Friday, April 18, 2014

Solar Halo

While sitting by the pool, Bob said Look Up and there it was, Solar Halo Thursday Noon/

Go to EarthSky if you want to read up on what these are and why they are there.

Or HuffingtonPost which has a lot  of info, below is a few lines from the Post

Also known as a 22 degree halo or a sun halo, the ring is caused by sunlight passing through ice crystals in cirrus clouds within the Earth's atmosphere, 

 I used my old Nikon and said, I am not supposed to shoot into the sun, bad for the camera, but I want an excuse for a new one... the ring was so large I could not back off far enough to get the entire ring, because of house and trees.

Dear Paranoid people who check behind shower curtains for murderers......if you find one, what's your plan?   unknown

Heh heh heh   so ME


  1. Wonderful. What a beautiful sight. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Pure magic! I wish I had been the one to see and photograph this!

  3. I just slide my shower door open to Your photos are really pretty - and mystical.

  4. Very neat... I've seen that before and even read the explanation.. BUT--it's still fun to see... Amazing, this world of ours, isn't it???

  5. sun halos and moon halos are so cool!

    laughed at the shower curtain. :)

  6. Fantastic photos! And the note to the paranoid among us gave me a good laugh. :-))

  7. Neat photos of the halo! As to the shower curtain, I'd probably grab a cat and throw at 'em! Those claws would do some damage. haha!

  8. Great photos of this extraordinary phenomena Sandy. I've only ever seen one once and it certainly wasn't as vibrant as this one. Have a great weekend, Happy Easter :)

  9. You might be THE MS but Bob is MS assistant!! What a gorgeous shot!!
    LOL by the time I look behind the shower curtain I'm nekkid and there would be streaking involved. If I found someone there and you were here you'd be a snapping fool!
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Incredible and wonderful!!! I think most people never see such a thing in their lifetime. But you said something that bothered me. I always face my camera into the sun when shooting sunsets. I try not to look at the full sun myself, but I did not know it is bad for a camera?

  11. That is amazing...thanks for sharing those great shots!!

  12. That ring is so pretty...good that you captured it so well

  13. I love that shot! I wont point my camera in the sun (lol) but I love the results. Have a great Friday!

  14. That is so cool! Guess I should go outside more often :)

  15. Sitting by the pool???? Ugh, it will be a month before we open ours and I am counting the days! That ring is so amazing, I never knew any of that. I am so glad you shared! Love those photos!

  16. Great captures and I didn't now you shouldn't shoot into the sun. Not that I do, except for on real wintry days, of the kind I don't think you get in FL.

  17. Amazing photos. I, too, am a sower curtain checker.

  18. We had one of those a couple of months ago. Pretty neat.

  19. Wow...this is absolutely phenomenal!!!

  20. LOL! Now I know why I never looked...what would I do?????...I thought it was bad for your eyes!!!!...:)JP

  21. Amazing photos.

    Wishing you a nice Easter weekend.

  22. Beautiful! I saw one the other day...and guess who didn't have her camera!

  23. Awesome shots!
    I have been shooting direct sun shots for a long time and so far it hasn't killed my camera so no new one.

    I like Cheryl's solution to the shower curtain and murder, toss a cat or two in the shower and the murder will be screaming for mercy.

  24. You did a great job getting these solar halos, but I'm afraid that you're not going to be able to get a new camera out of this exercise.

  25. You have fantastic pictures of this sun halo.

  26. You have such a cool way of looking at things! AND you think of stuff most of us never would!!
    Did I miss the post about health you mentioned you were going to do?

  27. I've never seen that phenomenon. It must have been exciting to see it. I have seen it around the moon but not the sun.
    Squirt shampoo in his eyes and turn the shower on him. We have a hand held one. Come to think of it we don't have a shower curtain but a clear glass wall so I don't have to be paranoid about who is on the other side.

  28. Sandra, what a cool sighting of the halo. It is beautiful... Have a great weekend and HAPPY Easter!

  29. Wow! Amazing shots, hope your camera is still okay though. Thanks for sharing these. Hugs

  30. Wonderful, Sandra. Have a great weekend.

  31. Wow! These are AWESOME shots! Happy Easter to you two!

  32. Wow, impressive. Happy Easter to you.

  33. Amazing...lucky you to get to see it. I check for spiders...but if a murderer was hiding there The jokes on Him...I would die of fright first and spoil his pleasure of murdering me. Have a Happy and blessed Easter my friend. Hugs from Dee

  34. Wow that is awesome. So glad Bob told you to look up.
    I use to check under my bed and inside the closet at night for anyone hiding there. I'm way less paranoid now.

  35. these are wonderfully creative!

    happy easter to you and yours!!

  36. Beautiful. Your so funny.

    Im going to try this for a new camera but I do shoot into the sun.Wonder how long it takes.

    Happy Easter.
