Sunday, April 6, 2014

Why? Why? - Black n White Sunday

Men demand the right to be free from time to time; women demand the right to be heard from time to time.

When a man feels free he finds it easier to support a woman's need to be heard;

IF  When a woman feels heard she finds it easier to support a mans need to be free.

Excerpt from WikieSummaries on Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

Does this mean Bob is free to hang his jeans on the door knob?, place magazines on the tub?

He HEARD me when I said "WHY did you hang those there?"

He said "because they are WET"...

Is this a valid reason? Should he be FREE to hang them there? Did he hear me?

Did I feel FREE for him to hear me?

Does it feel easier for me to support his freedom to hang wet jeans on the door knob?

DOES THIS EVEN MATTER TO YOU AT ALL? UPDATE: Bonnie asked why they were wet. Same question I asked him...
Answer: The battery fell out of my plane and I had to walk the whole 3 acre field looking for it. Seems they had used the sprinkler system earlier and his jeans were dragging in the wet grass..


  1. Your anger really shows in your edit of the picture. Didn't almost need to read the text! :)

  2. Good post Sandra but life's too short to worry about wet jeans on a door knob. lol

  3. I just want to know why they are wet!


  4. AHhhhh this is true love. Thank the LORD the jeans are not hanging on the front door Knob. LOL

  5. I am working very hard at trying to be quiet (like you told me) and not mention the things that bother me, however I am finding that I think he does stuff on purpose because he knows it bothers me and then he can say "Is there anything your not angry about!"

  6. Loved this. Loved the photo and the edit. Nice work

  7. All too familiar to me! I'm giggling at some of the comments, too.

  8. Wonderful post!

    I find myself asking the same questions of Hubby.

    Hey, at least Bob hung them up!

  9. I can't really relate. I'm much more of a messy clothes person than hubby. Go figer. ;)
    Have a happy week Sandra!
    xo Catherine

  10. when it comes to men and the things they do, I stopped asking why. I was curious about why his jeans were wet though so I'm glad someone else wanted to know

  11. You should try living with Kelly and Andy - you would love his jeans there!

  12. This made me laugh. They can't quite figure out why we get peeved at things like this. Definitely Venus and Mars :)

  13. I tease my husband all the time about being messy. I always ask him didn't he learn to be organized in the military?? lol

  14. I have learned to be wiser picking my battles now ~ or I shall never be heard . lol
    Men are from Venus, Women are from Mars ~ so they say .

  15. Love the edit on the pic.

    And I gotta say - the comment about the jeans not being hung on the FRONT door knob is hysterical..... and a blessing to count! LOL

  16. You posted late today! I checked at lunchtime and NO post! Well, now I see you on my sidebar. Bob is a good boy, at least he did not hang them back in the closet, causing mildew on all the other clothes!!

  17. Gotta love the way men think. I find it all amusing but don't let it get to me. Then there are times I just have to ask why.

    Another difference. A man walking in a wet field gets the legs of his jeans wet. A woman walking in a wet field would roll up the legs of her jeans to keep them dry.

    That is a very artistic shot of the wet jeans.

  18. Wow, Bob can really come up with some creative excuses!! :-)

    And I love the photo, btw.

  19. You do realize that we don't ever take you seriously, don't you????! HAHAHA

  20. better to hang up wet pants...than to toss them on the floor or in the hamper to make everything else Hubby hangs his clothes on chairs...door never know where you will find them...

  21. Hanging a wet jeans in the door knob is not advisable it can be hanged in the hanger to get off the wet soon. If it is in door knob it will be late to dry.
    I too used to be shouting at the house to keep the things where it is!

  22. Dang MS you must have posted this later yesterday. We came by very early. BRAVO on the B&W and I' support your cause! Men are from Mars
    Hugs Madi and Mom

  23. Ha - you are sooooo funny, and I always get a big smile on my face when I visit your blog!!!

  24. this made me laugh.

    but i have to say that that first photo is seriously terrific!

  25. Sweet Sandra you are just too funny!! Thank you for the laughs this morning. Hugs

  26. I tell Jim: HANG THEM IN THE GARAGE!!!! Really, I do! He is good about it, too. Other things...not so much. Great post...I know you are just kidding around!

  27. This post gave me new laugh lines.
