Saturday, April 12, 2014

Random Ranting

I snapped this photo in the pet aisle at Wal-Mart, and came home ranting about what junk will THEY think up next to take pet owners money.

The rant comes at ME... I searched high and low while ranting in my head because they no longer carry the Good Bites Hip and Joint treats I buy for Jake..he refuses his pills that cost 90.00 per bottle from the vet.

I ranted to Bob about WM no longer having anything for hip and joint. I pulled this photo up to look at it and BAM right across the bottom is says Glucosamine and Omega .. in plain sight... YES.

I had to make another trip to purchase the Petchup and Jake loves it...

Rant 2...I usually buy the 4 pack once a week at 2.00 I decided to get the big one to save a little money... the cost of it was 4.97... came home and did the math and the rolls in the small one are 50 cents each and the rolls in the big one are 55 cents each, so people with families pay more per roll...

YES, I could save 6 cents a roll at Sam's Club, it comes in at .44 cents a roll, BUT it would take $5.19 of gas to drive there.... Yes.. I did the calculations

The SweetBay turned into Winn Dixie and they STOPPED carrying the three things I shop for there... their milk is 4.49 compared to WM at 3.88.. phooey

OK NOW.... can you tell we live on limited income? prices are OUT OF SIGHT
Did you know we spend 201.76 a year on milk? and more than that on eggs. Have you DONE THE MATH? Have you thought about 2 StarbucksLattes a week comes to 520.00 a year



  1. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I don't often look at prices or comparison shop. But, rant on! I don't blame you. I have to admit that those are pet-cute labels.


  2. I hear ya Sandra...I always look to see if the bigger or smaller package is the better deal...sometimes it is the smaller package...cheaper to just buy two...

  3. Our 12 year old doggie Jayda gets the Phycox canine joint support brand online they come in two days ~ packed with great ingedients .She loves them and they visibly worked great compared to others we tried. She had a ruptured ligament in her knee joint last year and this brand was the only brand after her vet follow ups that later made a huge difference in how comfortable she moves.

  4. i am grateful to have our small-town grocer all these years, but am really happy we're about to have a walmart open here. i do try to save on certain items by driving to walmart. now my trip will be cut in half.

    glad jake likes the new supplement.

  5. Ce reportage fait réfléchir au sens de la publicité.

    Je ne sais pas comment tu photographie dans les magasins mais en France, c'est interdit !



  6. Yep, bigger is not always cheaper...I have found that to be true. Grocery prices are most definitely going up. You might do some research and see if you have an Aldi close by. Their milk, eggs, fruits and vegs are almost always cheaper than Kroger or W Mart. We also use their cereal, cheese, meats,mayo,baked beans...lots of things. We have found a few things we don't care for, but mostly it's all good!! :-)

  7. Oh we look for sales, we see how much a roll of toilet ply paper is compared too.

    You have to look and read and then shop.

    If not. If you buy the high cost items then they will not move prices down. I know the tourists are coming already to are wee town and oh the prices are rocking up. Plus the gas. In the summer. Wowie. So when we visit our daughter we go to Costco which I guess is like your Sams. Not sure. We come home with car full as the wee towns here. Are outrages.

    our local town Food land his prices are outrages now you think the other store we go too is more expensive. Independent maybe it is Loblaws to you in America.


    Independent two dollars less in allot of items then Food land which is to be for the people who are having hard times to meet. They keep that up. Food land will be out the door fast in our town.

    Tex getting Walmart. Wow! We have VS. Pretty pricey here.

    Your right on Sandra. I agree with you. Glad your dog likes his supplement.

  8. That's not the only thing I think they do. We all know how volume in the bag or box has changed, but I think they messed up my favorite coffee. Maxwell House original, It does't taste the same. I noticed this about 9 months ago. I think they are using something else as a filler, maybe sawdust LOL or a cheaper grind.

  9. Ha! Good post. I'm always keeping an eye on prices and good deals. Fortunately, neither of us likes Starbucks anything - But the closest one would be 250 miles away anyway, as we live in the middle of nowhere in a one-horse town.

  10. Love this post --and it is so true.... I've been complaining about the rising grocery bills for over a year now ---yet most people don't seem to know or care.... We keep really good records of our finances ---and our grocery bills (eating healthy foods and no junk) have gone up over $50 a week this past year.

    I don't know how people with children can make it these days --with the price of milk and many other things they NEED.... Of course, they can still buy JUNK (that's not good for any us) --like white bread---cheaply... BUT--good foods including dairy/protein/fruits/ veggies all just continue to rise.... Scary!

    Of course, so many people are on Food Stamps now --that that is why they don't care.... Gads--what is going on in our country?

    We find the best price of milk around here is Sam's --but that is a 30+ mile drive for us. Even with a Prius (which gets about 55 mpg) ---that adds up....

    I read this week that pork/bacon prices are going to go sky-high due to a virus killing so many of the little piglets... Thank Goodness we don't eat much pork...

    All of the Govt. regulations (on farms/farmers/delivery trucks, etc...) is causing this to happen. And --they say it will just get worse and worse... And who does it effect the most??? Those of us on FIXED incomes who are not on Obama's welfare.... BUT--they don't give a HOOT for us 'older people'....

    See what a rant you opened up in me today???? Ha---Now I'm going to go and work in the yard and take it out on that mulch!!!! ha


  11. I bought a can of cherry pie filling at Wal-Mart this week for the hefty price of $4.18. That was more than a gallon of gas! Which is also steadily rising.

  12. I agree it's not always cheapest to buy bigpacks. Nor is it always best to fall for the "two for XX" (fixed price) offers. At least not for me as single person, and especially not with things like vegetables or fruit that don't last forever...

  13. The Muttstard nd Pettchup are cute, when I first looked I thought it was a gimmick, but I see they have good meds in them, and they are packaged cute, too. Your best posts are the ones where you ramble about daily life. Again, Erma Bombeck comes to mind.I just HATE it when I start buying something and really love it, and shortly later they stop making it!! Or repackage it. Or change it in a way I do not like. And this happens all the time...marketers cannot leave a good thing alone. And when they DO repackage, you don't recognize it anymore, and have to look all over for it and when you FINALLY find it, it is either more expensive, or you get less, or it is not as good. Our cat treats have all changed and I hate them and we now cannot find ANY treats for Sunny to have with his medicine. I want to GO to your Winn Dixie, just to sit in the parking lot and stare at the beautiful palm trees and building.

  14. Yep, doing the math is a big part of our lives, too. Being careful with those pennies for groceries, gas and other daily needs contributes to our ability to do other things we enjoy, such as travel. Of course, the travel we enjoy is usually an adventure into frugality. too.

    Right now, we are embarked on a 3- or 4-day "virtual cruise"--staying fairly close to home and enjoying activities and places outside our regular routine.

  15. Well now I'm intrigued to go check out those Petchups for the dogs :) My dad loves Walmart and goes on & on about how their prices are so low compared to the grocery stores. We do close to 80% of our shopping at Costco. I do know however that our income will be fixed in a few years and I will be doing more figuring when it comes to shopping. Way to go! So my daughter has debt yet she will go buy those coffee's every day, it makes me furious! I don't even waste my money at Starbucks.

  16. I agree with you that it's important to look at prices. Food shopping can go out of control. We are a family of four + one dog so I know what I'm talking about :)

  17. Oh boy Sandy, the Starbucks rant got me today. I treat myself to a latte and for a while I was getting them more regularly but since retirement we have started to rethink our Starbucks runs. This is a great post, I have company and we have been talking about rising prices, and now I just read your post, as we are all drinking our Starbucks coffee, which was a treat on our way home from a drive around Washington DC. ;)

  18. I know.....I have Mr. Hubby here ranting and raving about prices going up every week. He can tell the kids which brand to buy and the weight!!!! I understand but I think he has taken it way too far. BUT I do understand what you are saying. But ..what can we do about it?

  19. I know I should probably keep better track of how much things cost,but I really do not like bookkeeping and I don't know if I want to know how much I spend on things.I do know that prices are going up all the time.

  20. Like Wade always says, "Everything keeps going up except my income" It's crazy how much things cost and since I'm cheap I always check and compare prices. Why is it too that stores always stop carrying the stuff you like the most.

  21. Glad you found Jake's supplement after all. My sis in MO and I talk about grocery prices often. During the winter months, we both stocked up on canned goods and then were really shocked to finally start buying them again this spring. The prices had jumped up a lot.
    I wish we felt like gardening...I could live on beans, peas!

  22. Not retired just yet (coming soon), but I am already trying to figure out what we can do without so that we can get used to what's around the corner. Groceries right now are ridiculous! I don't even shop the middle aisles anymore and I still spend way more that I want to. Fresh vegetables are awful high too. I'm really thinking of building a greenhouse.

  23. I buy the Pedigree Hip and Joint treats for Two at Target. I've never seen them at WM when I looked. I also buy my toilet paper at Target when it is on sale. I haven't ever compared how much it is a roll though. Last week I bought a huge pack that has 30 rolls in it I think that was $14.99 and if you bought 2 you got a $5 gift card so I bought 2 but I also had 2 coupons to get $1.50 off each and another coupon to get $2.00 off. I'm roughly a half hour drive to any store I would go to so I'm used to that but I try my best to really buy a lot on sale so I won't have to go back anytime soon! Milk is cheaper at Sams here too.

  24. Rant 1 - I have done that myself.

    Rant 2 - I need to check on the cost of our paper better - is that one soft - I think I tried that before. I use Cottonelle.

    And we are too on a budget! It is hard.

  25. How neat that you have a Winn Dixie! I try not to do the math. It makes me a little crazy. I just do the best I can and cut back where I can. And as much as I wish I didn't shop at Walmart - you just can't beat their prices.

  26. You are so right! Prices have skyrocketed (more) in just the past few weeks!

  27. We don't have a dog, so I can't really relate to Rant #1, but Rant #2 I can agree with. We always do the math before deciding which size to buy. It's amazing how often the 'economy' size costs more. Rant #3 made me feel better -- our milk isn't quite that expensive -- yet.

  28. Rant #1, stores are always changing brands to maximize sales. If one product isn't selling enough units they will replace it. The Petchup and Muttstard is cute and according to Jake, tasty.

    Rant #2, the TP did sound like a good deal until you realize you are paying $.97 for that extra roll. At most stores you can look at the shelf tag below the product for unit pricing. That is the best way to make sure you are getting a good deal. And even when a product is on sale there might be another product on the shelf that is a better deal. It took awhile to try several different ones but I have found a store brand of TP that I like better than the big name brands and it is cheaper.

    I worked in the grocery industry too long, I don't shop sales but compare pricing. Sale are a way to lure you in and get you to spend as much as possible.

  29. I hear you, Sandra. My husband and I live on a fixed income too!

  30. Andrew just lost his argument about the things he learns in school have no purpose after you get out. I have my proof.

    Everything is going sky high. I think one of the many reasons could be they have thinned the family farms and replaced them with corporations. Corporations' goal is to be rich. A framer's is simply to make a living.

    Oh, my! I have ranted on your rant.

  31. I'll be checking out that supplement for Roxy and Rambo.
    I read shelf tags. I shop at Aldi and Wal-mart. I pay 3.09 for milk at Aldi and 1.29 for wheat bread and 1.99 for 12 grain bread. and yes, there is an Aldi in Cary...I've already been in it. :)
    food prices are getting out of control!

  32. This is an interesting post, Sandra, and some great comments as well.

    Between being on fixed income and a person living alone, food has become sort of a crazy issue to me. One thing I have done is cut way back on meat eating, I have never cared too much for meat so that's not hard to do. I am seriously reading up on vegetarian diets and will probably do without meat very soon. I love homemade soups and that is a dollar stretcher too, I think.


    Jo in MN

  33. The shops are sneaky sometimes, they increase the prices. I dont dare to calculate what we spend on cheese every year :/ love cheese. Have a great week and happy easter

  34. Wow! Am I happy that I never became a fan of Starbucks and Lattes. Thanks for the info I will remain to be not a fan. :) Glad the Petchup is working for Jake and his meds. Those are pretty cool names for those products. Hugs!
