done....
and forget painting one room at a time or one wall.... it is all or nothing, NOW

I thought I inherited 'A' from my Dad since we are peas in a pod twins... but then at
2 KNOW MYSELF I learned a lot.
Per 2 Know Myself, I am an ordinary normal person, operating at Maximum Speed because I think my time is limited...
I blog like I think the Blog Police will fine me if I don't get ALL the blogs commented on in a timely manner.
Type A has an exaggerated sense of TIME urgency...

Type A people, when faced with frustrations from insecurities, choose to become depressed OR become Type A personality  to deal with our frustrations instead of ignoring them. 
(we do NOT know we are making this choice)
and the price we pay is Stress... and this is what happens to me when my blog is no longer FUN...

I found a Test

to be continued...........MadSnapper..Type A..INFJ....PDSS Part 2


  1. If it helps Sandra, I don't think you are alone on this one :)

  2. Hey! Can't you get to the point???!! (just kidding - you sound so like me.) LOL

  3. It describes me!!!

  4. OH Mad Monkey Snapper I too am type A!!!! Once my boss told me he never gave me any work unless he was positive it was ready to go because he knew I'd have it out in a flash.
    I was once told I was like a hummingbird busily flitting about.
    That and I said thank you. Humming birds are amazing little jewels in my book.
    Hugs Cecilia and Madi who is not a type A.

  5. That used to be me,but I have learned to slow down and enjoy the ride.

  6. What ever type you are,,,you are unique, clever, thoughtful, talented and a lot of fun :)

  7. As Doctor Phil might say . Is Sandra Normal or Nuts. Ha-ha.

    I think your a hoot and not nuts. And we need humor in this world.

    Your the one in this site along with Nana. Who gives us fun and laughter. A great pictures of humor entertainment and seriousness of pictures. That's you.

    I see a little bit of self in things you mentioned on your list.

    Now I feel better I got that off my chest.

    Have a great day Sandra.

  8. I took the test it classified me as type B. I'm not sure how accurate my answers were though... As many of the questions seemed to relate to work situations and I'm not working now and haven't been for years.

  9. I've always considered myself to be a type A personality. I've never had much patience for other people and I tend to think a bit too highly of myself most of the

  10. Well---I am Type A also--but am now nearly as rigid as I used to be. I am still highly organized --and still keep track of who comes to my blog and when... Lots of extra paper work for me---but it's just something that I 'need' to do --in order to keep up with all of my blog friends...

    I, like you, spend way too much time on blogging --but for me, it's not writing the blogs or finding what to blog about. Since we travel so much, my posts are mostly my journal of our lives/travels. My problem comes in trying to visit so many other blogs---many of which I truly don't care for. I love the people and I understand why each of us is different and why each of us blogs about the things we are interested in... Many people make blogs interesting and others just continue to say the same things over and over ---those blogs are SO boring to me.. BUT--I also know that 'my' blog is long and is boring to many people who don't like travel blogs or photography blogs... SO???? I just do the best I can ---and if I get to my friends' blogs at least once a week, I am okay with that... (I had to convince myself not to blog so much and not to worry about visiting others so much...For a Type A, that is not easy!!!!)

    Good Luck. I'll be curious to hear what you are going to do differently.


  11. I don't care what you are....I like you just the way you are! Waiting to read the rest of your story!


  12. I fluctuate now between A and B ~ I have been slacking off a bit lately with blogging once a week.
    I know exactly how you feel though ~ I am a type A in remission lol

  13. I am sure you're not alone!!!! I...:)JP

  14. Did the test, I'm a Type B right on the line! I blog like the police will fine me too. I know I have some Type A tendencies.

  15. No need for a test, I found out I was a Type A many years ago. The Type A is also highly competitive and skilled at multitasking. That along with the other traits made me the perfect sales rep.

    The sensitive and truthful don't fit with most of the Type A's I've worked with over the years. Of course they were in sales like me so that could explain it.

  16. I'm pretty sure you've described many of us. I know I often feel stressed about blogging, but I never quite know what to do about it. I look forward to learning what you have discovered.

  17. Yea,I think we are alike in some areas. I like to be organized and be on time and I do feel compelled to comment on every blog I visit. Look forward to hearing what else you learned!

  18. I know what that test is….

    I am ISFJ and Type A

    Kelly is INFJ like you! Teehee

    Rick and Ricky are ISTJ

    I can see where we are close to being the same – but not quite!

    Love, sandie

  19. I don't know what type I am for sure, but I doubt it's Type A. I blog mostly at night because I don't watch much tv, but sometimes I'll look at blogs when I sit down to take a break from daily chores like now. It's an addiction, I'll freely admit it. But, on the other hand, I like seeing what all my bloggy friends are doing just like in real life.

  20. I've been called an A personality,but I don't think I am. I've taken that test before. lol
    I love you and your blog! Going to read part two now. :)

  21. you're not alone!

    just so you know i LOVE your blog!

  22. Hello, Type A, I think I must be Type Z as in ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. I need about 9 hrs of sleep since stroke. And I have learned to better manage my expectations of myself, others, circumstances and special occasions.

    I am glad you recognize the need for time out to destress and recharge. Have a great weekend!
