Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Once Upon a Compact Tale

After 4 months of use,  I accidentally pushed a button and it opened to show this tiny little brush was under there.

 I HAD NO CLUE it was there. DUH!

That is where the DUH comes in... it is plainly WRITTEN and shows A PHOTO on the back of the box.
Good news is, I now have 3 of these little brushes. They clean phones, keyboards and remotes really well. Perfect for brushing between the number pads.

Guess what popped in MadSnapper SnapHappy Brain? 
First came a little brush selfie...

As I played I saw my watches and rings and thought WOW! 
I have an empty one, I could use it for a container.

It would make a great carry case for watch and rings, or pills, or change.... 

my brain was in gear.... 

Guess What? 

It was only good for  PHOTO FODDER because the silly thing will not close with the jewelry in it. DUH AGAIN


  1. I am on it...once I get home!!!!...:)JP

  2. Bravo on another creative and fun post. I love the brush it is just too cute.
    Hugs madi and Mom

  3. You find such fun things to photograph.

  4. Sandra you are such fun !
    Love the cool photos too.

  5. This post could get you a commercial for the cosmetic company. I'm tempted to purchase a compact just for the brush!!


  6. Love the idea of using the brush on my keyboard. Too bad the cover won't close on the container!

  7. I'm so glad you did all this experimentation for me. Now I don't have to do it! But I like the idea of the little brush to clean keyboards, etc.

  8. So funny about the "hidden" brushes! I love the shot of the jewelry in it even if it won't close!

  9. I have never seen a brush like that before and what great ideas.

  10. I wonderful treasure discovered!

    Made a good pill box or paper clip holder...endless uses.

  11. I'm chuckling again: What a fun post! LOVE your blog!!!

  12. There's no one like you in all of Bloggyland! You are so absolutely unique and I'm so glad we're friends.
    Thanks for your comment on my G post.

  13. you're too funny! but that's a neat compact, too.

  14. Well you got a few photos out of it anyway! :)

  15. You have always been really good at finding other uses for things!!! My fav today is the next to last picture.

  16. pretty photos, love the one with the flowers. that brush is perfect for cleaning! and the compact is perfect for small items. :) love the way you think!

  17. what a happy surprise. Not only did you get a handy dandy brush but blog material and lots of entertainment.
    Did that one brush come with all the colors like that or did you play with the picture and add the color?

  18. WAIT! I now like the last picture even better...

  19. Gorgeous black and white photo there... and cool tips!

  20. Well...it was a good thought anyway...about the jewelry. And it made a neat photo!!

  21. I love compacts! Maybe I should get one of these next time?????

  22. I always love how the MadSnapper turns things like this into posts. That is a neat little compact and it looks so pretty with your jewelry inside.

    I never use the brushes that come with compacts and such but save them and use them for all the things you have mentioned.

  23. I have to tell you I have a couple of those little brushes - I was going to throw them out - but now what good ideas you have given me!

  24. Drat, I never use compacts, and wondered it they ALL come with those colorful and creatively used little brushes.

  25. What a cool little thing. How i wish i had one. You always find things to snap. Love it

  26. I have some of my mother's old compact cases that I just like to look at for the picture on the front, but I've never seen one with a soft little brush inside - so useful for all those needs you mention! Love the last photo on the round red mat. You have a good eye for the unusual image, Sandra.

  27. That's too funny that you didn't know. So do you like that powder?
    Love your idea, the jewelry looks nice in there and it would make a great pill case.

  28. LOL I love your blog and humor...♥

  29. I was just wondering the other day what I could use to clean between the keys on the keyboard. And hear is my sweet friend with a great idea...thank you! I don't have a brush exactly like yours but I do have one that will work. Hugs

  30. love the way you think. and i just love these shots!
    great macros!

  31. Photo fodder! Smile! Have I said how much I like alliteration?
